
  • 网络Shared Value;share value;common value
  1. 通过让更多人意识到应努力减少浪费,建设负责任、修复和再利用的文化,可以在共同价值观和责任的基础上建立客户忠诚度。

    By creating more awareness around your efforts to reduce waste , and by developing a culture of responsibility , repair , and reuse , you can build customer loyalty based on shared values and responsibilities .

  2. 他们在负责麦肯锡咨询公司的调查研究项目结论中归纳出管理的七要素(7s),即战略、结构、制度、人员、技术、作风和共同价值观。

    They summarized the conclusions of the management of seven elements ( 7s ), strategy , structure , systems , personnel , technology , style and shared values when they are responsible for the McKinsey research project .

  3. 选择一个具有相同利益和共同价值观的组织。

    Choose an organization with the same interests and common values .

  4. 出庭律师公会当选主席、皇家大律师迈克尔托德(MichaelToddQC)表示:交流计划无论在增进对比较法律制度的了解和认知,还是在分享和促进共同价值观方面都扮演着关键角色。

    Michael Todd QC , chairman-elect of the Bar Council said : Exchange schemes play a vital role both in raising understanding and awareness of comparative legal systems and in sharing and promoting common values .

  5. 西方尤其是起初持怀疑态度的美国总统乔治HW布什(GeorgeH.W.Bush)终于意识到,戈尔巴乔夫所言当真他确实希望建立实现人类共同价值观的世界新秩序。

    The west , in particular an initially sceptical President George H.W. Bush , came to realise Mr Gorbachev meant what he said he did want a new world order , with common human values .

  6. 俄罗斯驻欧盟大使弗拉基米尔•奇若夫(VladimirChizhov)常常一脸微笑却深藏不露,一谈到共同价值观及法治事业之类问题的时候就会让他这样的俄罗斯官员灼痛难忍。

    Talk of common values and the rule of law causes heartburn among such Russian officials as Vladimir Chizhov , a smiling and impenetrable ambassador to the EU .

  7. 团结在共同价值观和共同人性的旗帜下。

    To unite around our common valuess and our common humanity .

  8. 寻找一个有共同价值观的人。

    Look for someone with a compatible value system .

  9. 自发社会力:走向经济全球化的共同价值观

    Spontaneous Sociability : A View of Value toward Globalization

  10. 欧盟喜欢将自己看作一个享有共同价值观的社区。

    The EU likes to think of itself a community of shared values .

  11. 美国作为一个拥有共同价值观的共和国的理念受到威胁了吗?

    Is the idea of America as a republic of shared values under threat ?

  12. 他们一直坚持在波士顿成长时接受的共同价值观,阿弗莱克说:

    With the two having never veered from their shared Boston upbringing , Affleck observe

  13. 仁义礼智信与建构共同价值观

    Confucianism and the Establishment of Common Values

  14. 社会共同价值观具有普遍性、结构性、稳定性等特征,具有凝聚功能、导向功能和规约功能。

    Social common values is of universality , construction , coagulability , direction and standardization .

  15. 企业的共同价值观决定着企业的活动方式和行为模式。

    In enterprise , line of action and behavior mode are decided by peer value .

  16. 其文化特质鲜明的体现在企业有正确指导思想、共同价值观、自成体系的理念系统、讲诚信道德和对企业发展战略与制度的认同上;

    Its cultural features include correct guideline , common value , ideal system , honesty and credit .

  17. 仅有18%的受访者表示,欧洲和中国有足够的共同价值观,可以进行合作。

    Only 18 per cent said that Europeans and the Chinese had enough common values to co-operate .

  18. 以“价值观”为基础的使命管理,以统一员工的使命为导向,倡导具有共同价值观基础的使命管理,使管理的发展又走向了一个新阶段。

    The mission-based management starts with the employees mission , which makes the management step to new stage .

  19. 并且这带来了和她有着共同价值观和兴趣的新的社交圈的副好处。

    And it 's had the side benefit of a new social circle sharing her values and interests .

  20. 论社会共同价值观

    On social common values

  21. 共同价值观的目的在于提醒员工企业的目标所在:卖书。

    The shared values were intended to remind employees of the purpose of the business : to sell books .

  22. 而社会地位的不同,也决定了地域知识分子形成共同价值观,社会关怀的体系。

    This situation motivated local intellectuals to elaborate a system of common values and a sense of internecine sympathy .

  23. 弘扬儒家文化,抵制西化,倡导共同价值观,增进社会共识。

    Carry forward the Confucian culture , resist " westernization ", advocate " the Shared values ", improve social consensus .

  24. 比起独立带来的任何潜在好处,维护支撑着一整套生活方式的共同价值观要重要得多。

    The importance of preserving the shared values underpinning a whole way of life far outweighs any possible advantages of independence .

  25. 企业核心竞争力综合体现了企业的共同价值观、多种功能和技术力等。

    The core competitive edge of enterprises is characteristic of the common view of value , multi - functions and technical capacity .

  26. 随着我们变得越来越多样化,我们必须更加努力地团结在共同价值观和共同人性的旗帜下。

    As we become ever more diverse , we must work harder to unite around our common valuess and our common humanity .

  27. 见利思义和劳动致富等逐渐成为全社会的共同价值观;

    The whole society has cultivated the common value of thinking of justice when seeing the benefit and making fortune by hard work .

  28. 我们是不是应该假设没有共同价值观,让我们通过共同工作,来擦出这种未知的火花呢?

    Should we make the assumption that there is no common value and let 's just build this unknown spark by common work ?

  29. 底线道德与共同价值观在功能和地位上构成了公共精神不可或缺的两部分。

    " The base line of morals " and " the common values " are the two indispensable parts which consist of public spirit .

  30. 社会共同价值观是在一定历史时期的特定社会共同体中各社会阶层的社会成员普遍认同并持有的价值观。

    Social common values is what the society members at all levels generally agree to and have belief in during a specific social stage .