
  • 网络Shared Service;Shared Server
  1. 启用Web应用程序模式共享服务(用户)

    Enabling web application pattern shared services ( user )

  2. 此处展示的是通过Web应用程序模式使用共享服务的使用情况。

    What is demonstrated here is one usage of shared services by way of the Web Application pattern .

  3. 共享服务模式下WEB框架的设计与应用

    The Design and Realization of Web Application Framework Based on Shared Service Model

  4. 并用WEBService实现中间件的功能,进行历史遗留数据库和新数据库的数据共享服务的测试。

    And use the Web Service to realize the middleware and test data-shared service in Web Service .

  5. 应用面向对象的资源建模方法和多Agent技术,提出了一种基于资源共享服务平台的网络化制造资源模型。

    The resource model for NM based on resource sharing service platform is presented by applying object-oriented resource modeling method and multi-Agent technology .

  6. 我们有两个转变,从SAP解决方案的共享服务组织。

    We have transformed the shared service organization with two solutions from SAP .

  7. 研究了基于语义Web技术的制造资源获取方法,讨论了网络化制造模式下资源集成和快速重构方法,提出了资源共享服务平台支持下的网络化制造资源获取和集成模型。

    The method of manufacturing resource acquisition based on semantic Web technology is studied , and integration and rapid reconfiguration of resource in NM environment is expounded .

  8. Rational令牌和用于RationalLicenseKeyServer的共享服务的使用都支持从某一个高度共享的池动态分配许可。

    Use of Rational tokens and a shared service for Rational License Key Server allows licenses to be allocated from a highly shared pool dynamically .

  9. 单击Deploy,稍后即可使用您的共享服务。

    Click Deploy and a short time later your shared services are ready to be used .

  10. 本体提供了共享服务的公司和组织之间的协定(agreement),相关概念的含义可以明确无误的被表达出来;

    Agreements among companies , organizations sharing common services can be made with regard to their usage and the meaning of relevant concepts can be expressed unambiguously ;

  11. 这些API准备好后,就可以用这两个组件上的一系列操作来设计我们的照片共享服务了。

    With these APIs in hand , you can now design our photo sharing service as a set of operations on the two components .

  12. 他是IBMPlatformasaService产品的共享服务(如,日志、监控和缓存服务)和服务(疑难解答)的技术负责人。

    He is the technical lead for shared services ( like logging , monitoring , and caching services ) and services ( troubleshooting ) for the IBM Platform as a Service products .

  13. SIG中的元数据共享服务体系研究与实践

    Researching and implementing metadata sharing services architecture of spatial information grid

  14. 该系统通过设置针对不同对象的代理监测技术实现了对系统的数据库服务、Web服务、电子邮件服务、文件共享服务等服务程序以及硬件资源的故障监测。

    By using the different agents , HA implements the functions as follows : monitoring the status of the data base services , Web services , Email services and file sharing services , detecting the hardware failures .

  15. 与许多主流图片共享服务类似,柯达Gallery的一项主要功能是帮助用户打印照片。

    Like many of its mainstream brethren , Kodak Gallery is squarely focused on getting you and your friends to print your pictures .

  16. 一个设计良好的照片共享服务就绪后,就可以在它上面放置任何类型的UI装饰了。

    With a well-designed photo sharing service in place , it should be possible to put any type of UI frills on top of it .

  17. 因此,课题采用了SOA面向服务的架构模式,它与传统开发方式相比,其具有标准化、松耦合、粗粒度和共享服务等特点。

    So this design has employed service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) pattern , which is advanced in standard , loose-couple , coarse-grained and sharing compared to the traditional development mode .

  18. 在考虑SOA和服务重用的成功因素和激励因素之前,一定要了解共享服务模型和重用的传统挑战和局限性。

    Before considering the success factors and motivators for SOA and service reuse , it is important to understand the traditional challenges and constraints with shared service models and reuse .

  19. 接下来的章节将讨论照片共享服务的本质,同时也会展示有了Zero中的这些组件后,这类应用程序的共同之处非常之多。

    The following sections discuss the nature of a photo sharing service and show that this type of application has a lot in common with the components that exist in Zero today .

  20. 提出了一种基于移动Agent的非集中式网格资源发现方法,通过Agent共享服务请求环境中重叠部分的信息,减少整个信息索存储空间的数量,从而提高了查找效率。

    A decentralized grid resource discovery method based on Mobile agent is studied in this paper , in which we let agents share information about the overlapping parts of the user profile and increases the search efficiency .

  21. 此次讨论曾多次提及文件共享服务商Dropbox公司,将其视为免费+增值模式的成功典范。

    Dropbox came up several times during the discussion as a freemium-based success story .

  22. 要从SOA获得好处,您需要在企业中引入组织变更,并在组成SOE的组织单位之间共享服务。

    To enable benefits from SOA , you need to bring about organizational changes in an enterprise , sharing services among the organizational units that make up the SOE .

  23. YouSendIt:提供易用的、基于网络的文件共享服务,可以取代FTP网站;

    YouSendIt , which replaces the FTP site with a simple-to-use , web-based file-sharing service .

  24. 改进的TFT算法,目的是充分利用节点的上传带宽,提供更多的共享服务。

    Third , we propose improved TFT algorithm to make full use of the upload bandwidth , and provide more shared services .

  25. NIS是通用数据库共享服务,可用于共享主机、密码和其它普通的基于文本的数据库。

    NIS is a general-purpose database-sharing service and can be used to share host , password , and other normally text-based databases .

  26. ICS是Windows操作系统提供给用户的一种互联网共享服务,他设置简单,管理方便,非常适合家庭网络环境。

    ICS is a service for Internet connection sharing provided by the Windows operation system . Simple in setting and convenient for management , it is suitable for the family networking environment .

  27. 通过使用WCF,他们把订单处理逻辑抽象到一个中央共享服务中去,这样其它渠道也可以使用。

    Using WCF , they abstracted order processing logic into a central shared set of services , that multiple channels can use .

  28. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的学生可以免费使用Napster(一种音乐共享服务)。

    Students at Pennsylvania State University enjoy free access to Napster , the music-sharing service .

  29. 如果该场为其他门户场提供用户配置文件、访问者、搜索、订阅和sso等共享服务,请选择此选项。

    Select this option if this farm provides shared services of user profiles , audiences , search , subscriptions and SSO to other portal farms .

  30. 本文通过共享服务中心实施过程的研究,识别出在其实施过程的主要风险因素,建立和评估风险评价指标体系,为实施SSC的企业提供风险管理措施。

    After study of SSC implementation , major risk factors of SSC implementation are identified , and a rational risk evaluation index system is established and evaluated .