
  • 网络over service
  1. 在亚洲,这些细枝末节通常是一种过度服务,例如在枕头上摆放兰花。

    In Asia , that tends to be over-service , like an orchid on the pillow .

  2. 结论减少无效、低效住院时间,控制过度服务,降低药费消耗比例,加强慢性病的预防与控制是降低大额医疗费用的有效途径。

    Conclusion The effective methods to decrease the expense of mint fee-for-service are decreasing the time of inefficacy or lower effect being in hospital , controlling the excess service , decreasing the proportion of drug expense and enhancing the control and prevent of chronic diseases .

  3. 德国零售业监管过度,服务业则需要增强竞争力。

    Retail is over-regulated and the service sector needs more competition .

  4. 使用者付费被说成是减少过度使用服务的一种办法,但实际上并非如此。

    While user fees have been promoted as a way to reduce the overuse of services , this is not what happens .

  5. 两项薪酬制度有机结合,优势互补,达到减少过度医疗服务和促进医院的健康发展双重目标。

    The combination of these two salary systems can eliminate the excessive medical service and improve the development of the hospital together .

  6. 前言:我国日益突出的卫生服务公平性、可及性问题,决定了遏制过度医疗服务是实现“优质低价”医院改革目标的当务之急。

    To improve the equity and availability of the health service , it was the key of hospital reform with the target of good quality and low price to restrain excessive medical services .

  7. 过度医疗服务是当前医疗服务过程中较为突出的问题,它主要表现在检查、治疗和医疗保健等方面,并刺激了医疗费用的不合理增长。

    Excessive medical services , which included excessive examination , excessive treatment and excessive medical care , became a severe puzzle in current medical services and led to irrational increase of medical expense .

  8. 本文通过对医疗服务市场基本特点与过度医疗服务互动关系的分析,提出实行医疗服务信息的强制披露制度,是遏制过度医疗服务的有效措施,也是医疗服务市场不可或缺的规则。

    Analyzing the characteristic of medical service market and the mutual relationship in excessive medical services , the paper suggested that compulsory exposure system should be an effective method to restrain excessive medical services and a necessary rule in medical service market .

  9. 医疗服务供方道德风险微观上表现在医生为了自身利益最大化诱导患者需求或者提供过度医疗服务等行为,宏观上表现在医疗卫生资源使用的低效率和医疗费用不合理的增长。

    On the micro aspect , provider moral hazards reflect that physicians provide excessive services or induce demands to fill their own profits On the macro aspect , it reflects that the low efficiency of medical resources usage and unreasonable growth of medical expense .

  10. 控制过度医疗提升服务质量

    Controlling over - treatment and improving service quality

  11. 致使法院在行使司法权的过程中过度强调主动服务而忽略了司法本身所具有的被动属性。

    Thus the judicial power to the court in the process of practice is excessive emphasis on active service while ignoring the passive property of justice itself .

  12. 有人认为收取医疗保健使用费可以收回成本,阻止过度使用卫生服务和过度享用保健服务。

    User fees for health care were put forward as a way to recover costs and discourage the excessive use of health services and the over-consumption of care .

  13. 研究报告补充说,在物流绩效指数榜上排名靠后的国家“往往陷入了过度管制、服务质量低下和投资不足的恶性循环”。

    Countries at the bottom of the index are " typically trapped in a vicious circle of overregulation , poor quality services , and underinvestment ," the study adds .

  14. 但是过度强调发展服务业造成了香港产业的空洞化,使其经济极易受到外部的冲击和影响。

    However , excessively emphasized service development has led to the Hong Kong 's industry cavity , which made its economy be subject to the exterior impact and influence easily .

  15. 正常情况下,中国的医院收取的服务费用是有限的,但可自由利用过度扩大医疗服务和过多提供包括药品在内的医疗产品来提高收入。

    Officially Chinese hospitals are limited in what they can charge for services , but are free to generate volume to boost revenue by over provision of services and medical products including medicines .

  16. 医疗服务提供方基于个人利益,倾向于提供过度的医疗服务,产生医疗道德风险行为,造成医疗资源配置的低效和医疗费用的不合理增长。

    Medical service providers tend to provide excessive medical services out of their personal interests , which leads to medical moral hazard , medical resource allocation inefficiencies and an irrational increase of medical expenses .

  17. 1973年美国临床心理学家弗登伯格首次提出职业倦怠的概念,此后该日益受到人们的关注,被广泛引用到教育、医疗等易过度工作的服务行业中。

    Freudenberger , a Clinical psychologist in America , first proposed " job burnout " concept in 1973 , since then have become an increasing attention has been widely used in education , health care and other easy to over-work in service industries .

  18. 格平均下调了20%至30%。方来英表示他们相信新政策会带来相同的结果。“本质核心是使医疗服务更加合理,与此同时减少不合理且过度的医疗服务。五家试点医院积累了丰富的经验,证明这条路是可行的。”

    Fang Laiying says they believe the new policies will the same results . " The core of the essence is to make medical services more reasonable , reduce unreasonable and excessive medical care . And the five experimental hospitals have accumulated rich experience to prove that this road is feasible . " The latest reforms also cover reimbursements .

  19. 难道现在还看不出,当今世界面临的主要宏观经济挑战是对大宗商品的过度需求和金融服务的过度供给吗?

    Is it not now clear that the main macroeconomic challenges facing the world today are an excess demand for commodities and an excess supply of financial services ?