
ɡuǎn lǐ fēnɡ ɡé
  • managerial style
  1. 女性的管理风格有什么不同吗?它会对公司业绩产生积极影响吗?

    Is the female managerial style different and could it positively influence companies ' performances ?

  2. 他的管理风格强调直接负责人的作用,每一个新活动或新项目都有直接负责人对此负责。

    His managerial style emphasises the role of the directly responsible individual – someone accountable for each new activity and project .

  3. 职工对她洒脱的管理风格反应很好。

    Staff respond well to her unbuttoned style of management .

  4. 研究表明,女性的管理风格往往具有更强的参与式特点。

    Studies have shown that women tend to be more participatory in their management style .

  5. 管理风格各有不同。

    Management styles differ .

  6. 在未来的几年Rational会遭受管理风格的变更吗?

    Will Rational undergo a change in leadership style over the coming years ?

  7. IBM甚至正在努力消除其白领管理风格的形象。

    IBM is even now trying to wash the starch out of its white-shirted management style .

  8. 但现在《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)在一篇长篇报道中援引对该公司现任及前任员工的数十次采访,对其管理风格进行了全新的揭露。

    But they have now been given a fresh outing in a lengthy expose in the New York Times , citing scores of interviews with present and past employees .

  9. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)的理查德•富尔德(RichardFuld)以脾气暴躁和管理风格令人生畏而闻名。

    Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers was known for his short temper and intimidating style .

  10. 晚年,他致力于帮助福特汽车(FordMotors)和施乐(Xerox)等公司的高层们改进他们的管理风格。

    In his later years , he helped executives at companies like Ford Motors and Xerox improve their management styles .

  11. 南京汽车(nanjingautomobilecorporation)收购了英国汽车厂商mg,南汽英国公司董事会王宏彪显然不太欣赏英国的工作伦理或管理风格。

    Wang Hongbiao , the senior UK executive of Nanjing Automobile Corporation , which has taken over mg , apparently does not think much of the British work ethic or management style .

  12. 此外,他们多数是中小企业的CEO,他们的管理风格往往更为保守,在经营中更少举债,更侧重于投资内部业务,而不是通过收购实现增长。

    They also tend to be CEOs of smaller businesses and to have more conservative management styles , using less leverage and investing more in internal operations than on acquisitions .

  13. 在亚马逊(Amazon)的管理风格遭到尖锐批评之后,这家网上零售商的首席执行官杰夫贝索斯(JeffBezos)迅速进行了辩驳。

    Jeff Bezos , chief executive of Amazon , has mounted a rapid defence of the online retailer he founded after a stinging attack on its management style .

  14. 与imf成员国代表及该组织工作人员的谈话表明,上任之初的拉加德信心满满,已经展现出与前任完全不同的管理风格。

    Conversations with representatives of shareholder countries and IMF staff suggest MS Lagarde has made a confident start , and has already shown signs of a distinctly different management style to her predecessor .

  15. 如果组织的项目管理风格是较少定义或是分散管理型,RBS将在组织安全模型中扮演不太重要的角色。

    If your organization 's project management style is generally less defined or is decentralized , then RBS might play a less important role in your organization 's security model .

  16. 在阿里巴巴内部,不少人十分欣赏张勇国际化的管理风格,这在一定程度上要归功于他早期在安达信会计师事务所(ArthurAndersen)和普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)工作时得到的训练。

    Within Alibaba , there is admiration for Mr. Zhang 's cosmopolitan management style , in part honed during stints early in his career at Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers .

  17. 民营科技企业发展模式与管理风格研究

    Research on Private Technological Enterprises ' Development Modes and Management Styles

  18. 她吹毛求疵的管理风格使每个人都不舒服。

    Her pernickety style of managing was highly irritating for everyone .

  19. 通江支行个人信贷部(管理风格案例)

    Personal Credit Dept. of Tong Jiang Bank ( A Case );

  20. 法国经理是拿破仑式的人物,有着帝国式的管理风格。

    French managers are Napoleonic and their management style is imperial .

  21. 金德勒表示,他喜欢到处走动的管理风格。

    Mr Kindler says he relishes the peripatetic management style .

  22. 了解老板的管理风格,学会适应。

    Learn your boss 's style of management and adapt to it .

  23. 他的毫无章法也体现在管理风格上。

    His lack of protocol is also reflected in his management style .

  24. 新的精明管理风格在这些员工里不受青睐。

    The new hard-nosed management style is unpopular amongst employees .

  25. 试着问问你的潜在上级,她如何描述自己的管理风格。

    Try asking your potential supervisor how she would describe her management style .

  26. 学校管理风格不能正确评价所付出的努力;

    The improper evaluation of school 's management style to teachers ' endeavor ;

  27. 管理风格:对它来说粗暴无礼倒是一种礼貌。

    Management Style : " Brusque " would be a polite term for it .

  28. 内地民营女企业家的管理风格及其影响因素

    A Study on the Managerial Styles of Chinese Women Entrepreneurs and the Influence Factors

  29. 能谈谈你的管理风格是怎样形成的吗?

    Can you tell me more about how you developed your own management style ?

  30. 另一项挑战是在管理风格方面。

    Another challenge lies in management styles . '