
  • 网络Industrial Gas
  1. 中国获益最丰的领域是工业气体减排项目,尤其是制冷剂副产品氢氟烃(HFC)。

    China has benefited most through projects that reduce industrial gases , particularly HFC , a byproduct of making refrigerants .

  2. 赖茨勒现在是豪瑞(Holcim)的董事长,他曾花费十年时间对一度笨重的林德集团进行彻底改革,出售了不需要的业务,将整个集团的业务集中在三块:工业气体、医疗以及工程。

    Mr Reitzle , now chairman of Holcim , spent a decade at Linde overhauling a once unwieldy conglomerate by selling unwanted businesses and focusing the group on three areas : industrial gases , medical equipment and plant engineering .

  3. 同时,H:作为清洁的能源也是一种非常重要工业气体。

    At the same time , the hydrogen , as a clean energy , is also a very important industrial gas .

  4. PVDF微滤膜以其疏水性已成功地应用于油水分离、废水处理、工业气体过滤等场合。

    At present , the PVDF membrane is successfully used in the oil-water separation , waste water disposal and gas filtration .

  5. 以HF气体检测为例,简要介绍了基于数字式控制模块的可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱学方法的工业气体分析技术。

    An online gas analyzer with taking HF gas detection as an example based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy ( TDLAS ) technique is presented .

  6. 因此,德国工业气体和医疗气体公司林德(Linde),看到了这个世界人口最多的国家对医疗氧气和其他呼吸系统疾病治疗方法的巨大需求。

    Linde , the German industrial and medical gases company , therefore sees a huge need for oxygen and other respiratory therapies in the world 's most populous country .

  7. 光学检测法用于工业气体检测的研究

    Study on the Application of Optical Detection to Industrial Gas Detection

  8. 我国工业气体制备、输送的发展状况

    Status Quo of Production and Conveyance Development of Industrial Gases in China

  9. 我国工业气体标准的发展与现状

    The Development and Present Situation of The Industry Gases Standards in China

  10. 金融危机影响下的全球主要工业气体集团发展概评

    Development Survey on Global Industrial Gas Groups Under Financial Crisis

  11. 许多工业气体项目纷纷建设投产。

    Many industrial projects have been constructed during this time .

  12. 聚焦2005、2006工业气体市场

    Focus on Industrial Gases Market in 2005 And 2006

  13. 现已证明,工业气体能提高地球大气的温度。

    Industrial gases have been shown to increase temperatures in Earth 's atmosphere .

  14. 国内外工业气体市场概况

    A Survey of Industrial Gases in Worldwide Markets

  15. 工业气体急性中毒引致心肌损害30例分析

    Myocardial damage caused by acute industrial gas poisoning : a clinical analysis of 30 cases

  16. 络合物电位滴定法测定工业气体及废水中硫化物含量的研究

    Study on the Determination of Sulphide in Industrial Gas and Waste Water by Complex Potentiometric Titration

  17. 这涉及到防止工业气体排放到大气中,这些气体会在大气中吸收热量。

    That involves preventing industrial gases from escaping into the atmosphere where they can trap heat .

  18. 戴维森说,另外一个影响因素就是二氧化碳和其他工业气体的排放。

    Mister Davidson says another influence is the release of carbon dioxide and other industrial gases .

  19. 高温工业气体含有大量的物理热、化学潜热及可利用的物质,如固体催化剂,它的合理利用有十分巨大的经济价值。

    Gas filtration at high temperatures is of great economical value in heat utilization and materials recovery .

  20. 因此,对工业气体项目进行风险评估和管理研究具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the risk assessment and management research for the industrial gas projects has much practical significance .

  21. 作为一名受过专业训练的化学家,比歇勒在谈到工业气体的可能应用时变得兴致勃勃。

    A trained chemist , Mr B ü chele becomes animated when discussing possible applications for industrial gases .

  22. 因此,本文的分析过程和提出的一些观点,对工业气体项目的风险分析和评估工作,具有一定的参考价值。

    Therefore , the analysis has some reference value for the related risk analysis and assessment of industrial gas projections .

  23. 这些项目包括风力发电机、从下水道获取甲烷、以及用于过滤工厂烟囱内有害工业气体的技术。

    These include wind turbines , capturing methane from sewage works and technology used in factory chimneys to destroy harmful industrial gases .

  24. 第六,总体而言,人均工业气体污染物排放量随人均收入水平上升而减少。

    Sixth , overall , the per capita industrial gas pollutant emissions increased with the level of per capita income is reduced .

  25. 中国工业气体市场发展现状如何?未来是一个什么发展趋势?作为企业应该采取哪些应对策略?

    China 's industrial gas market development present situation ? What is a development trend of future ? As the enterprise should adopt strategy ?

  26. 综述了近两年全球工业气体市场,着重论述了北美、欧洲、亚洲地区的气体市场。

    The world industrial gases , electronic gases markets are summarized , focusing on the industrial gases businesses in North America , Europe , Asia .

  27. 这些工业气体加上制冷机械中使用的氟利昂气体对地球环境造成了严重的危害。

    These gases , together with the chemical compounds and refrigerants that belong to the Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ), have been causing our environment serious damages .

  28. 综述了我国工业气体标准的发展及现状,并提出了我国气体标准化的近期任务。

    Summarized the development and present situation of the industry gases standards in China , and given the immediate task of gases standardizing for our country .

  29. 这是第一次由多个行业达成的协议,运用市场体系来减少工业气体排放。

    This is the first time that businesses operating in more than one industry have agreed to use a market-based system to reduce industrial gas emissions .

  30. 圆管管片式换热器在工程领域中有广泛的应用,包括空调、工业气体加热器和冷却器等。

    Fin-tube heat exchangers are employed in a wide variety of engineering applications , for example , in an air conditioning , gas heating equipment and condenser , etc.