
  • 网络industrial steam turbine;industrial turbine
  1. 工业汽轮机抽汽调节阀杆振动断裂原因分析及探讨

    Fracture analysis and Research on extractive control valve stem of industrial turbine

  2. 工业汽轮机滑动轴承修刮技术探讨

    Discussion on Repairing and Scraping Technologies for Sliding Bearings of Industrial Turbine

  3. 基于PLC的小型工业汽轮机控制系统

    The Control System of Small Industrial Steam Turbine Based on PLC

  4. 工业汽轮机调节系统的模糊PID控制器设计

    Study of Fuzzy PID Controller for Industrial Steam Turbine Governing System

  5. 本文的主要内容如下:第一章,阐述了工业汽轮机转子NC代码自动生成的研究背景,讨论了目前的数控自动编程技术的研究现状,并提出了现在NC代码自动生成中所存在的问题。

    The main content is as follows : In Chapter One , this dissertation describes the research background of NC code automatically generation of industrial steam turbine rotor , and discusses the situation of the NC automatic programming technology .

  6. 最后以工业汽轮机叶片的反求建模为例,展示应用RE-SOFT并结合商业CAD建模软件进行反求建模的基本方法。

    Finally , an example for the modeling of an industrial gas turbine blade is given to show the basic methods of reverse modeling in RE-SOFT with the assistance of commercial CAD software .

  7. N1.0-35型工业汽轮机振动故障的分析与处理

    Analysis and dealing with of vibration failure of N1 . 0-35 steam turbine

  8. 为了能有效地解决转子复杂、精密零件的加工问题,本文研究了工业汽轮机转子NC代码自动生成方法,以此来减少工业汽轮机转子数控编程所花时间,提高数控编程效率,缩短生产周期。

    In order to effectively solve the processing problem of complex and precision rotor , this paper researches automatically generated NC programming of industrial steam turbine rotor . It can reduce the time spent to NC programming , improve the efficiency of NC programming and shorten the production cycle .

  9. 介绍与60kt/a硫酸装置配套的N1.0-35型工业汽轮机的结构、技术参数以及一次振动故障。

    N1.0-35 steam turbine equipped for a 60 kt / a sulphuric acid plant is described with respects to its construction , technical parameters and a vibration failure caused by the movement of unite center and erosion of inner gear in coupling .

  10. 三系列工业汽轮机转子加工的探讨

    Researching rotor machining of the third series of industrial steam turbine

  11. 工业汽轮机转子的数控加工

    Machining of Industrial Steam Turbine Rotors Aided by Digital Control

  12. 小型工业汽轮机在除氧给水系统的应用

    Application of Small Industry Steam Turbine in System of Deaerating and Feedwater

  13. 工业汽轮机中的大批量定制原理

    The Principle of Mass Customization in the Industry Steam Turbine

  14. 面向技术准备的工业汽轮机CAD/CAM系统及其集成化

    Manufacture Preparation Oriented Integrated CAD / CAM System for industrial steam Turbine

  15. 基于因特网的工业汽轮机选型和报价系统

    The Design and Quote System for Industry Steam Turbine Based on Internet

  16. 提高工业汽轮机能力的改造

    Reform for increasing the capacity of an industrial turbine industry

  17. 微小型工业汽轮机智能交流伺服调节系统研究

    Research on Intelligent AC Servo Governing System of Miniature Industrial Steam Turbine

  18. 单片微机在工业汽轮机模拟调节系统中的应用

    Chip microprocessor application in the analogue regulation system of turbine

  19. 模块化工业汽轮机的现状和发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Development Trend for Steam Turbine of Building Block System

  20. 工业汽轮机调节系统动态特性的数学模型及仿真

    Mathematical Model and Simulation of Dynamic Characteristic for Industrial Steam Turbine Governing System

  21. 采用小型工业汽轮机驱动旋转设备的节能改造

    Transformation of Energy Saving by Using Small Industrial Turbines to Drive Rotary Equipment

  22. 工业汽轮机危急保安器结构及设计

    Construction and design of industrial steam turbine emergency protector

  23. 工业汽轮机油楔式径向轴承结构及性能分析

    Analysis on Configuration and Performance of Oil-Wedge-Type Journal Bearings for Industrial Steam Turbines

  24. 筒式工业汽轮机的结构和大修

    The structure and overhaul of industrial drum - turbine

  25. 工业汽轮机故障分析及处理

    Breakdown Analysis and Treatment for Industrial Steam Turbine

  26. 工业汽轮机是大型工业装备的关键动力设备。

    The industrial steam turbine is the important power equipment of large-scale industrial device .

  27. 汽轮机叶片疲劳设计在法国卅万吨合成氨成套设备工业汽轮机事故叶片改进设计上的应用

    The Fatigue Design of the Steam Turbine Bucket

  28. 饱和蒸汽工业汽轮机的成功运用

    Successfully Application of Industrial Turbine of Saturated Steam

  29. TDES&三系列工业汽轮机方案设计专家系统

    TDES & Expert System for the preliminary Design of Three Series Industrial Steam Turbines

  30. 工业汽轮机交流伺服调节系统设计与仿真

    Design and simulation of industrial steam turbine governing system based on AC servo motor