
  • 网络technology;Industrial Technology;Industry Technology
  1. 由于改革开放,中国的工业技术正向着越来越高的水平发展。

    Because of reform and opening , china 's industrial technology is advancing to everhigher levels .

  2. 工业技术人力资源开发网

    HRD Network for Industrial Technology IAP

  3. 工业技术结构的升级较依赖于内资工业与外资工业较小技术差距,因此,FDI对高技术行业的自主创新投入有积极的促进作用,但对一般技术行业的自主创新投入产生抑制。

    The upgrading of industrial structure depends on a smaller technology gap between domestic industry and foreign industry , therefore , FDI plays a positive role in promoting the independent innovation of technology-intensive industry , while inhibiting the independent innovation general-technology industry .

  4. 工业技术用纸干增强剂HDS-4B的制备及应用

    The Preparation and Application of HDS-4B as the Dry Strength Additive of Industrial Paper

  5. 1996~1997年度国内硫酸工业技术进展

    Technological advances of domestic sulphuric acid industry in 1996 ~ 1997

  6. 工业技术水平的综合评价方法及应用

    An Overall Evaluation of Industrial Technical Competance and Its Use

  7. 采购环节涉及工业技术经济及管理研究的领域,也是这几年管理领域一直关注的研究课题。

    Purchase involve the field of industrial technology economy and management study .

  8. 新世纪合成橡胶工业技术的方向

    Direction of synthetic rubber industrial technology in the 21st century

  9. 欧洲电影工业技术部联合会

    European Federation of the Technical Branches of the Film Industry

  10. 九五期间国内硫酸工业技术进展

    Technology Progress in Domestic Sulphuric Acid Industry During the Ninth Five-Year Plan

  11. 国外印染工业技术发展趋势(三)

    Development Trend of Foreign Dyeing & Finishing Technology (ⅲ)

  12. 有色金属工业技术经济设计规范

    Code for technical economy design of non-ferrous metals industry

  13. 广东工业技术创新状况实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Industry Technology Innovation Ability of Guang dong Province

  14. 我国轿车工业技术创新分析

    Analysis on the Technical Innovation of Chinese Car Industry

  15. 中国白酒工业技术进步与发展

    Technical Progress and Development in Liquor-making Industry in China

  16. 中国机械工业技术引进五十年

    Technical Introduction of Chinese Mechanical Industry for 50 Years

  17. 东北工业技术升级策略研究

    A Study of the Strategies of Technological Escalation of Industry in Northeast China

  18. 山口县工业技术中心,日本

    Yamaguchi Prefecture Technology Institute , Japan , 1999

  19. 山东煤炭工业技术改造发展前景

    Shandong : prospects for coal industry technical renovation

  20. 兵器工业技术装备更新改造问题浅议

    Elementary Exploration on the Renewal and Transformation of Technical Equipment of the Ordnance Industry

  21. 轻烃芳构化工业技术进展

    Review of Light Hydrocarbon Aromatization Commercial Technology

  22. 科技创新是推动采矿工业技术进步和促进采矿工业发展的动力。

    Technical innovation is the driving force promoting technical advancement and development of the mining industry .

  23. 激光熔覆是现代表面改性制造技术中的一种极有发展前途的高新技术,它作为一种新兴的金属表面处理技术,在工业技术领域显示出了广阔的应用前景。

    Laser cladding is widely applied in the industry as a new metal surface treatment technology .

  24. 随着工业技术的发展,由物体摩擦产生的噪声污染也越来越严重。

    With the development of industrial technology , noise pollution caused by body friction has been increasingly serious .

  25. 分析了四川省工业技术发展与技术创新的现状。

    The situation of industrial technique development and technique innovation in Sichuan Province is analyzed in this paper .

  26. 其他则是颂扬中国航天项目,工业技术和环境保护的主题彩车。

    " Others paid tribute to the country " s space program , industrial technologies and environmental awareness .

  27. 因此,研究中国汽车工业技术创新具有较强的应用价值和现实指导意义。

    So , study the technological innovation of Chinese auto industry has greater usage value and realistic directive significance .

  28. 现代工业技术的飞速发展,要求零件的制造精度越来越高,形状也越来越复杂。

    With the rapid development of industry technology , it demands parts have higher manufacture precision and more complex shape .

  29. 现代科学与工业技术的发展,使空气洁净技术得到日益广泛的应用。

    With the development of the modern science and industrial technology , air cleaning technology is being more and more widely used .

  30. 随着现代化工业技术的迅速发展,对型钢的品种、规格和产量的要求日益增高。

    Promptness develops , the breed , specification and the output request to section steel increase gradually height with modernizing industrial technology 's.