
ɡōnɡ huì zhǔ xí
  • Trade union chairman;chairman of trade union
  1. 工会主席的职位急寻候选人。

    Candidates are urgently sought for the post of trade union chairman .

  2. 里根曾经还是美国演员工会主席。

    He was also president of the Screen Actors Guild .

  3. 然而,常德纠纷的不同寻常之处在于,它涉及沃尔玛门店工会主席,该工会是受到严密控制的中华全国总工会(AllChinaFederationofTradeUnions)的分支机构。

    But the Changde protest was unusual in that it involved the head of the official store union , an affiliate of the tightly controlled All China Federation of Trade Unions .

  4. AJDuffy是洛杉矶联合教师工会主席。

    AJ Duffy is president of the United Teachers Los Angeles union .

  5. 尽管几个月内不会有比赛受到影响,球员工会主席DerekFisher还是向失望的球迷们表示同情。

    Although no games will be threatened for a few months , Derek Fisher , the president of the players union , said he empathized with disappointed fans .

  6. 然而,印度国家工会主席塔潘·森(TapanSen)否认服务规定中对机组人员的体重提出过任何限制。

    However , national union leader Tapan Sen denied that service rules mention any firm weight restriction for cabin crew .

  7. 工会主席RonGettelfinger周五表示,委员会的成员数字不包括不包括那些没有缴纳会员费的工人&例如说赌场员工。

    Union president Ron Gettelfinger said Friday that the membership figures don 't include workers who haven 't begun paying dues because they don 't have a contract & such as casino employees .

  8. 常德纠纷在5月27日的一场仲裁听证会上达到高潮,当时沃尔玛常德店工会主席黄兴国,与代表沃尔玛的中国本土精锐律师事务所金杜律师事务所(King&WoodMallesons)的律师当庭交锋。

    The Changde case came to a head at an arbitration hearing on May 27 when the head of the outlet 's union , Huang Xingguo , squared off against Walmart 's lawyers from King & Wood Mallesons , an elite Chinese law firm .

  9. 工会主席曼弗雷德•谢尔(ManfredSchell)在投票后表示:雇主选择了对抗,用法律诉讼来压我们。在投票中,有95.8%的人支持罢工。

    The employer has chosen confrontation and is deluging us with lawsuits , Manfred Schell , the union 's chairman , said after a ballot showing 95.8 per cent support for a strike .

  10. 我的皮叔叔被选为他们的工会主席。

    My uncle was adopted as chairman of their trade union .

  11. 工会主席伊塞里否认罢工将在星期三开始的报导。

    Union President Peter Esele denied reports the walkout is to begin Wednesday .

  12. 我们希望选举自己的工会主席,但要求遭到拒绝。

    We want to elect our own chairman but the request was turned down .

  13. 杰克当选为我们的工会主席,这事使他得意忘形起来。

    Jack 's election to the presidency of our union has turned his head .

  14. 人事部经理与工会主席身份合一的角色辨析

    Analysis of Roles of Human Resource Manager and Leader of Trade Union on One Man

  15. 我是个工会主席,每天那么多事情要做,干吗做这个?

    I am a union president , a day so many things to do , why do this ?

  16. 克里斯-保罗身为球员工会主席,为球员们、包括他自己争取大合同;

    Chris Paul , the president of the players ' union , has fought for bigger contracts for players like himself ;

  17. 对工会主席直接选举,工会外部的学者认为这是工会内部机制改革的一大举措;

    The direct election to a union chairperson is considered as a significant measure of internal mechanism reform in trade union organizations .

  18. 印度联合商工会主席库马尔说,区域贸易增加的潜力十分庞大。

    The head of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry , Rajiv Kumar , says the potential to increase regional trade is huge .

  19. 因此应该从明晰角色、明确职责、摆脱依附关系几个方面对工会主席进行角色调试。

    So the role of leaders in trade unions should be adjusted in such ways as clarifying roles , confirming responsibilities and getting rid of dependent situations .

  20. 代表纽约大都会歌剧院歌手和舞者的工会主席艾伦·戈登表示,他非常高兴公司同意延长谈判时间,但是他同时表示,

    Alan Gordon , President of the Union that represents the MET singers and dancers , said he was glad the company agreed to extend talks but added ,

  21. 自从他担任工会主席以来,他一直高高在上地发号施令,因而失去了很多老朋友。

    Ever since he became chairman of the trade union , he 's been throwing his weight about in the factory , and losing a lot of old friends .

  22. 做着这样那样的事情,基本上摧毁的是那些中产阶级的工作岗位,”美国最大的工会主席詹姆斯·霍法说道。

    Doing things like that , basically destroying those middle class jobs , " said James Hoffa , Jr. , the head of the largest labor union in the United States .

  23. 沃尔玛常德店工会主席黄兴国参与了此次纠纷,这激励了劳动者权利团体,它们表示,这是中国工人运动发展中的一个重大事件。

    The involvement of the union head , Huang Xingguo , in the Changde dispute excited worker rights groups , who said it was a significant event in the development of China 's labour movement .

  24. 零售、批发和百货公司工会主席斯图尔特·阿佩尔鲍姆发表了一则声明称:“亚马逊的自动化机器人如今将人类置于危及生命的危险之中,其后果可能是灾难性的,对80多名工人的长期影响尚不清楚。”

    Retail , Wholesale and Department Store Union President Stuart Appelbaum said in a statement : " Amazon 's automated robots put humans in life-threatening danger today , the effects of which could be catastrophic and the long-term effects for 80 plus workers are unknown . "

  25. 造成球员收入,包括其他篮球相关收入剧增的罪魁祸首就是球员工会主席保罗和副主席詹姆斯,他们想尽了一切办法让球员获取更大的利益。

    A direct link to the increased BRI ( as in " basketball-related income " - all the money ) negotiated by National Basketball Players Association president Paul and vice president James , who wisely made it a philosophical imperative to empower players in every way possible .

  26. 美国空中服务员工会联盟主席正在申请对严重违规的乘客处以监禁。

    The president of the Flight Attendants Union is seeking jail time for severely unruly passengers .

  27. 总工会副主席肖堃涛表示具有特殊技能的工人应该得到更高的薪水和尊重。

    Xiao Kuntao , vice president of the federation of trade unions , said workers with special skills should be given higher salaries and respect .

  28. 基层工会专职主席、副主席或者委员自任职之日起,其劳动合同期限自动延长。

    The labor contract of the full-time chairman , vice chairman or members of basic-level trade unions shall be extended from the date of his being elected .

  29. 这是一个工薪家庭在圣诞节前夕听到的最可怕的消息,当地车夫工会的主席乔治·米兰达在发表的一份声明中说。

    This is awful news to give a working family just before the holidays , George Miranda , president of the Teamsters local , said in a statement .

  30. 德国工会联盟主席迈克•松梅尔在接受《柏林日报》采访时也对各公司世界杯期间将实行的宽松政策表示欢迎。他表示,一起看足球赛能增强“团队凝聚力和激发员工的积极性”。

    Hundt 's counterpart at the German Federation of Trade Unions , Michael Sommer , welcomed the employers ' pledge of tolerance when asked by the Berliner Zeitung .