
ɡōnɡ yè jīnɡ jì
  • industrial economy;industrial economics
  1. 遗憾的是建立在工业经济与实体社会基础上的消费者行为理论不足以解释网络购买行为,简单延用4P框架和传统消费者行为理论难以阐明网络购买行为的内在机理。

    It is a pity that the online purchasing behavior can not be explained by the theory of consumer behavior based on the physical society and industrial economics , it is very difficult to clarify the inherent mechanism by using 4P frame and the theory of consumer behavior simply .

  2. 中国地区工业经济差异的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Disparities of Regional Industrial Economics in China

  3. WTO规则下的中国工业经济

    China 's Industrial Economy under the WTO Regulations

  4. 基于ARCH模型的工业经济预警系统

    Warning System of Industry Economy on ARCH Model

  5. 现代机械企业无论是在GDP的创造上还是进出口创汇上,在现代工业经济发展中都具有举足轻重的作用。

    Modern mechanical enterprise is vital in the development of modern industrial economy in the creativity of GDP , imports and exports .

  6. 本文使用DEA方法综合评价工业经济效益,为决策层对经济系统进行综合比较、评价提供了有效的技术经济手段。

    In this paper , we use DEA method to evaluate industrial economic benefits , and present an effective technical and economic tool for policy making body to compare and evaluate economic systems .

  7. 工业经济活动密度每增加1%,TFP增长率便下降0.6%,说明我国现阶段各城市因过度发展工业引起的产业结构失衡对全要素生产率带来了负面影响。

    If density of industry activity increases 1 % , TFP growth will decrease 0.6 % . This means industry of cities is unduly developed , and it begets a bad economy structure , adversely affecting productivity .

  8. 本文运用Topsis法对西部地区12省份工业经济效益指标(2004年)进行了选取、计算,得出相应结果,最后对西部地区12省份的工业经济发展状况进行了排序和综合评价。

    This article uses the Topsis method to analysis the industry benefit of west region . At last , comprehensive evaluation and the rank about the industry economy development in west region are obtained according to the computing result .

  9. 工业经济速度与效益协调发展研讨

    Discussion on coordination development of speed and efficiency of industrial economy

  10. 广州市工业经济增长模式研究

    A study on the growth pattern of industrial economy of Guangzhou

  11. 工业经济的变迁与中国现代文学

    The Vicissitudes of Industrial Economy and the Modern Literature of China

  12. 2002年我国涂料工业经济形势分析

    Anaiysis on the economical situation of the coatings industry in 2002

  13. 从工业经济到体验经济的广州消费需求

    From industry economy to experience economy of the Guangzhou consumption demand

  14. 工业经济是以从牛顿到麦克斯韦的科学技术知识为基础的经济;

    Industrial economy is based on knowledge of science and technology .

  15. 中药行业在我国是一个具有浓重的传统文化色彩的工业经济。

    Chinese Traditional Medicine industry has heavy culture color in China .

  16. 烟台市工业经济结构调整战略研究

    Study on Adjusting Strategies of Industrial Economic Structure in Yantai

  17. 兰州市工业经济增长质量实证分析及改善对策研究

    Positive Study of Lanzhou Industrial Economic Growth Quality and Countermeasures for Improving

  18. 宁波北仑形成港口大工业经济带

    Beilun in Ningbo forms a large industrial economic port belt

  19. 玉溪市工业经济发展思考

    Reflections on the Development of Yuxi 's Industrial Economy

  20. 内蒙古工业经济比较优势分析

    An analysis on industry comparative advantage in Inner Mongolia

  21. 江西县域工业经济的可持续发展问题探析

    On the Issues of Continuous Development of Industrial Economy in Counties in Jiangxi

  22. 桂林市工业经济增长方式论析

    A Study on the Industrial Growth Model in Guilin

  23. 四川省工业经济分析预测方法与信息系统研究

    Research on Economic Analysis and Forecast for Sichuan Province

  24. 从工业经济到知识经济:我国发展高新技术产业的战略选择

    From Industrial Economy to Knowledge Economy : Strategic Decision for Developing High Technology

  25. 工业经济、知识经济与教育改革

    Industrial Economy , Knowledge Economy and Education Reform

  26. 江油工业经济发展问题及对策研究

    Jiangyou Industrial Economy Development Problems and Solutions Research

  27. 工业经济时代的创新

    Innovation in the Times of the Industrial Economy

  28. 中国石油和化学工业经济运行2006年回顾及2007年展望

    Review of China 's oil and chemical industries in 2006 and prospects for 2007

  29. 贵阳市工业经济发展方向分析

    On Industrial and Economic Development Trend in Guiyang

  30. 中国工业经济与环境协调发展的经济计量研究

    The coordinated development of industrial economy and environment : An econometric analysis in China