
  • 网络bachelor of engineering;BEng;b.e.;B.Eng
  1. 他拥有北古吉拉特大学电子与通信工学学士学位。

    He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communication from North Gujarat University .

  2. 7月本科毕业于山东科技大学信息工程系软件工程专业,获得工学学士学位。

    In July 2007 I graduated from the soft engineering special branch of information engineering department in Shandong Science and Technology University , acquire the degree of Bachelor of Engineering .

  3. 米基科夫斯基拥有滑铁卢大学(UniversityofWaterloo)工学学士学位。某天他在骑自行车时突发奇想,为什么不设计一款能与智能手机无线相连的手表呢?而Kickstarter上无比成功的募资让他异常惊喜。

    The sudden swell in backing came as a surprise to Migicovsky , a University of Waterloo graduate with an engineering degree , who first dreamed up the idea of a watch that connected wirelessly with a smartphone while he was out cycling one day .

  4. 清华大学自动控制工学学士、硕士(1970年、1981年)。

    BS / MS , Control Theory and Applications , 1970 / 1981 , Tsinghua University .

  5. 工学学士-土木工程(法学)课程由工程学院与法学院合办:毕业生可同时获颁发工学学士学位及法学士学位。

    For BENG ( CivE-Law )( offered jointly by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law ): Bachelor of Laws degree ;

  6. 工商管理学学士(信息科技)课程由经济及工商管理学院与工程学院合办:毕业生可同时获颁发工商管理学士学位及工学学士(计算器科学)学位。

    For BBA ( IS )( offered jointly by the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Engineering ): Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science degree ;

  7. 曹晓军,37岁,本科,工学学士,工程师,毕业于天津大学机电分校自动化专业,2004年开始执业。

    Cao Xiaojun , 37 , the undergraduate course , engineering bachelor 's degree , engineer , and graduated from The Branch of Tianjin University The Technology and Electricity the automation the profession .