
  • 网络Workers' Daily;WORKERS DAILY;Daily Worker
  1. 据《工人日报》报道,调查显示,超过50%的职场人士存在不同程度的抑郁症状。

    A survey found more than 50 percent of China 's office workers show some symptoms of depression , the Workers ' Daily reported .

  2. 周三的工人日报上一篇文章报道称,河南省信阳市300多名当地官员功过一项特殊的测试。

    An article in Wednesday 's Workers ' Daily reported that over 300 local officials in Xinyang city in central Henan Province passed a special test recently .

  3. 根据《工人日报》近日报道,广州曾经有三家餐厅使用机器人服务顾客,目前其中两家已经关门歇业,剩下一家的机器人服务员已被“炒鱿鱼”。

    Out of three Guangzhou restaurants that used robots to serve customers , two have closed and the third has fired its robot waiters , Workers ' Daily reported .

  4. 工人日报发表评论说,政府希望改善城市景观,建设城市景点并没有什么问题,但是问题在于,目前国家正处于金融危机期间,天津市政府却花费巨款建设娱乐设施。

    The ' Workers Daily ' carries a commentary claiming that there is no problem with a government looking to improve urban landscapes and building highlights for the city , but the problem lies with the amount of money that the government has sanctioned for the recreational project at a time when the country is reeling from the financial crisis .