
  • 网络workflow;Workflow System;WFMS;work flow
  1. Web工作流系统中属性证书访问控制研究

    Study on attribute certificates-based access control based on web workflow system

  2. 基于Web服务的电子商务工作流系统设计

    E - business Workflow System Design Based on Web Services

  3. 结合语义的基于Web服务的工作流系统

    A Web-Service based Work Flow System Combined with Semantic Information

  4. 基于Web的工作流系统中表单定义与处理

    Form Definition and Management in Web-Based Workflow System

  5. 一个基于软件Agent的工艺工作流系统

    A Workflow System Based on Software Agent for CAPP

  6. 基于Agent的工作流系统探讨

    Discussion of Workflow System Based on Agent

  7. 在分布式主动对象的基础上给出了在一个WORLDWIDEWEB上实现的全局工作流系统。

    A global workflow system framework on World Wide Web through the technology of distribute active object is presented .

  8. 基于Agent工作流系统中的异常处理

    Exception-handling in Agent-based Workflow

  9. GIS工作流系统的长事务处理研究

    Long transactional processing of GIS workflow system

  10. 而基于WEBService的工作流系统对包装成WEBService的企业业务活动进行调用和控制,使得Internet范围的业务活动的交互更加简单和方便。

    Web Service-based workflow management invokes and controls business activities to make the communication among the business activities in the Internet easier and more convenient .

  11. B/W模式工作流系统基于CORBA的实现

    A B / W Mode Workflow System Implemented with Corba

  12. P2P工作流系统应用研究

    Research on Application of P2P Workflow System

  13. 在工作流系统内部数据交换上,提出利用XML来描述组织工作流系统数据。

    As for inner data exchange of workflow system , XML is brought out to describe and organize the data of workflow models .

  14. 充分利用XML具有的自描述性和平台无关性等特点并且通过与Java的结合,设计出了可以运行在不同的操作系统平台上的工作流系统,大大提高了工作流系统的适应性与扩展性。

    With java , and use the system independence feature of XML , work out the workflow that has a strong ability to extend .

  15. 因此本文提出运用P2P(Peer-to-Peer,即对等网络)结构来实现工作流系统。

    Therefore , this paper proposes to create workflow system using P2P ( Peer-to-Peer ) structure .

  16. 本文结合先进的J2EE平台,对分布式工作流系统实现及应用技术进行研究。

    This paper studies the correlative realization technology of the distributed workflow management system ( DWfMS ) based on the platform of J2EE .

  17. 作为支持Web服务的工作流系统,集成Web服务时必须解决一些重要问题,包括:Web服务的发现,Web服务的服务质量管理,以及异类Web服务与工作流中其他任务的语义集成等。

    However , problems such as Web Services discovery , quality of services management of autonomous Web Services , and semantic integration of heterogeneous Web Services , need to be solved in web-services-enabled workflow systems .

  18. 以该模型为基础,设计了具有三层结构的基于Web服务的动态工作流系统,按照该架构并基于J2EE平台实现了系统,对基于Web服务的动态工作流应用提供了系统支撑与验证环境。

    Based on the model , a Web services based dynamic workflow system with three-layers architecture is put forward and a prototype is also developed to facilitate and experience business process integration based on J2EE .

  19. 该系统是以单引擎的Shark工作流系统为蓝本构建的一个分布式工作流管理系统(DWFMS)架构,称之为D-shark(distributedshark)工作流管理系统。

    The distributed workflow management system is designed ( called D-shark ) based on Shark .

  20. Agent技术是人工智能领域的新兴课题,把Agent技术应用到工作流系统中,通过Agent的智能性、分布性和主动性可以使工作流系统更灵活、更稳定。

    The technology of Agent is a promising subject of the AI field . Integrated with Agent , Workflow Management System will be more flexible and robust due to the intelligence and distribution and autonomous of the Agent .

  21. 工作流系统的AER过程模型

    AER Process Model of Working Flow System

  22. 接着,结合基于XML的工作流系统的体系结构和当前的技术发展水平,提出该系统的设计方案,并利用UML类图进行了描述;

    In the following , The design solution of this workflow system is given based on the system architecture and nowadays technology developing levels , the solution is also described using UML class graphic ;

  23. 本文在分布式工作流系统体系结构、XML过程定义语言、数据变量描述与处理、参数封装与传递以及外部应用调用代理等方面做了一定的探讨与创新。

    We mainly discuss and make some contributions to the problems such as distributed architecture of WfMS , XML Process Definition Language , description and management of the workflow relevant data , encapsulation and transfer of parameters , agent for invoking extern application etc.

  24. RM-ODP在分布式工作流系统研究中的应用

    Application of RM-ODP in the Research of Distributed Workflow System

  25. 随着Web服务的蓬勃发展,越来越多的组织机构将Web服务引入他们的业务流程,传统的工作流系统已经不再能满足业务集成的需要,新一代的工作流系统必须支持对Web服务的集成。

    As infrastructures and systems supporting Web services are getting into mature , more and more organizations begin to integrate Web services as part of their business processes . They call for new workflow systems to support Web services integration and functionality of traditional workflow systems to be extended .

  26. 最后,结合飞机制造企业质量管理系统,给出了Shark工作流系统与J2EE框架的集成实例和实现过程。

    Finally , an integration example of workflow system-SHARK and a framework of J2EE was provided to illustrate the implementation , which has been put into practice in an quality management system of an aircraft manufacturer .

  27. 随着计算机网络,特别是Internet/Intranet的迅猛发展和应用,计算机支持的分布式、协同工作的工作流系统。

    With the rapid development and application of computer network , especially Internet / Intranet , the status of the computer supported distributed and work cooperative workflow system becomes more and more important in enterprises , it has a wide foreground as well .

  28. 针对电子政务工作流系统的特点,在基本RBAC模型的基础上,引入了组织机构图和额外授权的概念,提出了改进的RBAC模型,并给出模型各要素的形式化描述。

    For the E-governance workflow system , an improved RBAC model is proposed . The model includes concepts of organization chart and extra permission assignment and presents a formalized description of key elements .

  29. 通过对迁移工作流系统模型各要素进行分析,构建了一个基于Petri网的迁移工作流系统模型。

    Owing to dynamic process definition and complicated framework , thus migrating workflow system lacks of a clear definition on the model . A migrating workflow system model based on Petri net was established through the analysis of the elements .

  30. 基于K2.NET的企业工作流系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of enterprise workflow system based on k2.net