
ɡuān mó jiào xué
  • demonstration lecture
  1. 中小学音乐课观摩教学解析

    Analysis on Observing Teaching of Music Class in Primary and Secondary Schools

  2. 教学反思主要通过教学后记、观摩教学、微格教学、行动研究等途径实施。

    The reflection of teaching can be realized through such ways as the description after teaching , teaching observation , microteaching and action researching .

  3. 大学教师还要采用经验记录、观摩教学、交流讨论、行动研究等方式对自己的教学进行反思,以提升教学实践的合理性,促进教学的有效性。

    Besides , college and university teachers should reflect on their own teaching by such ways as the log of experience , teaching observation , communication and discussion and action research so as to improve the reasonableness of teaching practice and promote the effectiveness of teaching .

  4. 从课堂观摩到教学反思&关于教师继续教育评价的构想

    From Class Show to Reflection on Teaching Conception of Teachers ' Continuing Education Evaluation

  5. 包括音乐会的表演和观摩、教学实践、毕业论文等。

    The main practice teaching links include the performance and the demonstration , teaching practice and graduation thesis writing , etc.

  6. 对视频编解码和传输的研究工作可为医患之间提供更便捷的交流,也有助于远程观摩和远程教学及交流。

    The research on video encoding , decoding and transmission can provide convenient communication between doctors and patients , which is also benefit for remote teaching observation .

  7. 本研究对湖南4所高校语法课堂教学的观摩及语法教学改革和结构化访谈内容进行了定性的综合分析。

    The research also carries on the qualitative synthetic analysis to the classroom observation of GI at four universities of Hunan , the reform of GI and the content of the structural interviews .

  8. 在教育实践课程中,准教师(师范生)通过参与观摩、研修、教学和管理等活动,获取了实践性知识,发展了教学实践能力。

    It is an essential path for the student teachers to obtain practical knowledge and develop core competency through the activities of observation , research , teaching and classroom management .

  9. 基于此,本文在充分寻求理论支撑的前提下提出了运用观摩课支持教师教学反思的框架及一般性实践策略:目标导向、同伴互助、组织多元、隐显并重及意义建构等。

    In view of this , the paper put forward the framework and general practice strategies of open class for teachers ' teaching reflection on the basis of fully seeking theoretical support . The major general practice strategies are goal-oriented , peer support and organization diversified and so on .