
ɡōnɡ zuò cān
  • Working meal;on-job meals
  1. 承租方对司机和车辆加班支付加班费,且为出租方司机提供必要的工作餐。

    Lessee should pay extra work fee for drivers and vehicles , and provide the essential on-job meals .

  2. 总裁即席发表了一篇工作餐后演说

    The president extemporized a speech after the working dinner .

  3. 公司为员工提供免费的宿舍和工作餐。

    The company offers free dorm and working meals to its employees .

  4. 你正在饭馆吃工作餐。

    You 're at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner .

  5. 在这个地方吃工作餐真不错!

    What a lovely place for a business lunch !

  6. 中国周日发布《党政机关国内公务接待管理规定》,禁止工作餐提供鱼翅等菜肴,这是厉行节约运动的一部分。

    China on Sunday banned shark fin for official dinners as part of its austerity drive .

  7. 下面是3种类型的工作餐,以及最大限度利用每种工作餐时间的方法:

    Here are three types of working lunches , and how to maximize your time at each :

  8. 你可能宁愿去与客户吃工作餐,也不愿意孤零零地在浪漫的加勒比风格餐厅独自用餐。

    You may prefer work dinners with clients to eating in a romantic Caribbean restaurant , all alone .

  9. 不过,也有衣服智能设置-12000卢比的试剂盒成本-除了在工作餐时间。

    However , there is also a smart set of clothes-the kit costs Rs12,000-besides meals while at work .

  10. 宁夏干部下乡进行普法教育,招待他们的工作餐是土豆。

    The villagers use potatoes to serve the cadres who go to the countryside and give them law education .

  11. 英国人很喜欢吃工作餐,就是说喜欢在吃饭期间与合作伙伴洽谈业务。

    The British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with the partners during the meal ;

  12. 工厂为职工建有宿舍、食堂、淋浴室、更衣室、免费为职工提供住宿和工作餐。

    Factory built for the worker dormitory , canteen , shower room , room , free for employees to provide accommodation and work .

  13. 他提供给员工的福利可不便宜&医疗保险津贴约耗400万至500万美元,工作餐补助要花掉50万美元。

    The benefits he provides are expensive : subsidising health insurance costs his firm $ 4m-5m a year ; subsidising meals costs another $ 500,000 .

  14. 要想从多样的工作餐中收获很多,你需要推测可能发生的事,并提前做好准备。

    To get the most out of any type of working lunch , you need to know what to expect , and prepare ahead of time .

  15. 工作餐的典型特征就是常常会有一位其他部门、公司的演讲者,并且演讲的主题涉及职业发展、技能习得和培训等方面。

    These events typically feature a speaker , often from outside your department or company , and focus on professional development , skills acquisition , or training .

  16. 但作为一个自由职业者,工作餐对你的影响就小多了,因为你有更多的时间去购买并准备健康新鲜的食物。

    For a part-time worker , the employee diet has less of an effect because you have more time to buy and prepare healthy , fresh food .

  17. 对于那些不喜欢复印文件、取午间工作餐和整理档案这样鸡毛蒜皮的小事的学生而言,用人单位则希望他们再多些耐心。

    For students who don 't like running errands like photocopying , fetching lunch and sorting archives , employers urge them to be a bit more patient .

  18. 尽管藜麦素食饭并不是我理想的工作餐,但我很高兴可以在下次去旧金山时见识一下Eatsa餐厅。

    Even though a quinoa-based vegetarian bowl is not my idea of the ideal workday lunch , I am excited to check out the restaurant Eatsa the next time I am in San Francisco .

  19. •时常自然、安静地展示出这样的态度,没有你不能做的琐事:吃完工作餐之后打扫会议室,亲自携带笨重的展品去参加贸易展览,替换水冷器,擦拭溢水。

    • naturally and quietly demonstrate , on a regular basis , that no chore is beneath you : clean up after a conference room lunch , carry the heavy crap to a trade show , replace the water cooler , wipe up the spill .

  20. 中国官方通讯社新华社报道,中央政府下达的这项新规定禁止工作餐提供鱼翅、燕窝和用野生保护动物制作的菜肴,禁止提供香烟和高档酒水。

    Chinese state media reported that the central government has banned official dinners with shark fin , bird 's nest and wild animal products in a new directive . Xinhua , the state news agency , said government staff would not be able to serve cigarettes and expensive alcohol at official functions .

  21. 最近,电视台的一个实习生被要求为剧组的工作人员叫餐,而他的回答是,我是来实习导演的,不是来订盒饭的。

    Recently an intern at a TV station was asked to order lunch for the production crew , and his response was my internship here is about directing programs , not booking box lunch .