
  • 网络Instrumentality;Instrumental Value;instrument value
  1. 论政治象征理论在当代美国教育政策分析中的工具价值

    The Instrumental Value of Political Symbolism in Contemporary US Education Policy Analysis

  2. 刑事程序性权利的价值可区分为程序性权利的工具价值和内在价值。

    The value of criminal procedure rights consists of instrumental value and intrinsic value .

  3. 国际会计准则理事会(iasb)进行了大胆尝试,提出要彻底改变银行和保险公司报告金融工具价值的方式,以期结束围绕防范信贷危机重演的努力所引发的激烈辩论。

    A radical shake-up of how banks and insurers report the value of financial instruments has been proposed by international accounting rule-setters in a bold attempt to resolve an intense dispute at the heart of efforts to prevent a repeat of credit crisis .

  4. 逻辑的价值功能理论则包括:逻辑的工具价值和逻辑的社会文化功能。

    Logic has the tool value and social and cultural function .

  5. 自然的外在价值是指自然物所具有的工具价值,即在满足人的需要的前提下所具有的意义,也即是人对自然的依赖性。

    The extrinsic value means the nature used by people as an instrument .

  6. 论文还从三个维度上揭示了道德教育具有个人价值与社会价值、本体价值与工具价值、发展价值与享用价值。

    The thesis also reveals the values of moral education from three dimension .

  7. 健康价值是内在价值与工具价值的统一。

    Vaule of health is the unity of inhere vaule and tool vaule .

  8. 从工具价值到内在价值:自然价值论进展

    Natural Axiology : from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value

  9. 政治象征符号的工具价值分析

    The Tool Value Analysis of the Political Symbolical Sign

  10. 论考试的工具价值

    On the Value of Examination as a Tool

  11. 现代经济学以功利主义为背景,只赋予个人自由以工具价值。

    Under the background of utilitarianism , modern economics only endows freedom with tool value .

  12. 首先,基础教育中美术教师的社会性工具价值内涵的更新。

    First of all , education foundation in the art teacher social tools value connotation update .

  13. 因此,教育的价值来源于它的效用价值并且以教育的工具价值为取向或主导。

    So the value of education comes from usefulness to lead the value orientation of education .

  14. 科学具有工具价值、真理价值和道德价值。

    There is no way to disavow the scientific value of facility , truth and moral .

  15. 行政程序的法律价值既体现在工具价值层面,又体现在目标价值层面;

    The legal value of administrative course is reflected both value of tool and value of goal .

  16. 随着社会经济形态由低级向高级的演化,体育教育价值的重心也逐渐由工具价值向人文价值转变。

    As the economic form developed , the value of P. E. gradually changed from instrument to humanism .

  17. 行政程序的工具价值主要包括了三个方面的内容:实体正义、秩序与自由。

    The administrative procedure instrumental value mainly includes three aspects : the substantive justice , order and freedom .

  18. 就目前的情形而言,环境法当中的自然价值主要指自然对人类的工具价值或经济价值。

    So far , natural value mainly means the nature 's instrumental value and economical one for human beings .

  19. 要克服教育价值偏向就必须走出教育的工具价值取向,而要走出工具价值取向就必须克服它赖以产生的根源。

    To completely eliminate the deviation of education value , we must go out of the education tool value orientation .

  20. 政府工具价值的实现是通过制定和执行一系列政策实现的。

    As a tool , government 's value is realized through the making and execution of a series of policies .

  21. 第二部分是对语文教育的本体价值与工具价值的论述。

    The second part is intended for the noumenon value and tool significance of Chinese education via an ontology methodology .

  22. 价值论关于价值属性和价值判断的学科从工具价值到内在价值:自然价值论进展

    The study of the nature of values and value judgments . Natural Axiology : from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value

  23. 教育具有两种价值维度:人文价值和工具价值,英语教育也不例外。

    The value of education has two dimensions : human value and tool value , and English education is of no exception .

  24. 实际上,程序法除工具价值外,还具有程序正义等价值。

    Actually , besides the instrumental value , the procedural law contains some other values , such as the procedural just value .

  25. 从工具价值理性到道德价值理性&当代新科技条件下科学技术性质的转换

    From Reason of Tool Value to Reason of Moral Value & Change of the Nature of Scientific Technology Based on New Scientific Technology

  26. 这些不同的伦理辩护可以归纳为两种类型:基于绝对价值或内在价值的伦理辩护和基于相对价值或工具价值的伦理辩护。

    They can be divided into 2 categories : absolute value or internal value-based ethical vindications and relative value or tool value-based ethical vindications .

  27. 文章提出关于程序参与可以从工具价值(外在价值)以及目的价值(内在价值)两个方面加以评价。

    The articles points out that procedural participation can be evaluated in value ( outside value ) and object value ( inner value ) .

  28. 另一方面,思想政治课教学在促进人的发展问题上,忽视学生的主体地位,忽视人文关怀,片面强调教学的工具价值,舍弃生命的价值与尊严。

    On the other hand , the moral educational teaching neglects the students principal positions and the concerning humanities on accelerating the human development .

  29. 在环境伦理学中,自然价值一方面指自然物对人的有用性,即自然的外在价值或工具价值;

    In the environment ethics , values of nature refer to its usefulness to human beings , namely external or tool values of nature .

  30. 就价值而言,自然(广义的自然包括人类)不仅具有工具价值,而且具有内在价值,是内在价值和工具价值的统一。

    Nature ( broadly speaking , including human being ) is the unification of intrinsic value and instrumental value , synchronously possessing these two values .