
  • 网络The cop and the anthem
  1. 《警察与赞美诗》的功能语言学分析

    Functional Linguistic Analysis of The Cop and the Anthem

  2. 心灵的感动与关怀&浅谈《警察与赞美诗》的宗教美学思想及人文主义关怀

    On Religious Aesthetics and Humane Care & An Analysis of The Cop and the Anthem

  3. 论欧·亨利的创作风格&以《警察与赞美诗》为例

    On O. Henry 's Writing Style : Exemplified by " The Cop and the Anthem "

  4. 警察与赞美诗

    The cop and the Anthem

  5. 用语料库方法分析美国小说家欧·亨利的小说《警察与赞美诗》,能揭示小说的情节、人物的塑造及作者的写作技巧。

    This paper aims at analysing the function and writing techniques of the first part-the Benjy s part for the appreciation of the authors unique artistic talent .

  6. 人们常常感到他对资本主义社会的温柔批判,很少追溯事情的根源。读者可通过《警察与赞美诗》这篇文章体会这种情况。

    Often one finds mild cricism of the evils of capitalist society , but he rarely goes into the root cause of things , as the reader can see from the present story - " the cop and the anthem " .