
gōng xù
  • production processes;procedure;working procedure;stages of production;process
工序 [gōng xù]
  • (1) [working procedure]

  • (2) 制造、生产某种东西或达到某一特定结果的特定步骤

  • (3) 组成整个生产过程的各段加工,也指各段加工的先后次序

工序[gōng xù]
  1. 新的产品和生产工序要经过一段相当长的时间后才能向发展中国家转移。

    New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed .

  2. 在ICT等产业的支持下,生产工序实现了零散化和片段化,产品价值链被切片分离或组合,不同片段的工序表现了不同的资源要素禀赋特征。

    In support of ICT and other industries , production processes to achieve a " fragmentation ", product value chain is " slice " or a combination of separation , different " fragments " of the process performance the characteristics of different resource endowments .

  3. 他把工序倒过来了,从上往下建房子。

    He works backwards , building a house from the top downwards .

  4. 这一新工序如何操作?

    What are the mechanics of this new process ?

  5. 还差一道工序。

    There 's still one more step in the process .

  6. 脱硅渣改性制取长效硅钾肥工艺是一个比较典型的多工序、多因素的复杂工艺

    Modification of desiliconized slags slow-release silicon-fertilizer is a typical complicated technology with multiple processes and factors .

  7. 最普通的精加工工序是用机械的方法,如研磨,磨削或用磨料抛光。

    The most common finishing operations are mechanical , such as milling , grinding , or polishing with abrasives .

  8. 关于非正态总体的工序能力指数Cp值计算的研究

    Research on computing the value of the work procedure ability index C_p

  9. 关于当量工序能力指数c′p的近似展开

    Approximate Representations for the Index of Equivalent Process Capability

  10. PLC在催化剂生产磨角工序中的应用

    The Application of PLC in the Catalyst Production Working Procedure of Edge Angle Lapping

  11. 多元工序能力指数C(pm)

    Multivariate Process Capability Index C_ ( pm )

  12. 将影响时间定额的因素映射成与工序状态有关的零件特征Agent和加工方法Agent。

    The method can map the factors influencing time quota into part agent related to process condition and machining method agent .

  13. 现代工艺水平下工序能力指数C(pk)的计算

    The calculation of C_ ( pk ) at PPM level

  14. 回转类零件CAPP系统中工序图的生成方法

    The Generative Method of Operation Drawings in CAPP System for Rotational Parts

  15. 以废弃的阳离子交换树脂为原料,在不同的炭化温度下,经过炭化活化工序,制备得炭化树脂(CA)。

    Carbonaceous adsorbents ( CA ) were prepared by carbonizing waste cation-exchange resins in different temperature and followed by CO2 activation .

  16. 系统的MRPⅡ对前工序的原料供应以JustinTime的原则进行了规划。

    MRP - ⅱ in this system has programmed the material supply of former section based on the principle ' Just in time ' .

  17. 通过3D工序图模型和参数化空间尺寸链模型的映射,构造工艺模型结构。

    Through the map of 3D process picture sheet model and the parameterization of 3D dimension chain model , a process model structure was constructed .

  18. 本文叙述了MES系统的定义,半导体制造前工序中的MES系统的特点,各组成模块的功能,系统的软硬件要求等。

    The paper introduces the definition of MES and the characteristics of MES applied in semiconductor manufacturing .

  19. 本文设计的RS算法用于求解n个独立任务,每个任务有相同工序的最优生产安排顺序。

    The RS Algorithm described in this paper is intended for the search of the optimum order of production of n independent tasks with the same procedures .

  20. PERT工序时间估计的一些研究

    Studies on The Estimation of Activity Time in PERT

  21. RMS的作业计划以瓶颈工序为目标,前、后工序的作业根据瓶颈工序分别按拉动、推动的方式排定。

    Bottlenecks are the objective of programming by which the former and the latter processes can be pulled or pushed .

  22. VFD薄膜基板蚀刻工序的质量控制

    Quality Control of Etch Produce in VFD Film Plant

  23. 橄榄球的加工采用VBA技术实现了零件工艺过程卡和工序卡的自动生成和输出。

    Creating and output of the working process card and the working procedure card are realized by using VBA technique .

  24. 一种采用工序优先级作为优先分配规则的遗传算法在Job-Shop调度问题中的应用研究与eM-PlantGA模块实现

    A GA with Operation Priority Rule based encoding for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem and its Realization in eM-Plant GA Module

  25. 本文重点开展了凸弧翻边、凹弧翻边、V型件冲压、U型件冲压等典型冲压工序的回弹试验研究。

    This paper emphases on experimental investigations on springback in typical forming operations such as convex edge flanging , concave edge flanging , " U " shape component forming , and " V " shape component forming .

  26. 给出一种能对CAPP系统进行定量技术经济评价的工序公差设计数学模型,该模型可用于工序公差优化设计和优选加工方法;

    The paper represents a mathematical model of process tolerance design , which can assess quantitatively the technical economy of CAPP system . This model can give optimum process tolerance and machining method .

  27. 运用网络计划蒙特卡洛仿真(MCS),从宏观的项目层和微观的工序层分别进行进度风险分析。

    Using Monte Carlo Simulation ( MCS ), project schedule risk analysis is implemented at both the macroscopic level of project and the microscopic level of activity .

  28. 研究了包钢重轨钢从转炉出钢到结晶器各个工序过程(未经VD真空处理)钢液中氢含量变化。

    The hydrogen content in the molten heavy rail steel was measured in every stages from LD tapping to mould ( without the VD refining process ) .

  29. 汽提工序是DOP(邻苯二甲酸二辛酯)生产的关键工序之一,粗酯中的水、辛醇及微量的低沸物在此工序中去除,汽提效果决定DOP产品的质量。

    Stripping is one of the key procedures of DOP production . Water , alcohol , and other impurity are removed in this process .

  30. 工序图是箱体类零件的CAPP系统的一个关键技术,本文探索一种有效的绘图方法,使箱体类零件的CAPP系统能自动生成工序图。

    Operation drawing is a key technique of CAPP system . In this paper , the author has explored an efficient drawing method , thus the operation drawing of boxlike part CAPP system can be generated automatically .