
  • 网络Quality
  1. 基于ARM平台的工序质量分析与控制系统的研究与开发

    Development of Analysis and Control System for Process Quality Based on ARM Platform

  2. PB反应器关键工序质量控制与检验

    Technology Study and Quality Control for PB Reactor Key Process

  3. 基于AR模型辨识的工序质量控制方法

    A Method for Process Quality Control Based on Model

  4. CIMS环境下选煤厂工序质量控制

    Process Quality Control of Coal Preparation Plant in CIMS

  5. 基于FMS的工序质量控制研究

    The Research of Process Quality Control Based on FMS

  6. 而对加工制造企业来说,产品质量控制主要是实现对加工过程的控制,称为工序质量控制(StatisticProcessControl),简称SPC。

    While for manufacturing factories , production quality control mainly points to realize the control of the machining process , which is called process quality control or SPC ( Statistic Process Control ) .

  7. 为了给工序质量诊断提供更详尽的信息,构造了3个相似的BP神经网络对控制图特殊异常模式的特征参数进行估计。

    In order to provide working procedure quality diagnosis with more detailed information , three similar BP neural networks are constructed to estimate the characteristic parameters of special anomaly pattern of control chart .

  8. G-H两极管理图在工序质量管理中的应用

    Application of " G-H " Two Extremes Ruling Figure in Quality Control of Procedure

  9. 本文基于辨识ARMA新息模型生成估计残差序列,再对残差序列的平均值和无偏方差进行假设检验,可实现工序质量的异常诊断。

    In this paper , a method of process quality diagnosis using hypothesis testing for residual sequence of ARMA innovation model estimation error by recursive maximum likelihood method was studied .

  10. 应用运行图和EWMA图实现了对虚拟工序质量的统计控制及对原型工序的质量预测。

    Running Chart and EWMA Chart are combined to realize the prediction of original procedure quality and virtual procedure quality statistical control .

  11. 介绍了细旦涤纶与天丝(Tencel)两种纱组合而成的异经重经面料的特点、上浆工艺步骤、各工序质量控制、工艺参数等。

    This text briefs the characteristic of the fabric made of fine denier polyester fiber and Tencel , its sizing technology and quality control in every process as well as technology parameters .

  12. 本文阐述了设置质量控制点,从控制工序质量入手来控制52M大跨度钢桁架的质量,取得满意效果。

    This article explains to set the point of quality controlling and control 52 meters steel construction quality by controlling work-unit quality , achieved good action .

  13. 作者分析了熔模铸造企业的质量控制现状,借鉴统计过程控制(SPC)的理论,对熔模铸造产品的工序质量数据进行采集分析,并进行相应的工序能力判断。

    Analyzing the characteristics of quality management in the investment casting enterprises and using Statistical Process Control for reference , a series of quality data of working procedures are collected and analyzed , and the judgments of process capability are concluded .

  14. 并分析了MVA方法对工序质量分析和控制的意义,并且对MVA进行方差分析,同时由此提出了利用MVA进行合理的抽样来确定工程工序质量特征值变异的主要来源。

    And analyzes the significance of multi-van analysis in process quality analysis and control , presents the ANOVA structure of MVA and addresses how to rationalize sampling to capture major process variation based MVA method .

  15. 针对半导体晶圆生产中存在着位置间变异、晶圆间变异及批次间变异,提出了基于多变异分析(MVA)的工序质量分析方法。

    The process quality of semiconductor manufacturing is influenced by variant factors , such as positional variation , cyclical variation and temporal variation . A new process quality analysis method based on multi-vari analysis is presented .

  16. 测量系统分析是QS9000标准中的核心要素之一,主要用来评估测量系统对工序质量改进的保证程度。

    Measurement system analysis is an element job required by QS9000.The purpose of measurement system analysis is to study if the measurement system is capable for process quality .

  17. 对于性能稼动率,分析影响其原因,并提出改善的方法;对于产品良率,应用X-R控制图控制工序质量,以预测产品的质量,从而达到提升良率的目的。

    To performance efficiency , the paper analyzed the major factors impacting it and provided corrective methods . As for product yield , X - R control chart will be applied to predict product quality to achieve advance the yield rate .

  18. 工序质量管理方法的优化

    The Optimization of the Method in the Working Procedure Quality Management

  19. 面向批量钻削工序质量检测的多维信号聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis for Batch Drilling Process Quality Inspection Based on Multi-Sensors

  20. 多品种多批次冲压工序质量控制的研究

    Working Procedure Quality Control for Press Punching of Multi-Variety and Multi-Batch

  21. 基于改进决策树的工序质量损失原因挖掘研究

    On Mining the Causes of Quality Loss Using Improved Decision Trees

  22. 工序质量最终决定着机械产品的制造质量。

    Process quality ultimately decides on manufacturing qualities of mechanical products .

  23. 基于田口稳健性设计的多品种小批量生产工序质量改进

    Multi-variety and Low-volume Production Process Improvement Based on Taguchi Robust Design

  24. 多工序质量检验点设置的经济分析

    The economic analysis for setting up multi-process quality inspection points

  25. 为汽车制造过程的工序质量管理提供一些借鉴经验。

    Provide some references for the manufacturing industry production process quality management .

  26. 基于流水线装配型生产的计算机辅助工序质量管理

    Computer Aided Working Procedure Quality Management for Pipeline Assembly Production

  27. 工业工程(第十三讲)一种基于熵值法的工序质量控制工具

    A Process Quality Control Tool Based on Entropy Value Method

  28. 操作型工序质量控制的难点及对策

    The difficulties and countermeasures of quality control in operational type working procedure

  29. 关于设备工程项目工序质量控制的研究

    Research into Process Quality Control about Engineering Projects of Equipment

  30. 刍议施工工序质量控制的意义及主要措施

    The Significance of Construction Procedures on Quanlity Controlling and Measures