
  • 网络engineering drawings
  1. 图纸空间出图是园林工程设计图CAD出图实际运用中最广泛的方法。

    Plotting via paper space is a widely used method in Auto CAD plotting of landscape engineering design drawing .

  2. 在企业内部的数据交换和共享的实现上,文章首先根据数据管理的需要建立图形对象,然后利用了AutoCAD中的数据接口技术,解决了工程设计图与数据库的链接的问题。

    As for the intercommunion in enterprise , this paper founds the graphics object based on the needs of data management in order to resolve the problem of a link between the drawings and database by the technique of AutoCAD .

  3. 本文给出了单一频率陷波电路工程设计图;

    This paper presents a design graph for single frequency notch filters .

  4. AutoCAD2000VBA二次开发在坐标工程设计图中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD 2000 VBA development in engineering drawing with coordinate table

  5. 水利工程设计图档流转管理方法及实现技术

    Circulation management method for graphic documents in hydro project design and its realization

  6. 本文对英国工程设计图学杂志1980年春季难题提出了解法。

    This paper presents a solution to the " Spriug 1980 Puzzle " published in U. S. " Engineering Design Graphics Journal " .

  7. 计算机软件、工程设计图、产品设计图以及数据库等功能性作品构成现阶段我国著作权质押的主体。

    The functional works , including computer software , engineering design , product design and database , are main part of the current copyright pledge .

  8. 工程设计图、产品设计图、地图、示意图等图形作品和模型作品;

    Graphic works such as diagrams of project design , drawings of product design , maps and sketches as well as works of their model ;

  9. 以机械基础系列课程培养学生综合设计和创新能力为主线,论述了深化现代工程设计图学教学改革的任务方向及课程的主要特点与教学效果。

    We are to discuss the direction of Modern Engineering Design Graphics curriculum reform development , the major features of this course , and the curriculum effects . The principle line is that series courses in mechanical basis develop the students ' capability of synthetical design and creativity .

  10. 工程设计资料线图数据的MATLAB程序化处理

    Programming Data of Curves in the Engineering Design Information with MATLAB

  11. 建立工程设计的工程图学教学模式

    Foundation of the engineering graphics teaching based on design

  12. 城市建设档案主要包括各种建设工程的设计规划图,施工进度,材料合格证明以及验收记录等资料。

    City construction archives including various engineering construction design plan , schedule , material quality certificates and inspection records .

  13. 其中材料的指导价格也是编制工程设计概算、施工图预(结)算、工程招标标底、工程拨款的参考依据。

    Also the price of materials is reference for engineering budget , construction budget , project bid and project funding .

  14. 介绍新开发的建筑模板计算机辅助设计系统软件的结构、功能、特点及其在大模板工程方案设计与加工图设计中的应用。

    In this article , authors introduce such aspects of CAFD software as structure , functions , features and the application in program design of large formwork and construction documents design .

  15. 环境艺术设计手绘表现技法是一种图示语言表达设计情感和思想的形式,也是在工程设计中的平面图、立面图、剖面图和效果图的表达。

    Techniques of environmental art design hand-painted is a graphic language design emotion and thought forms , expression is in the engineering design plan , elevation , section and the effect chart .

  16. 在对水利工程设计流程进行详细分析的基础上,论述了水利工程设计图档管理系统的分析、设计与功能、特点,重点介绍了该系统实现的关键技术和方法。

    Based on the analysis of the circulation in hydro project design , this paper introduces the analysis , design , function and characteristics of the graphic documents in hydro project design management system , especially the key technology and method in its realization .

  17. 既减轻设计人员归档的工作量,又提高工程设计图纸归档的准确率和及时性,显著提高了工程设计企业图档管理的质量和效率。

    It can not only reduce the archive workload of the designer , but also improves the accuracy and timeliness of the archive of engineering drawings . This system significantly improved the quality and efficiency of Document Management in the engineering design enterprises .