
  • 网络engineering procurement
  1. WoodMacKenzie公司的加文•劳(GavinLaw)表示:目前工程采购和建筑市场难以跟上开发的步伐。

    The engineering procurement and construction market is having a hard time keeping up with the pace of development , says Gavin Law of Wood Mackenzie .

  2. 工程采购的代理成本

    Agency Costs of Engineering Procurement

  3. 论文最后以F项目精装修房部分工程采购作为实例进行了案例分析。

    Finally , the thesis carried out the case study taking the project purchase in the F program as an example .

  4. 首先模型的质量保证立足于以层次分析法(AHP)为基础的供应商绩效评估,评估指标全面涵盖工程采购价值中的产品价值、供应商价值和社会价值,并以最终的评估权重作为质量分配因子。

    Quality assurance in this model is grounded on the suppliers evaluation based on the AHP ( Analytical Hierarchy Process ), and the evaluation indexes cover the materials value , suppliers value and social value . Meanwhile it takes the final evaluation weight as the quality distribution factor .

  5. 在国际工程采购和承包领域,影响比较广泛的标准系列合同条件主要有FIDIC合同条件、英国土木工程师学会编制的NEC合同条件等。

    In the field of international project procurement , a series of contract conditions , such as the FIDIC Conditions of Contract , the NEC Conditions of Contract drafted by the Institution of Civil Engineering , are widely applied .

  6. 石油长输管道总承包工程采购风险管理

    Procurement Risk Management in EPC Contract for Long-distance Oil Pipeline Project

  7. 已缴股本和催交股本国际石油工程采购催交催运关键条款分析

    Analysis on Key Articles of Procurement Expediting in International Petroleum Projects

  8. 工程采购模式本质上是建筑市场的交易方式。

    Construction procurement mode is a trading way of establishing construction market .

  9. 协助拟订轨道工程采购案之工业合作计画。

    Assisting in the stipulation of the specification for Industrial Cooperation Programs .

  10. 建立灵活的工程采购模式体系

    Establishing the System of the Flexible Construction Procurement Mode

  11. 目前的建设法律法规很大程度上也是基于施工总承包的工程采购模式。

    Laws and regulations on construction are also based on TGC almost entirely .

  12. 探索价值管理在工程采购中的应用

    The Application of VM in the Project Procurement

  13. 政府工程采购的全寿命周期成本分析

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Government Project Procurement

  14. 以欧盟及法国法为借鉴建立我国的绿色公共工程采购法律机制

    From European and French environment law , the construction of the public contact of works in China

  15. 本文研究了适合于石化项目的工程采购方式选择与评价方法。

    In this paper , the selection and evaluation of procurement of works applicable to petrochemical projects is studied .

  16. 这迫切要求尽快建立既适合我国国情,又体现国际惯例的政府工程采购制度。

    All of these urge to establish a government project procurement system with Chinese characteristics which also accords with international practice .

  17. 本文着眼于国际工程采购管理中供应商选择与采购风险防范问题。

    This thesis 's aim is to study supplier selection and procurement risk of the procurement management in overseas construction projects .

  18. 对于工程采购采购缺乏非招标采购方式的问题,应当通过制定行政规章进行完善。

    As for the problem of devoid of non-tendering procurement methods in construction procurement , special administrative regulations shall be enacted .

  19. 在国际建筑承包市场上,有一些国际通用标准系列合同条件,在国际工程采购和承包领域被广泛利用。

    In the international contracting market , general standard systems for contract are used widely in international construction procurement and contracting field .

  20. 然而由于中国长期计划经济的影响,建筑市场的发育显得比较迟缓,还没有形成灵活的工程采购模式体系。

    Due largely to long experience of planned economy system , china has not yet developed a system of flexible construction procurement mode .

  21. 另一方面,政府采购的国际化使我国并不完善的政府工程采购又面临发展和开放的双重压力。

    On the other hand , the internationalization of government procurement puts the double pressures of developing and opening on Chinese imperfect government project procurement .

  22. 目前妨碍建立灵活的工程采购模式体系的最大因素是工程采购模式的制度环境,也即与工程采购模式紧密相关的投资建设体制。

    The key factor , which hinders the establishment of procurement mode , is the institutional environment-the laws , regulations that govern the use of construction purchase mode .

  23. 分三个阶段阐述了国际招标高等级公路工程采购过程中,业主、承包商、咨询商三者的关系,以及咨询商在此过程中的重要地位。

    From three stages ' analysis , discussion is made on the relationships among the owner , contractor and consultant during the construction process of international bidding for higher level roads .

  24. 文章针对我国政府采购和政府工程采购的基本发展情况进行了说明,并对政府工程采购发展过程中存在的主要问题进行了分析。

    This paper mainly explains the general developing situation of government procurement and in particular , engineering procurement , and makes an analysis of the problems in the development of government procurement .

  25. 其中,工程采购占政府采购总规模的比例逐年增加,将越来越具有重要的地位。

    Among them , the project procurement , the proportion of which accounting for the total size of government procurement is increasing every year , will have more and more important position .

  26. 首先将工程采购描述为一个三阶段博弈,说明诚实和机会主义两类承包人的质量选择战略,以及机会主义行动的经济学条件。

    First , the description of project procurement as a three-stage game shows the choosing quality strategies of " faithful " and " opportunistic " contractors and the economic conditions of their opportunistic actions .

  27. 从政府投资项目的管理主体、项目决策、工程采购和支付制度等四大子系统的相互联系和作用中探索了政府投资项目的投资运动规律。

    It includes four subsystems , namely management main body , project making decision , project procurement and payment system etc. It makes the investment work law of government project by the interrelation and interaction of the four subsystems .

  28. 招投标已经成为集团商品和工程采购的重要方式,招投标制度在提高社会经济效益、推进体制机制改革、建立市场体系乃至提高整个国民经济素质等方面发挥了极其重要的作用。

    Bidding has become the most important way of procurement , bidding system plays a big role in improve social and economical benefits , promoting the reform of mechanism , building the market system , also enhance the quality and performance of the national economy .

  29. 从代建制的性质及其运行模式分析入手,从促进竞争、培育代建单位、建立约束和激励机制以及做好与政府工程采购的衔接等方面对实施代建制进行了初步探讨。

    This paper firstly studies the features and operation modes of agent-construction system , and discusses the agent-construction system from the viewpoints of promoting competition , nourishing agent-construction enterprises , setting up a supervisory and encouraging mechanism , and its connection with the governmental project procurement system etc.

  30. 在政府工程采购过程中,评标作为政府工程采购招标的一个重要环节直接影响政府采购的质量和信誉。然而,我国现有的评标体系在科学性、合理性方面存在一定欠缺。

    In the process of government project , bidding evaluation , as an important part of bidding for government project procurement , has direct influence on the quality and credibility of government procurement . However , our existing bidding evaluation system has the lack of scientificalness and rationality .