
  • 网络greening of industry
  1. 工业绿色化:工业环境地理学研究动向

    The greening of industry : a research approach of industrial environmental geography

  2. 工业绿色化评价指标体系框架设计

    Study on Assessment Index System for Greening of Industry

  3. 中药生产自动化传统过程工业绿色化的定量评价

    The quantitative evaluation index of the greenization of traditional process industry

  4. 详细讨论了纯碱工业绿色化的途径。

    The roues for realizing green soda industry are discussed .

  5. 生态文明导向的我国工业绿色化发展战略

    The Strategy of Greening of Industrial Firms Oriented by Ecological Civilization in China

  6. 工业绿色化发展的动力机制分析

    Analysis on the motive mechanism of developing for the greening of industrial firms

  7. 太湖地区工业绿色化进程研究&以无锡市为例

    Development of the greening of industry firms in Taihu Basin : a case study in Wuxi

  8. 在对工业绿色化的各种内外驱动力深入分析的基础上,得出工业绿色化动力机制的概念模型。

    In the conclusion , the article got the concept model of motive mechanism of the greening of industrial firms .

  9. 工业绿色化即工业企业逐步减少污染排放,实现环境无害化的过程,这一过程的进展情况直接影响到区域可持续发展水平。

    The greening of industrial firms is a process in which the industrial firms reduce their pollution and make no harm to environment .

  10. 在工业化的4种发展模式中,经济效率与生态效率两高的模式A无疑为工业绿色化的最优模式。

    Model A , which means the economic efficiency and ecological efficiency are " two high " is undoubtedly the optimal mode of the Greening of industry .

  11. 基于可持续发展的压力-状态-响应框架模型,结合工业绿色化和系统科学的思想,形成了状态-压力-响应框架模型,并在此基础上,构建了区域工业绿色化的评价指标体系框架。

    Based on the frame of Pressure-State-Response about Sustainable Development , combing with the thought of Greening of Industry and Systemic Science , the model of State-Pressure-Response has been established , and the assessment index system frame of Greening of Industry has been put forward .

  12. 工业绿色化是在外部环境压力的作用下,工业企业进行思维方式转变、组织结构调整、生产和营销方式变革,以获得工业可持续发展的响应过程。

    Greening of Industry is a response course that industrial corporations change the way of their thinking , adjust the structures of their organizations , and innovate the way of their production and sales in order to keep industrial sustainable development under the environmental pressure outside .

  13. 我国工业的绿色化发展策略之探析

    The Green Strategy of the Industrial Development of our Country

  14. 工业园区绿色化工程目标管理

    Target Management of Greening Engineering of Industrial Parks

  15. 工业园区绿色化若干问题的研究

    Study on the Greening of Industrial Parks

  16. 分析了我国纯碱工业实现绿色化的必要性,指出纯碱工业的可持续发展离不开绿色化学;

    The necessity of implementing green technologies in soda industry is analyzed , pointing out that the sustainable development of soda industry will be depend on green technologies .

  17. 该文指出实施工业园区绿色化工程是提高工业绿色化的组织化程度和加快工业绿色化进程的有效途径,并对工业园区绿色化工程的内涵及应遵循的原则进行研究。

    The paper indicates that the greening engineering of industrial parks is an efficient way to accelerate the process of the greening of industry by its improved level of systematization .

  18. 本实验发展了一种以小麦秸秆为原料,分离其中纤维素的绿色化学方法,整个分离过程在水体系及常压下进行,为纤维素工业的绿色化生产开辟了途径。

    In this study , a green chemical method of isolating cellulose from wheat straw was developed . The whole separation process was carried out in aqueous phase under atmospheric pressure , which opened up a way for the green production of cellulose .

  19. 实验结果表明:两种锌盐与Na3PO4.12H2O反应,在一定的条件下,均能合成出EG修饰的磷酸锌微米晶棒。此研究为磷酸盐工业生产的绿色化发展提供了一定的参考依据。

    The results showed that two different zinc phosphates micro-crystal bars with EG could be synthesized by chemical reaction of two different form zinc salts and Na_3PO_4 · 12H_2O under some conditions .

  20. 21世纪的化学工业&创新、绿色化

    Innovation and Greenery in the Chemical Industry in the 21st Century