
zuǒ qián wèi
  • left half;left halfback
左前卫[zuǒ qián wèi]
  1. 队长打算在下次比赛中让布朗踢左前卫。

    The captain wants to play Brown at left half in the next game .

  2. 前排的三名运动员被称为左前卫、中前卫和右前卫。

    The three players in the front row are called left forward , center forward and right forward .

  3. 弗格森爵士暗示他可能安排鲁尼在周三的冠军杯决赛中打左前卫。

    Sir Alex Ferguson has indicated he is likely to persist with Wayne Rooney on the left side of attack , starting with the Champions League final on Wednesday .

  4. 尤文图斯主教练西罗。费拉拉非常欣赏祖尼加,因为这名全能的球员既可以踢左后卫也可以担任左前卫的角色。

    Juventus Coach Ciro Ferrara is a big fan of Zuniga , as he can operate both as a left-back and on the left wing with considerable ease .