
  • 网络Left Party;Linke;Die Linke
  1. 这次投票由规模较小的左翼党发起,此前该党因一项放宽新建公寓租金控制的计划而撤回了对中左翼政府的支持。

    The vote was initiated by the small Left Party , after it withdrew its support for the center-left government over a plan to ease rent controls for newly built apartments .

  2. 该党可能通过提高福利、实行普遍最低工资,打出“社会公平”(socialjustice)牌,以使这个快速发展的左翼党中性化。

    The party is likely to run on a " social justice " ticket of higher benefits and a universal minimum wage in an effort to neutralise the fast-growing Left Party .

  3. 来自Merit证券公司的NikosChristodoulou说,市场将会对激进左翼党的胜利进行打击:

    Nikos Christodoulou from Merit Securities says the markets would punish a Syriza victory :

  4. 左翼党的崛起及其对德国政坛的影响

    The Rising of Left-wing Party and Its influence on German Politics

  5. 在将左翼党重新送进汉堡州议会时,德国选民们确定政治立场向左。

    German voters confirmed their swing left when they returned the Left Party to the state parliament in Hamburg .

  6. 借助左翼党(先前曾拒绝支持)的支持,社民党可能在黑森州组建新政府。

    It also emerged that the Social Democrats might form a government in Hesse that relies on Left Party support , something they had previously promised not to do .

  7. 而且,卡兹因先生,这个左翼党人刚刚取得了巨大的胜利,自奥巴马的支付得起的医疗法颁布后,穷人将收到的医疗保险补贴。

    And , pace Mr Kazin , the left has just scored a gigantic victory in the form of the health-insurance subsidies that the poor will receive from Mr Obama 's Affordable Care Act .

  8. 由于缺乏好的政策选择,李明博和他的大国家党(GrandNationalParty)的声望受到削弱,但对朝鲜持更加同情态度的左翼反对党的支持率下降幅度更大。

    Although the lack of good policy options has dented the standing of Mr Lee and his Grand National party , support for the leftwing opposition , which is more sympathetic to the North , has fallen even more sharply .

  9. 37岁的激进左翼联盟党领导人AlexTsipras承诺取消经济紧缩政策,该政策由欧盟施加给希腊,作为提供经济援助的条件。

    Alex Tsipras , the 37 year old leader of the Syriza Party has vowed to cancel the austerity program insisted on by the European Union in return for financial bailouts .

  10. 巴西前总统、左翼反对党工人党(Workers'Party)领导人路易斯.伊纳西奥.卢拉.达席尔瓦(LuizInácioLuladaSilva)敦促巴西足球界“在这个对所有巴西人都极度悲痛的时刻”团结在沙佩科恩斯球队的身后。

    Former president Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva , leader of the leftist opposition Workers " party ( PT ) , urged Brazilian football to unite behind Chapecoense " at this moment of extreme sadness for all Brazilians . "

  11. “我认为绝大多数的工人都会支持激进左翼联盟党(Syriza)并给他们投票,工人们不会支持泛希腊社会主义运动党(PASOK)或者新民主党,因为左翼联盟支持工人。”

    Among those on the picket line , is Panayiotis Papanikolaou who has worked in the factory for more than 20 years . " Right now , I think most of the workers will support and vote for Syriza , not PASOK or new Democracy , because Syriza supports the workers . "

  12. 利亚马萨雷斯是西班牙左翼联盟党的前任领袖,于2000年入选西班牙议会。

    Llamazares , former leader of the United Left party , was elected to Spain 's parliament in2000 .

  13. 一个是主流的中右翼政府和中左翼反对党无法就如何达到欧盟规定的预算赤字目标达成一致。

    One was the impasse among mainstream centre-right government and centre-left opposition parties over how to meet eu-dictated budget deficit targets .

  14. 德国政府组成的变化,可能预示着德国政坛更加对抗时代的来临,因为较为强硬的中左翼反对党将联合重振旗鼓的工会,反对中右翼联盟。

    The change of government could herald a more confrontational phase in German politics as a stronger left-of-centre opposition links up with reinvigorated trade unions against the centre-right coalition .

  15. 在6月17日大选前进行民意调查的最后一天,即周五的民调结果显示,激进左翼联盟党和支持欧盟援助的新民主党各自获得大约26%的选票。

    Results from Friday , the last day of polling before the Jun 17th election , shows Syriza and New Democracy which supports the bailout , each holding around 26 % .

  16. 一些左翼政党的党歌叫《红旗》。

    The song of some parties of the political left is called the red flag .

  17. 一部分国际主义的孟什维克党人和左翼社会革命党人加入了布尔什维克的行列。

    Part of the internationalism of the Menshevik Party and the left-wing Social Revolutionaries to join the ranks of the Bolsheviks .