
zuǒ ɡōu quán
  • left hook
  1. 刘易斯无论如何得躲开拉多克凌厉的左钩拳才行。

    Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock 's big left hook .

  2. 谢瑞尔贝里的左钩拳可以打飞一辆坦克…

    Shawrelle Berry had a left hook that would move a tank ...

  3. 你那个左钩拳真漂亮。

    That 's a nice left hook you got .

  4. 那拳击手以一记狠狠的左钩拳打到对手的下巴,打得他晕头转向了。

    The boxer got his opponent with a hard left to the jaw , which dazed him .

  5. 攻击技术涉及到左直拳、左刺拳、左钩拳、右上钩拳、右交叉拳以及组合拳,如1-2连击的组合拳。

    Punching involves quite a few skills , such as the straight left , the left jab , the left hook , the right uppercut , the right cross as well as the combination punching like the one-two .