
  1. 他刚靠胡须的巨力把那门顶开了。

    He just opened the door with the strength of his whiskers .

  2. 半开化半复杂和自然的心灵就被这种超人的巨力塑造完成。

    Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuman .

  3. 但是,巨力重击带来的晕眩时间和额外伤害是虚空和鱼人的重击所不能比的。

    However , the stun duration of this bash is greater , and the bonus damage is also significantly larger by comparison .

  4. 神行太保带来的高额伤害和巨力重击带来的持续输出是它贯穿游戏始终的两大优势。

    Barathrum 's main advantage throughout the whole game is his high damage gained from Empowering Haste , and his permabashing capability from Greater Bash .

  5. 巨力重击的缺点是1.5秒的冷却时间,这就使得裂魂人不能像虚空假面和鱼人那样持续输出。

    The downside to Greater Bash is its1.5 second cooldown , which makes it harder for Barathrum to produce a permabash compared to heroes like Faceless Void and Slardar .