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  • 网络Juye;juye county
  1. 主要介绍巨野县的人文地理、方言归属情况和方言概貌,并说明巨野方言句法的研究现状、研究意义和研究方法。第二章巨野方言的特殊短语结构。

    It mainly introduces the cultural geography , dialect attribution and general picture of JuYe County , and illustrates the current research status , research meaning and methods.2nd chapter : " Special Phrase Structure in JuYe Dialect " .

  2. 第5部分是巨野县土地利用中存在的问题及合理利用对策,论文从可持续发展和生态学的角度找出巨野县土地利用中存在的问题并提出了相关的发展策略。

    The fifth part is the countermeasure to the problems existing in the course of land utilization in Juye County . The article shed light on the subsistent problems from the aspects of sustainable development and ecology , besides , it proposal relevant strategy on developing .

  3. 然后,从生态学的角度出发对巨野县土地的利用结构行了土地利用的SWOT分析和生态重建区域模型分析。

    Thereafter , it make an assay of utilization structure of land , which covers the SWOT and the modeling analysis in synusiologic rebuilding area .

  4. 巨野县清源污水处理工程综合生物处理池上浮原因分析

    The Reasons for Floating of Integrated Biological Treatment Pond of Juye Qingyuan Sewage Treatment Project

  5. 论采石场的生态恢复和景观重建&以山东省菏泽市巨野县为例

    On The Ecological Restoration And Landscape Rebuilding Of Qu arry & Take Juye , Shandong Province As An Example