
  • 网络Gongyi;gongyi city
  1. 应急管理部表示,我国自主研发的翼龙-2H无人机飞行4.5小时抵达河南省巩义市米河镇。该镇是河南省受灾最严重的一个地区。

    A China-developed Wing Loong-2H unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) took a 4.5-hour flight to Mihe township in Gongyi city , one of the most seriously ravaged of Emergency Management said .

  2. 1953年生于河南省巩义市;

    1953 , Born in Gongyi City , Henan Province .

  3. 巩义市布氏菌病暴发的流行病学特征分析

    Analysis on epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis outbreak

  4. 李超(另案处理)在巩义市新兴现代城三楼开了一个电玩城。

    Li Chao ( handled separately ) in the third floor of New Town , Gongyi City opened a new gaming city .

  5. 巩义市法院审理后认为,被告人李斌结伙采取强制方法非法剥夺他人人身自由,其行为已构成非法拘禁罪。

    Gongyi Municipal Court hearing that the defendant Bin gang enforcement approach to illegal deprivation of liberty , his acts constituted the crime of illegal detention .