
  1. 巴西市场占Arcos总销售额的一半以上。在巴西,货币贬值和消费放缓削弱了麦当劳的盈利,即使世界杯也未能扭转局面。

    In Brazil , which accounts for more than half of Arcos 's sales , currency depreciation and a slowdown in consumption , even during the World Cup last year , have eroded profits .

  2. 投资银行CanaccordGenuity的分析师以“强劲”描述喜力业绩,他们着重指出了巴西市场的稳健表现,随着巴西经济趋弱,许多消费品公司报告该市场放缓,但优质拉格啤酒的销量仍然保持良好。

    Describing the results as " strong , " analysts at Canaccord Genuity highlighted the robust performance of Brazil , where many consumer companies have reported a slowdown as the economy weakens but where sales of premium lagers are still holding up .

  3. 此外,库克还强调了巴西市场(年销量同比增长达118%)。

    Also focused on Brazil ( sales up118 % YoY ) .

  4. 这四家汽车制造商几十年前就进入了巴西市场。

    Those four manufacturers have been in Brazil for decades .

  5. 海外市场:虽然巴西市场有所冷却,但中国市场依然炙手可热。

    Overseas markets : China continues to sizzle while Brazil cools off .

  6. 他还指出,中国、印度和巴西市场的估值看起来没有吸引力。

    He also notes that valuations in China , India and Brazil look unattractive .

  7. 其实,联想早已进入巴西市场。

    Lenovo already has a presence in Brazil .

  8. 巴西市场没有继续下滑检验了巴西新兴宏观经济的实力。

    That markets have not sunk further is testimony to brazil 's newfound macroeconomic buoyancy .

  9. 巴西市场将由阿根廷、乌拉圭和其他市场的工厂供应。

    The Brazilian market will be supplied by plants in Argentina , Uruguay and other markets .

  10. 中国、印度和巴西市场销量猛增,帮助沃尔沃今年从其历史上最严重的低迷中复苏。

    Surging sales in China , India and Brazil have helped Volvo recover this year from the worst downturn in its history .

  11. 我们绝对喜欢俄罗斯市场,我们绝对喜欢巴西市场,我们绝对喜欢印度市场。

    We like the Russian market absolutely . We like the Brazilian market , absolutely , we like the Indian market , absolutely .

  12. 他表示:增长状况显然很重要。他补充称,正是这个因素使巴西市场的反弹比其它拉美市场更为强劲。

    The growth story clearly matters , he says , adding that this factor saw Brazil rebound more strongly than other Latin American markets .

  13. 如果你回头看2008年第一季度,当时俄罗斯和巴西市场上涨,而中国与印度则在下跌。

    If you go back to the first quarter of 2008 , you saw the Russian and Brazilian markets rising , while China and India fell .

  14. 大众在巴西市场一直占大头(市场份额:22%),俄罗斯市场正加速扩张(9%)。

    VW has long been big in Brazil ( market share : 22 % ) , and is expanding fast in Russia ( 9 % ) .

  15. 这一点,再加上去年在政府开支刺激下的超高速经济增长,吸引许多海外投资者涌入巴西市场,进一步加剧了雷亚尔的升值压力。

    This , together with breakneck economic growth fuelled last year by government spending , has drawn in overseas investors , adding further pressure on the real to appreciate .

  16. 亨德森先生最不希望中国的经营受到影响,上个月通用在中国的销售量基本和在美国持平,或者其利润较好的巴西市场。

    Mr Henderson is desperate to avoid damaging the firm 's operations in China , where it sold almost as many cars last month as in America , or its profitable Brazilian unit .

  17. 马云说他希望阿里巴巴能继续开拓海外市场(目前已经进入俄罗斯和巴西市场),目标是在中国之外消费者人数能达到20亿,小商店能达到1000万。

    Ma said he hopes to keep expanding Alibaba outside of China ( the company is already big in Russia and Brazil ) and is aiming for 2billion consumers and 10million small businesses to use the company outside of China 。

  18. 研究结果称,宝洁在美国、中国、法国和巴西市场投放的类似企业品牌广告,对于消费者认识宝洁与各子品牌之间的联系有所帮助,并从而提升了他们购买宝洁产品的倾向性。

    It claims that similar corporate branding ads in the US , China , France and Brazil helped consumers understand the link between P & G and its individual brands and as a result increased their propensity to buy its products .

  19. 这里还将讨论中国公司在进入巴西市场、投资并取得成功的过程中,什么该做,什么不该做以及如何避免问题和错误,反之亦然;文化差异;规则,如何处理他们的融资和投资。

    It will be discussed what a Chinese company should and should not do to enter , invest and succeed in the Brazilian market and vice-versa , passing through the mistakes it could make ; the culture difference ; rules , and how to deal with their finance and investments .

  20. 她表示,尽管企业技术市场的预期年增长率为4%至5%,但惠普业务的增速预计会低一些,大致等于全球GDP增速,这反映出了中国、俄罗斯和巴西等市场的困境。

    While the enterprise technology market is expected to grow at 4-5 per cent a year , the HP operation is expected to grow at a slower rate , roughly in line with global GDP , reflecting difficulties in markets including China , Russia and Brazil , she said .

  21. 在整个竞选期间,巴西金融市场波动剧烈,反映了市场对她管理经济的质疑。

    Brazil 's financial markets gyrated wildly throughout the race , reflecting skepticism over her management of the economy .

  22. 发展中国家外汇期货的推出对即期汇率波动的冲击效应&基于巴西外汇市场的实证分析

    Impacts of the Introduction of Foreign Exchange Futures on Spot Exchange Rate : An Empirical Analysis of the Brazilian Experiences

  23. 大宗商品的高价和亚马逊地区的毁林有关,为满足巴西国内市场的需求,那里的树木被砍倒而用来造田。

    High commodity prices are correlated with deforestation in the Amazon as trees are cut down to create farmland to feed Brazil 's domestic market .

  24. 一位熟悉美国市场的销售员不需要熟悉中国或者巴西的市场。

    For instance , a salesman who excels in the United States may not possess the cultural knowledge needed to succeed in China or Brazil .

  25. 许多公司为女性职员提供深夜班车。而在印度、阿联酋和巴西的市场中也涌现出了仅供女性乘坐的出租车公司。

    Many companies provide their female staff with late-night shuttle buses & and female-only taxi companies are springing up in India , the UAE and Brazil .

  26. 今年,该公司表示,得益于大型波分复用(一种单条光纤上同时发送不同载波信号的技术)合同驱动下的销量激增,中兴通讯在巴西的市场地位得到了大幅提升。

    This year , the company said its standing in the country had been raised considerably , following a significant sales boost driven by large-scale contracts for wave-length-division multiplexing , a technology that combines different carrier signals on to one optical fibre .

  27. 一间客房的价格,比如莫斯科丽思卡尔顿酒店(924美元)和圣保罗法萨诺酒店(720美元),就可以透露出俄罗斯和巴西商品市场正在全线哄抬物价,同时,这也削弱了其他产业的竞争力。

    The price of a room in Moscow 's Ritz-Carlton ( $ 924 ) and S ? o Paulo 's Fasano hotel ( $ 720 ) are telltale signs that the commodity wealth in Russia and Brazil is bidding up prices across the board , eroding the competitiveness of other industries .

  28. APCM说,这一裁决“对于巴西数字音乐市场的未来非常重要。”

    APCM said that the ruling is " important for the future of the digital music market in Brazil . "

  29. 如果你有兴趣,在进入巴西的轮胎市场,请与我们联系。

    If you are interested in entering the Brazilian tyre market , please contact us .

  30. 不过,巴西占南美市场的50%,阿维拉表示。

    However , Brazil represents 50 per cent of the South American market , says Mr Avila .