
  • 网络President of Brazil
  1. 本文作者是巴西总统。

    The writer is president of Brazil .

  2. 巴西总统签署了一项法令,旨在限制社交媒体公司的权力。

    The president of Brazil has signed a decree aimed at restricting the powers of social media companies .

  3. 巴西总统LuizInácioLuladaSilva称他将否决部分条款,使该措施不适用于公司和不在当地的土地持有人。

    President Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva said he would veto clauses applying the measure to companies and absentee landlords .

  4. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,巴西总统因担忧美国的间谍活动,下个月将不会按照原定计划访问白宫。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports Brazil 's president won 't be visiting the White House next month as scheduled over concerns about American spying practices .

  5. 为了防止形势更加恶化,巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(dilmarousseff)今年推出了多个刺激计划。

    To stop things getting even worse , President dilma Rousseff has unveiled several stimulus packages this year .

  6. 而巴西总统卢拉正式宣布了支持Hosni,他希望因此得到阿拉伯支持巴西获得改革后的联合国安理会的席位。Barbosa的机会看上去正在消失。

    S President Lula da Silva is officially backing Hosni , hoping to get Arab support for a Brazilian seat on the reformed UN Security Council .

  7. 胡与巴西总统在周二时在北京时会面。

    Hu met with Brazilian President Rousseff during her stay in Beijing on Tuesday .

  8. 克林顿在巴西利亚和巴西总统卢拉举行了会谈。

    Clinton held talks in Brasilia with Brazil 's President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva .

  9. 巴西总统罗塞夫女士周二表示,巴西政府正在研究富士康的投资计划。

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said on Tuesday her government is studying Foxconn 's investment plan .

  10. 在2002年当选巴西总统之前,我曾参加并输掉了4次竞选。

    I fought and lost four elections before being elected president of the Republic in 2002 .

  11. 巴西总统雅伊尔·博索纳罗从新冠肺炎康复后没有戴口罩。

    Brazil 's President Jair Bolsonaro is not wearing a mask after his recovery from COVID-19 .

  12. 巴西总统迪尔玛·罗赛夫公布了一些旨在帮助国内企业更具竞争力的计划。

    Brazil 's President Dilma Rousseff has unveiled plans to help her country be more competitive .

  13. 现如今,巴西总统罗塞芙简直在写狗血剧剧本。

    BY NOW Brazil 's president , Dilma Rousseff , must be finding the script wearily familiar .

  14. 巴西总统狄尔玛·罗瑟夫的发言人罗德里戈·贝娜称,罗瑟夫患肺炎住院。

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is in hospital suffering from pneumonia , her spokesman Rodrigo Baena says .

  15. 新任巴西总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫首次对外访问去的是北京,而非华盛顿。

    The first foreign trip made by Dilma Rousseff , the new Brazilian president , was to Beijing , not Washington .

  16. 但卢拉战胜了命运,穷人家的孩子当上了巴西总统。

    But Lula triumphed over the odds to become the poor boy who came from a shack to be president of Brazil .

  17. 卡多佐后来当了巴西总统。按此理论,第三世界国家的经济模式几乎无一成功(像东亚四小虎这样的成功国家则被视作特例)。

    Almost by definition , third-world countries were economic failures ( successes , like the East Asian tigers , were seen as special cases ) .

  18. 巴西总统卢拉已呼吁各方不要由于就农业特殊保护方面存在的分歧而致使谈判失败。卢拉总统的这一呼吁是正确的。

    President Lula of Brazil has called on the parties not to let the WTO negotiations fail because of differences over a special safeguard for agriculture .

  19. 贝拉克-奥巴马总统上周四(译者注:7月9日)从巴西总统路易斯-伊纳西奥-卢拉-达-席尔瓦那里收到了一份礼物。这份礼物似乎让奥巴马很高兴,又让他有些难堪。

    President Barack Obama seemed pleased with the gift he received Thursday from Brazil 's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva , but it was bittersweet nonetheless .

  20. 撇开卢拉幼稚的拉美外交政策不谈,有两个更严重的原因使得巴西总统的风采不再。

    Apart from the naivety of Lula 's foreign policy in South America , there are two graver reasons why Brazil 's president has lost his shine .

  21. 因此,10月3日的巴西总统大选既是一场欢送过去的庆典,也是通向未来的一个路标。

    As a result , the Brazilian presidential election on October 3 will be a celebration of the past , as much as a signpost to the future .

  22. 巴西总统卢拉已经签署了一系列致力于在他明年1月卸任之后让他对科学投资的遗产继续下去的法案。

    Brazilian President Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva has signed a series of bills aimed at continuing his legacy of investment in science after he leaves office next January .

  23. 巴西总统卢拉在上个月底(1月26日)批准了这个预算,它几乎比去年的高了1/3。

    President Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva approved the budget , which is almost a third higher than last year 's , late last month ( 26 January ) .

  24. 巴西总统卢拉说他会以一种较为温和的方式提醒他的委内瑞拉伙伴,但是目前来看查韦斯并没有“回头”之意。

    Brazil 's Lula says that he quietly urges moderation on his Venezuelan counterpart , but there is no evidence that this is changing Mr Ch á vez 's direction of travel .

  25. 巴西总统卢拉获评最具影响力“领导者”,获选理由是他一直为解决巴西这样一个拉美大国的社会公平和严重社会不平等问题不懈努力。

    The " leaders " list starts with the Brazilian president , who is praised for his drive to bring social justice and end deep inequality in his huge Latin American country .

  26. 巴西总统特梅尔宣布全国哀悼3天,西班牙顶级俱乐部皇家马德里队和巴塞罗那队在开始训练时默哀1分钟。

    Brazilian President Michel Temer announced three days of national mourning , and top Spanish clubs Real Madrid and Barcelona held a minute 's silence at the beginning of their practice sessions .

  27. 巴西总统正面临弹劾,该国正经历着大萧条以来最严重的经济危机,看台上的尖叫声实际上是在释放压抑的情绪。

    With Brazil 's president facing impeachment while the country endures its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression , the scream coming from the bleachers is a primal one , Murad says .

  28. 巴西总统称赞这个项目是这两个新兴国家之间合作的成功坚实例证。他说,卫星拍摄的地球图像将可以让非洲国家的人们免费使用。

    The Brazilian leader praised this project as a successful and concrete example of cooperation between two emerging countries , and said the satellite images will be made freely available to countries in Africa .

  29. 克林顿国务卿发出呼吁,尽管巴西总统卢拉在会见克林顿之前重申他反对过早对伊朗实行制裁,并说国际社会不应该将伊朗推向死角。

    Clinton made her appeal even though Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reaffirmed his opposition to early sanctions before meeting the Secretary , saying the world community should not push Iran into a corner .

  30. 业内很多人士声称淡水河谷的股权架构,赋予了巴西总统(目前是卢拉)强制其在国内投资,创造就业岗位的权力。

    Many in the industry claim that Vale 's shareholding structure gives Brazil 's president ( currently Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva ) the power to force Vale to invest and create jobs at home .