
  • 网络EMBRAER;Varig
  1. 巴西航空工业公司已经在中国东北城市哈尔滨组建了一家合资企业和组装工厂。

    Embraer has established a joint venture and assembly plant in the Manchurian city of Harbin .

  2. 非美资企业也有所动作:巴西航空工业公司(EmbraerSA)上个月说,将考虑把中国一家生产小型商务飞机的合资工厂改造为一家制造公务机的企业。

    Non-U.S. companies are moving in , too : Brazil 's Embraer SA last month said it would consider transforming a Chinese joint-venture plant for small commercial jets to turn out executive planes .

  3. 巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)成为世界级的小型商用喷气式飞机制造商。

    In Brazil , Embraer is a world-class maker of small commercial jets .

  4. ARJ21客机——或21世纪亚洲支线客机——中国打算以此来使中国商用飞机有限责任公司这一国有制造商,与加拿大庞巴迪飞机制造厂以及巴西航空工业公司竞争。

    The ARJ21 - or Asian Regional Jet for the21st Century - is intended to make its state-owned manufacturer , CommercialAircraft Corp. of China , acompetitor to Bombardier Inc. of Canadaand Brazil'sEmbraer SA .

  5. 巴西航空工业公司:为未来积蓄新的力量

    Embraer Charges with New Power for the Future

  6. 而巴西航空工业公司是世界范围内支线飞机的领先制造商。

    Brazil 's Embraer is the leading manufacturer of regional jets in the world .

  7. 但巴西航空工业公司在美国也有许多公司是它的合作伙伴,最近还在佛罗里达州开设了一个装配工厂。

    However , Embraer also has many partner companies in the United States and recently set up an assembly facility in Florida .

  8. 寄往巴西的航空信要十便士吧?

    It 's 10 cents for an airmail letter to Brazil , isn 't it ?

  9. 最让人垂涎欲滴的就是拉美航空公司,是将在明年由巴西天马航空公司和智利航空公司合并成的一个庞然大物,并成为南美洲天空的霸主。

    The juiciest prize still on offer is LATAM , a giant to be formed next year through a merger of Brazil 's TAM and Chile 's LAN , which will dominate the skies of South America .

  10. 自九月来,巴西就饱受航空运输业的控制权问题的困扰。

    Brazil has been dogged by air-traffic control problems since September .

  11. 这已开始收到成效&美国政府向巴西飞机制造商巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)授予了一项重要的合同,让其为美国军方生产超级巨嘴鸟(SuperTucano)飞机。

    This is already yielding results – Washington granted Embraer , the Brazilian aircraft maker , an important contract to produce its Super Tucano aircraft for the US military .

  12. 其他不算太新的公告包括,中国向巴西国家石油公司提供贷款并向巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)订购40架飞机。

    Other not-so-new announcements included Chinese loans to state-owned oil company Petrobras and a Chinese order for 40 Brazilian Embraer aircraft .

  13. 尽管一些巴西公司(例如肉类加工商JBS)受益于雷亚尔大幅贬值,但与其他巴西航空公司一样,蓝色航空正受到燃油价格上涨(价格以美元计)和国内需求较为疲弱的双重打击。

    Although some Brazilian companies - such as meat processor JBS - have benefitted from the sharp depreciation in the real , Azul , like other Brazilian carriers , are being hit by a double whammy of higher fuel costs ( which are priced in dollars ) and weaker domestic demand .

  14. 印度和巴西实行的对本国生产商有利的政府政策,分别为印度的工业创新和巴西的航空创新创造了良好环境。

    And government policies that favored domestic producers created the environment for industrial innovations in India and aviation innovations in Brazil .