
  1. 众多英国退伍老兵、店主和居民希望在伍顿巴西特镇上的街道设置警戒线,以表达他们对普瑞特·海耶斯的敬意。

    British Legion veterans , shopkeepers and residents are expected to line Wootton Bassett 's streets to pay their respects to Pte Hayes .

  2. 官员称这次灾难的影响相当于海啸,所以洪水的威力如此巨大,将铁路轨道撕裂,只剩下扭曲的金属连接在木桩上。这些巴西士兵刚刚为镇上的居民堆放好补给物资。

    Officials are comparing this catastrophe to a tsunami , and this is why the flood came with such force that it tore off the railroad tracks from their base , leaving only twisted medal attached to wood beams.These Brazilian soldiers have just finished supplies for the people in this town .