
  1. 在那时,他已经在伦敦的苏豪区(SOHODistrict)成立了武器与健康文化巴顿术学会(BartitsuAcademyofArmsandPhysicalCulture)。

    By then , he had established the Bartitsu Academy of Arms and Physical Culture in London 's Soho district .

  2. 沃尔夫提到,如果不是因为柯南•道尔爵士在1894年写了《空屋》(TheAdventureoftheEmptyHouse)这一福尔摩斯侦探故事,巴顿术可能已经彻底消失了。

    In time , Bartitsu might have vanished completely , Mr. Wolf says , were it not for a single passage in ' The Adventure of the Empty House , ' a Sherlock Holmes mystery by Conan Doyle set in 1894 .

  3. 这部电影,以及两年后发行的续集《大侦探福尔摩斯:诡影游戏》(SherlockHolmes:AGameofShadows)中的打斗场面,一部分就来源于沃尔夫的巴顿术协会(BartitsuSociety)收集到的巴顿-怀特的初始资料。

    The film -- and a sequel two years later , ' Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows ' -- included fight scenes based in part on Mr. Barton-Wright 's original texts collected by Mr. Wolf 's Bartitsu Society . '

  4. 沃尔夫对此津津乐道:“这样就可以让更多的人了解巴顿术了。”

    That brought Bartitsu to a very broad audience , ' Mr. Wolf says .

  5. 一百多年后的今天,书中对巴顿术的简明援引终于找到了当代的支持者。

    More than 100 years later , that brief reference has paid off for Bartitsu 's contemporary supporters .

  6. 唐纳利上周的课程包括“女士巴顿术:穿紧身胸衣也能当海扁王”。

    Mr. Donnelly 's seminars last weekend included ' Kicking Ass in a Corset : Bartitsu for Ladies . '

  7. 巴顿术的基本方法就是通过用手、脚、或简易武器攻击对手的关键部位,使其失去平衡。

    The basic approach was to knock an attacker off kilter , while striking at vulnerable spots with the hands , feet or a makeshift weapon .

  8. 但在过去十年中,一些武术爱好者、历史学家以及研究福尔摩斯的学者,通过收集世纪之交时期伦敦的报纸、杂志和其它信息来源,让巴顿术重放光彩。

    But in the past decade , a handful of martial-arts enthusiasts , historians and Holmes scholars have rediscovered Bartitsu by piecing together archival newspaper and magazine clippings from turn-of-the-century London , among other sources .

  9. 巴顿术里其它的武器还包括手杖、礼帽、鼻烟盒、手帕以及“绅士可以随手取用的任何物品”,唐纳利如此说道。

    It is if it 's in my hands at the time of attack . ' Other items in the Bartitsu arsenal include walking sticks , top hats , snuffboxes , handkerchiefs or ' any item a gentleman would have at his disposal , ' says Mr. Donnelly .

  10. 1901年在伦敦日本协会(JapanSocietyofLondon)演讲时,巴顿-怀特援引了研究学者的资料,他提到巴顿术的目标并非连续攻击对手,而是避免“狗急跳带来的伤害”。

    The goal wasn 't to pummel an enemy , but rather to avoid ' injury in cowardly attacks or quarrels , ' Mr. Barton-Wright told members of the Japan Society of London in a 1901 lecture , according to notes unearthed by researchers .