
bā xī guǒ
  • bertholletia excelsa;brazilnut;niggertoe
巴西果[bā xī guǒ]
  1. 这些巴西果采摘者所卖的钱仅为纽约批发价格的2%到3%。

    The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price .

  2. 目前,巴西果种植面积有1万多亩。

    At present , the Brazil nut area of10000 acres planted .

  3. 巴西果效应分离过程的计算颗粒力学模拟研究

    Discrete element simulation of the segregation in Brazil nut problem

  4. 这一研究为揭示颗粒物分离的巴西果效应提供了简单的典型模式。

    This experiment can serve as a simple model to reveal the Brazil-nut effect in the size segregation of granular matter .

  5. 他们认为,这所谓的“巴西果效应”使得完全埋于表面残骸下的巨石慢慢浮上了表面。

    This " Brazil-nut effect " might have caused boulders completely buried in the surface debris to rise into view , they say .

  6. 拿我来说,我每天早晨会吃一把坚果,里面有核桃,杏仁,大胡桃和2颗巴西果,再喝一杯咖啡。

    Personally , I have a handful of walnuts , almonds , pecans and 2 Brazil nuts each morning , with my coffee .

  7. 我们通过测量大颗粒由底部上升至颗粒床表面所用的时间来研究‘巴西果’分离效应。

    We investigate the segregation process through measuring the time the larger intruder particle rises from the container bottom to the free surface of the bed of small particles .

  8. 坚果中还含有丰富的膳食纤维,实际上,杏仁、巴西果、花生和核桃可能有助于防止便秘,这抵消了我长期以来对其可能影响消化功能的担忧。

    Nuts are also rich sources of dietary fiber , and almonds , Brazil nuts , peanuts and walnuts may actually help prevent constipation , countering my long-held concerns about their effects on digestion .

  9. 科利尔是前两届洛杉矶马拉松比赛的冠军,他服用多种补充剂,其中之一就是从富含抗氧化物的巴西莓果中提取出来的液体饮品。

    Korir , winner of the last two Los Angeles Marathons , takes several supplements , including a liquid product with acai , a fruit that contains antioxidants .