
  • 网络Market specialization
  1. 2010年4月16日沪深300股指期货合约正式中国金融期货交易所上市,成为中国金融市场走向专业化的里程碑。

    The China Financial Futures Exchange launched China Shanghai Shenzhen 300 Stock Index Futures on April 16 2010 .

  2. 众多厂商聚集在一起形成足够大的市场使专业化供应商得以生存。

    A localized industrial cluster can solve this problem by bringing together many firms that provide a large enough market to support specialized suppliers .

  3. 事务所组织机构的设置应能满足市场和专业化发展的需要,按不同的职能和行业安排管理人员,实行专人专用、才尽其用,使职员专业知识在事务所内部管理中得以充分发挥。

    The installation of institutions in firms must be able to meet the needs of market and specialization . Manage and arrange staff on the basis of functions and industries difference , in order to bring the faculties ' professional knowledge in internal management into full play . 5 .

  4. 我们认为你们的产品对广大市场而言太专业化了。

    We feel your product is too specialized for mass marketing .

  5. 市场化、专业化与中药材产业的发展

    Marketing , Specialization and Industrial Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  6. 第四,推进安全生产监管的市场化、专业化与社会化改革。

    Pushing reform of safety production supervision marketable professional socialization .

  7. 四是机制创新,一是必须坚持走市场化、专业化之路。

    Four is the mechanism innovation , one is must persist the market , the specialized road of .

  8. 公司以市场化、专业化发展思路,真诚希望为所有客户提供优质的服务。

    The company wishes to offer the high-quality service to all customers under the development concepts of market-oriented and professionalized .

  9. 其武器就是细分市场下的专业化服务,把这种能力发挥到极致。

    His weapon is served , bring this kind of ability into full play by specialization subdivided under the market .

  10. 从理论上来说,垂直分工体系的确是一种理想的、有助于规范市场秩序的专业化分工体系。

    From the view of theory , the perpendicular division system is an ideal and helpful professional division system to regulating the markets order .

  11. 是唯一一家不依托任何主办单位扶持而独立市场运作的专业化家政保洁公司。

    Is the only one not based on any of the organizers and independent operation of the market to support the professional domestic cleaning company .

  12. 因此资本市场强烈呼唤专业化和相对成熟的机构投资者加入到公司治理的行列中来,发挥他们的监督作用。

    Therefore , capital market is intensely calling for special and relatively mature institution investors into the corporate governance as they play a supervisory role .

  13. 对国内有代表性的各文献信息服务网络的发展目标、网络内容和运行方式进行比较和总结,提出文献信息网络市场化和专业化的建议。

    Compares the aims , contents and plans between the famous information service networks in China , and puts forward some suggestions about the marketing and specialization of these information networks .

  14. 随着国际石油市场的日益专业化和市场化,国际间石油勘探开发合作基本是通过资源国政府(或国家石油公司为代表)和国际石油公司之间签订的国际石油合同来实施和完成的。

    With the development of specialization and marketization of international petroleum market , the international petroleum exploration and development cooperation realized through signing international contracts by resources country and international petroleum companies .

  15. 随着中国汽车、工程机械行业配套产品规模化、市场化及专业化发展,行业配套生产商已面临巨大的挑战。

    With the development of applied products of China 's automobile and engineering machinery industry in scale , marketing and specialization , applied product manufacturers in this trade are facing great challenges .

  16. 生态视域下专用汽车设计产业链创新的目的是提高专用汽车设计创新的市场化和专业化水平,并促进加快实现专用汽车服务业的产业化。

    Purpose of the Research is to raise the professional and marketing level of special purpose vehicle design and innovative , and promote to the industrialization of the special purpose vehicle design service .

  17. 在对动因、发展机理的分析与探讨基础上,构建了以投资、市场需求、专业化程度、城市化率、城市经济水平等为影响因子的都市生产性服务业外向发展的理论模型。

    This paper constructs the theoretical model of metropolitan producer services ' extraversion development with investment , market demand , degree of specialization , urbanization , economic development levels as the influencing factors .

  18. 电视频道专业化其实质是在媒体竞争中细分市场,形成专业化品牌并占领市场,因此频道专业化前景广阔。

    The nature of TV channel specialization lies in the sub-division of markets in media competition , formation of specialized brands and occupation of markets , and so there is a broad prospect for specialization .

  19. 根据前面几章的分析,在处理转轨成本、提高养老保险覆盖面、建立法律体系、完善资本市场和实行专业化管理等方面提出建议。

    According to the analysis of previous chapters , in handling transition costs , improving the endowment insurance coverage , the establishment of legal system , perfecting the capital market and implement professional management aspects give some suggestions .

  20. 但目前国内嵌入式软件市场化、专业化和社会化程度较低,中小公司急需了解底层核心的测试数据采集技术,构造合适的测试工具,提高自动化测试水平、保证产品质量。

    However , marketable , specialization and socialization of home embedded industry is lowlihead . Middling company starves for understanding bottom technology of testing data collection , constructs testing assistant instrument to heighten the level of roboticized testing and ensure the the quality of production .

  21. 近年来,中石油集团公司(以下简称CNPC)内部市场逐步开放,专业化重组改制不断深入进行。

    With the inner market of China National Petroleum Company ( CNPC ) step by step opened , the combination of professional companies will be performed .

  22. 论保险中介市场的规范化专业化建设

    On Standardization and Specialization of the Intermediary Market

  23. 同时,这种内在联系又是建立在以市场运行机制和专业化、社会化的基础之上的。

    And the internal relation , mutual condition and influence is based on the market functioning systems , specialization and socialization .

  24. 为项目负责人提供玻璃技术支持,面向市场形成专业和标准化的整体方案。

    Provides the glass technical support to the program manager to create the dedicated , professional and standardized offer package to the market .

  25. 建立健全农村社会化服务体系,是发展市场经济以及生产专业化和社会化水平不断提高的客观必然要求。

    Establishing and perfecting rural socialized service sytem are the inevitable demand of developing market economy and continuous improving level of specialized and socialized .

  26. 由于市场规模扩大对专业化生产水平具有促进作用,从而使义乌市场的发展能够自我实现。

    As the market scale has a role in promoting the professional level of production , so that the development of Yiwu market to self-realization .

  27. 由于我国社区服务还处于初级阶段,加之定位模糊,致使在社区服务体系建设中还存在着行政化、市场化倾向以及专业化程度低、居民参与率不高等问题。

    As community service is still in the initial stage , so the community service system also exists administrative trends and residents participation rate remains low .

  28. 公司自成立以来秉承市场运作原则和专业化、区域化、国际化的发展战略,联合一切优势探索成功之路。

    Since its inception uphold professional principles and the operation of the market , regionalization and international development strategy , all the advantages of joint exploration success .

  29. 发达国家的汽车后市场已经走向了专业化、连锁化的经营道路,能够为消费者提供方便快捷、价格透明、产品质量可靠的服务。

    The after-sale market in developed countries has moved toward the road of specialization and chain operators so that it can provide consumers with convenience , transparent prices , reliable product quality .

  30. 产业链是基于客观存在的区域差异,借助区域市场协调地区间专业化分工和多维性需求的矛盾,以产业合作为实现形式和内容的区域合作载体。

    On the basis of objective regional difference and coordination of regional division of labor and multiple dimension demand in regional market , industrial chain is regional cooperation carrier whose contents and form is industrial cooperation .