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  • 网络citizen stratum;Burghers Class
  1. 第二、他们的艺术创作,从书画的内容、形式、技法,乃至画风也都受到了市民阶层意识的影响。

    Secondly , the art works in terms of contents , form , techniques and painting style were influenced by the citizen stratum .

  2. 经济腾飞,市民阶层崛起,通俗小说创作传播开始走向繁盛。

    The economic boom lead to the rise of citizen stratum and the creation and dissemination of popular novel find its way towards prosperity .

  3. 伴随着资本主义的萌芽,明代社会出现了新兴的市民阶层。

    The rudiment with the capitalism , new developing citizens stratum appeared in the society in the ming dynasty .

  4. 在西方,城市成为市民阶层反封建的堡垒。

    In West , city was a fort for citizen against feudalism .

  5. 他的小说反映并迎合了20世纪80年代中期中国市民阶层在外来文明与文化冲击下的暴躁心态。

    His novels reflect and cater to the irascible mentality in mid 1980s .

  6. 市民阶层的出现与文学观念的嬗变

    Citizen class foundation and literature idea evolution

  7. 在市民阶层的生活细节和思想意识方面都达到了高度的真实,具有写实精神。

    The novels receive a high degree of the truth both in thought ideology and the live details .

  8. 市民阶层随着城市的扩大,成为社会的重要阶层。

    With the expansion of the city , citizen estate grew up into the dominance of the society .

  9. 明朝中晚期,随着城市的繁荣和商品经济的发展,新兴的市民阶层开始崛起。

    In later Ming Dynasty , with the development of the commodity economy , a new townspeople class grew up .

  10. 新兴市民阶层地位的迅速崛起和商业经济的发展,为通俗小说的传播培育了众多的传播者和受众。

    The growing up of the new citizens and the development of the business and economy cultivated more communicators and readers .

  11. 认知指称词语使用情况的相关社会因素分析&以沈阳市民阶层为例

    Analysis on Correlative Social Factors of the Use of Cognitive Addressing Words & Take the Class of Shenyang Citizens as an Example

  12. 清末民初北京地区出现了针对中下层市民阶层而创办的白话小报。

    The Colloquialism newspapers for the middle-under-level citizen appeared at Peking at later Qing Dynasty and the forepart of Republic of China .

  13. 同时,作为市民阶层表达自己要求的手段,卡通也被予以了更为广泛的内涵。

    Meanwhile , as members of the public sector to express their demands , cartoons are also to be given a broader connotation .

  14. 市民阶层是社会中存在的一个特殊的文化消费群体。

    Following the infiltration of economic concept to traditional society , a new social community , the citizen class appears and unceasingly expanding .

  15. 其背后的主导力量有二,一是商业文化的发达,市民阶层的崛起;

    The main propelling power lies in two aspects : one is the prosperity of commercial culture and the boost of the citizen class ;

  16. 通俗小说创作上的繁荣既与市民阶层的文化需求息息相关,也与城市刻书业的兴起有直接关系。

    The prosperity of popular novels was closely related to not only the public cultural needs , but also the rise of engraving industry .

  17. 我国现代意义上的市民阶层肇始于鸦片战争之后,从上海等沿海开放城市走上现代化道路开始。

    The modern citizen class began to from after the Opium War and stepped onto the modern way in Shanghai and other coastal cities .

  18. 内容提要:明代资本主义生产关系的出现,新兴的市民阶层诞生平发展壮大,市民文学繁荣。

    Summary : Ming Dynasty capitalist production relations , the new-born members of the public sectors of the development and growth , prosperity and literary people .

  19. 王安忆小说有自己独特的视角,那就是透过上海这城市声色繁华的表象及日常生活的琐碎平淡,着力凸显弄堂生活和市民阶层的日常生活意识。

    Wang tries to express the lane life and daily life consciousness of common people through the images of prosperity and trivial and plain daily life .

  20. 经济的发展促使了中国市民阶层的崛起,同时也带来了日常生活叙事在中国当代电视文化中的兴盛。

    The economic development causes the rise of Chinese townspeople as well as the prosperity of daily narrative works in China 's contemporary TV play culture .

  21. 晚明时期商品经济的繁荣和市民阶层的壮大为通俗小说的迅速发展提供了便利条件。

    In later Ming Dynasty , the prosperity of commodity economy and the expansion of townspeople stratum provided suitable advantages of the quick development of popular novels .

  22. 再次,宋代城市经济的繁荣,市民阶层的壮大,为俗文化提供了充分的发展条件。

    Lastly , the prosperity of urban economy dung the Song dynasty , created full development conditions for enlargement of the townspeople class and for the secular culture .

  23. 俗文学哺育了高雅文学,同时也培育了广大的市民阶层的受众,培育了现代文学市场。

    Popular literature breeds elegant literature , and in the meantime , it also cultivates numerous readers of the citizen stratum , even develops the modern literature market .

  24. 再加上作为起源地的欧洲资本主义的发展,壮大了市民阶层的力量,导致社会结构重大变化。

    Moreover , as the origin of the development of capitalism in Europe , expand the power of the public sectors , leading to major changes in social structure .

  25. 因此,与乡村农民、达观显贵和文人雅士相比,中国古代的市民阶层有着自己独特的文化品位、审美理想和艺术追求。

    Therefore to compare to village farmer , high officials and noble lords and literati Chinese ancient townspeople had their own cultural taste , aesthetic ideal and artistic pursuit .

  26. 大众文艺在中国的勃兴自有其特殊的原因,主要是:市民阶层的扩大,渴望表达本阶层的文化趣味,谋求本阶层的话语权利;

    With enlargement of townspeople stratum , they yearned for expressing their own stratum 's cultural taste , so that they can seek the right to express their own views ;

  27. 南宋时期,都城临安人口众多,工商业发达,市民阶层日益壮大,他们的生活文化也是丰富多彩。

    In the Southern Song Dynasty the capital city Linan had an enormous population , developed industry and commerce and the living culture of its residents was rich and colorful .

  28. 市场经济体制下市民阶层的崛起和多层次扩展,为市民小说提供了新的叙事资源,是导致市民小说嬗变和兴盛的直接动因。

    The rise and expansion of city residents as a social stratum provide citizen novels with new narrative resource , which leads to the transformation and prosperity of citizen novels .

  29. 第二个方面考察沈从文作品读者阶层,认为可以将他的读者分为青年读者、市民阶层和知识分子阶层。

    The second aspect investigates the reader stratum of ShenCongwen'works , think it can be divided into the youth the reader , the stratum of citizen and the stratum of intellectual .

  30. 市民阶层的艺术需要表现在三个方面:第一个方面是商业美术:商家为了招揽顾客,利用能被市民阶层接受的艺术的形式来进行商业竞争。

    In order to solicit customers and succeed in business competition , the shopkeepers would make good use of the forms of art that could be accepted by the citizen stratum .