
  1. 该市正计划建一座市立图书馆。

    The city is planning to build a municipal library .

  2. 渭南市正加紧实施城市跨越式发展战略,努力构建和谐渭南。

    Weinan city are implementing its leap-forward development for constructing harmonious city .

  3. 当前我市正处于一年中最热的日子。

    Right now it is the hottest days of the year in Hefei .

  4. 本市正遭遇财政困难。

    The city is under financial pressure .

  5. 当前我国各地市正积极开展电子政务网络建设。

    The government network is being constructed in many counties , cities and provinces currently .

  6. 现在美国旧金山市正计划对购物袋收费。果真如此的话,旧金山也许会成为美国第一个花钱购买购物袋的城市。

    San Francisco may become the first city in the nation to charge shoppers for grocery bags .

  7. 当地其他开发商称,该市正试图达成一笔交易以确保该项目能运作下去。

    Other local developers said the city was trying to work out a deal to keep the project alive .

  8. 中国东北的吉林省省会长春市正沉浸在红歌的海洋中。

    The city of Changchun , capital of Northeast China 's Jilin province , is immersed in red songs .

  9. 这时此地气候干燥,温度凉爽,这就意味着暹粒市正处于旅游高峰期。

    The weather is dry and the temperature cool , which means Siem Reaps tourism population is at its high .

  10. 目前,天津市正处在一个高速发展的时期,需要完善的非经营性市政基础设施与之相适应。

    At present , Tianjin is in a period of rapid growth , with the need of sound non-operating municipal infrastructure .

  11. 梧州市正处在以现代农业、乡镇工业和外向型经济为重点的桂东地区。

    Wuzhou is in the guiding district where they pay more attention to modern agriculture , township and village enterprises and export-oriented economy .

  12. 大庆市正面临资源枯竭型城市向经济发达城市转型,对水的需求更加迫切。

    Daqing City is facing a transition that resource-exhausted city to the economically developed city , and have more urgent demand for water .

  13. 重庆市正处于快速城镇化的重要时期,其独特的山水特征对城市规划与建设提出了更高的要求。

    Chongqing is at an important period of rapid urbanization , its unique landscape characteristics put forward a higher requirement to urban planning and construction .

  14. 而在俄亥俄州的阿克伦该市正通过建设一个新制造业基地促进就业住宅销售情况则较为低迷。

    But in Akron , Ohio , which is struggling to boost employment through a new manufacturing base , house purchases have been more muted .

  15. 中山市正逐步发展成为华南的工业中心,在金融危机的背景下依然活力四射。

    The city is making itself an industrial heartland in southern China and is managing to stay strong against the backdrop of the financial crisis .

  16. 潍坊市正处于以工业经济为主转向工业经济与服务经济并重的时期,服务业的发展尤为重要。

    Weifang City is in a transition from industrial economy to industrial-based economy and service economy , so we should pay much attention on the development service industry .

  17. 目前,南平市正处于由传统农业向现代农业转型阶段,发展特色农业是促进现代农业发展的有效途径之一。

    At present , Napping City is transferring from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture . Developing agriculture with local characteristics is one of the effective ways to promote the development of modern agriculture .

  18. 运用动态博弈模型分析了城中村改造参与方的利益分配,在此基础之上分析由于参与方的博弈造成的武汉市正处于改造期的城中村融资困难的原因。

    Using dynamic game model to analyze the distribution of interests of the parties involved in the Village Reconstruction , analyze the financing difficulties in Wuhan City , due to participates in The Game .

  19. 尼尔:三藩市正屹立在地壳一广阔断层之上,叫做圣安德列亚斯断层,随时会大地震。

    Neil : It 's sitting right on top of a huge fault in the earth 's crust . It 's called the San Andreas fault and a huge earthquake is expected there at any time .

  20. 现阶段重庆市正处于城镇化进程和产业结构调整的关键时期,大量农村富余劳动力和城镇下岗失业人员给就业带来了巨大的压力。

    Now , Chongqing is being in town to melt for the crucial periods of industrial structural adjustment and process , plenty of rural spare labor forces and lose job people of town have brought huge pressure to employment .

  21. 评价结果表明:(1)用物元分析法进行水资源开发利用综合评价是可行的;(2)西安市正处于水资源开发利用的发展阶段,仍具有开发潜力。

    The assessment results indicate that it is feasible to apply matter element analysis to comprehensive assessment on development and utilization of water resources and that Xian is at development stage of water resources development and utilization with great potential .

  22. 结论:重庆市正高级职称人员健康状况欠佳,缓解工作和生活压力,改善饮食结构,加强身体锻炼和健康保健已刻不容缓。

    Conclusion : The health condition of persons with high professional title in Chongqing city is not very good . It is urgent to release stress of work and life , improve diet structure , and strengthen exercises and health care .

  23. 近几年来,作为经济欠发达地区的永州市正努力致力于推进高等职业教育的发展,在取得了一定成绩的同时,也积累了不少经验。

    In recent years , as the undeveloped areas , which is dedicated to advancing the efforts to the development of higher vocational education , in certain achievements have been made at the same time , they have accumulated much experience .

  24. 长春市正处于快速城市化和建设高速发展时期,对空间的需求将会成为限制其未来发展的主要问题,在全国大力开发地下空间的浪潮中,长春市也开始大力拓展地下空间。

    Changchun is in rapid urbanization period of rapid development and construction , the space requirement will be the main problem limiting its future development . In the development tide of underground space , Changchun also began to expand the underground space .

  25. 再往东看,该市正建造世界最大的游乐场——上海迪士尼乐园。等到2016年前后开业时,它会被面积为225英亩的“魔法王国”主题公园环绕起来。该项目的总投资预计在50亿美元以上。

    Further east , the city is building the world 's largest playground , Shanghai Disney Resort , which when it opens around 2016 will be surrounded by a 225-acre Magic Kingdom-style park , a development expected to cost more than $ 5 billion .

  26. 目前,西安市正处于经济社会快速发展时期,对土地资源的需求相当强劲,土地资源的有效供给能否得到保障就显得相当重要。

    At present , Xi ' an is in a period of rapid development of economy and society , and the development is demanded on the land resources is also strong , so it is very important to the effective supply of land resources .

  27. 这时此地气候干燥,温度凉爽,这就意味着暹粒市正处于旅游高峰期。和我一样,似乎每一位游客都早早动身,希望能赶在游客大军到来之前一探吴哥窟。

    The weather is dry and the temperature cool , which means Siem Reap " s tourism population is at its high . Like me , it seems every other tourist has also risen early in hopes of discovering Angkor Wat before the 4 ) onrush of other travelers .

  28. 昆明市正处在国企改革和经济转型的关键时期,出现了大量城镇失业人员,而且随着下岗向失业保险并轨后,将更集中的反映为城镇失业人员相关的失业和再就业问题。

    Kunming is occupying the state-owned enterprise reform and the economical reforming crucial time , appeared massive unemployed person , moreover along with after the unemployment insurance and the axle , a more centralized reflection the unemployment and the re-employment question which will be connected for the cities unemployed person .

  29. 后来她终于说服了她的兄弟们带她去卡拉奇市,正是Shershah医生接待了她。

    Finally , she prevailed upon her brothers to take her to Karachi , where she was examined by Dr. Shershah .

  30. (我们的市政府正进行对抗麻醉剂运动。)

    Our city government is waging a campaign against narcotics .