
  1. 基于市场距离的R&D人员绩效考核研究

    Research on the Performance Measurement of R & D Personel Based on Market Distance

  2. 面向R&D人员绩效考核的市场距离概念拓展及案例研究

    Concept extension and case study of market distance toward R & D personnel performance appraisal

  3. R&D管理模式变迁下的市场距离研究初探

    Primary Research on the Market Distance under the Evolution of R & D Management Models

  4. 我国的检验检测市场距离中介检验检测市场还有多远(续一)

    How Far Is It for Chinese Testing and Inspection Market to Become a Commercial Market ( Continued ⅰ)

  5. 本研究以复合型绩效考核模式所坚持的权变思想为指导,从R&D人员市场距离的角度提出系列假设。

    Guided by the contingency idea in the comprehensive model , the paper points out a series of hypotheses from the view of the Market Distance .

  6. 它主要涉及生物活动基因编码过程的早期阶段,并且可以提供给治疗和诊断市场距离疾病源更近的产品。

    It deals with an earlier stage in the process of gene coding for biological activity , and could therefore offer therapies and diagnostic markets that catch a disease much closer to the source .

  7. 立足实践与市场零距离

    Base Our Education On Practice And Make A Zero-distance Contact With The Market

  8. 此外,中国企业动力十足,希望通过收购获得技术、品牌和分销渠道,拉近与关键市场的距离。

    Additionally , Chinese companies are motivated to make acquisitions in order to acquire technology , brands , distribution channels and improve proximity to key markets .

  9. 就连地理特征也成了一种障碍:和发达国家之间的距离相比,发达国家到新兴市场的距离往往比前者长三分之一。

    Even geography drives a wedge : on average , emerging markets tend to be more than one-third farther away from advanced markets than the latter are from each other .

  10. 在该调查中,许多受访的奢侈品机构都反馈称,奢侈品业务要想与平价市场拉开距离,就必须要把体验做到更高的水平。

    A theme that many of the luxury agencies consulted for the survey kept returning to was the idea that luxury brands will take bespoke experiences to new levels as a way to stand out from the mass market .

  11. 公司的使命感来自于缩短IT技术与市场需要的距离。

    The company 's mission is shortening distants from IT technology to market requirements .

  12. 显然,农户与交易市场之间的距离越远,所需要承担的交通费用和人工费用就会越高。

    Obviously , distance between farmer and market is farther , the cost is higher .

  13. 茂木先生还领导龟甲万开辟了其他的国外市场,就是距离本国较近的国家&中国。

    Mr Mogi is also taking Kikkoman into a foreign market rather closer to home : China .

  14. 相互作用herding模型定性上能很好地呈现一些真实的经济规律,但定量上与真实的市场还有一定的距离,特别是收益绝对值的自关联衰退得太快。

    Interacting herding model could capture some important properties of real market qualitatively , but it has some distance to real market quantitatively . Especially , the volatility auto-correlation decayed too rapidly in previous study .

  15. 客源市场在体现出游距离衰减规律的基础上,还叠加了开放度衰减和经济水平衰减的特征。

    In tourists ' market , it not only reflects the law of distance attenuation , but also superimposes open level and economic level attenuation characteristics .

  16. 基于全部样本的分析表明,企业社会责任对企业竞争优势没有显著影响,反映出我国企业的经营环境和经营行为离成熟的市场经济还有很大距离;

    The whole sample analysis shows that there is no significant influence , because there is a large gap between mature market economy and business behavior and environment of China 's enterprises .

  17. 当前我国高职教育人才培养存在系统偏差,这一偏差集中表现在人才培养的效果与市场需求之间的距离上,其原因是课程。

    Nowadays , there exist systemic deviation in talents cultivation in higher vocational education in China , which mainly embody in the deviation and distance between talents cultivation effect and market demand , and the directed reason result in the deviation is curriculum .

  18. 衡量市场条件优劣的一个最简单的指标是农户到交易市场的距离。

    Distance from farm household location to market is a simply index to measure the market condition is better or worse .