
  • 网络market access system;Market entry certification system
  1. WTO的市场准入制度

    The WTO 's Market Access System

  2. 一方面,《行政许可法》对于整个市场准入制度的改革有示范意义,对于建立适应WTO规则的市场准入制度有导向意义;

    The Act of Administrative License is a model either for the reform of whole market access system , or for change to WTO .

  3. WTO框架下我国外商直接投资市场准入制度及其完善

    The Improvement of Market Access of FDI Law in China under WTO

  4. 我国现行的外商直接投资市场准入制度与WTO有关多边国际投资协议的规定存在不少差距,尤其表现在国民待遇原则、取消数量限制原则和透明度原则这三个方面。

    But there are still some conflicts between the Chinese market access of FDI law and WTO rules .

  5. GATS下国际电信服务贸易的市场准入制度研究

    Research on Market Access System of International Telecommunications Services under GATS

  6. 在GATS中,市场准入制度是核心之一。

    In GATS , Market Access is one of core systems .

  7. 绿色贸易壁垒是一种新型的市场准入制度,它表现为多种形式,其法律依据是WTO的一些例外条款。

    Green trade barriers ( GTB ), which have many different forms , with some exceptional provisions of WTO as its legal basis , is a new type of market accession system .

  8. GATS框架下保险业市场准入制度中的核心&市场准入也是这场争论中的焦点之一。

    The center of the insurance market access system under the GATS frame , the market access , is the focus of the controversy .

  9. 建立统一的CA认证,以确立统一的行业标准。并在具体可操作的基础上,建立健全网络银行的信息披露制度、完善中国征信体系建设、网络银行市场准入制度、网络银行市场退出制度。

    We should establish a unified CA certificate and a unified feasible industry standard and perfect information disclosure system of internet bank . We also should improve our credit system , market access system and market exit system of Internet bank .

  10. 无论在非歧视规则方面还是在市场准入制度方面,NAFTA金融服务条款都比FSA更趋向于金融服务自由化。

    The financial service provisions of NAFTA are more tended to financial liberalization than FSA in WTO both on non - discriminatory rule and the market access rule .

  11. 这部分主要论述我国QDII中具体实施的法律制度,包括市场准入制度、托管人制度、信息披露制度、外汇管制制度以及投资者权益保护制度。

    This part focuses on the specific implementation of QDII in China , including the market access system , the trustee system , information disclosure system , foreign exchange control system and the system of investor protection .

  12. 文章通过理论与实际相结合的方法重点研究NAFTA金融服务条款中的非歧视规则和市场准入制度,以期对NAFTA金融服务条款有一全面透彻的了解,为FSA的进一步完善提供建设性意见。

    This dissertation stresses the NAFTA financial service provisions on the non-discriminatory rule and the market access rule , participating to have a thorough understanding to NAFTA financial service provisions and to provide some instructive suggestion to the consummating of FSA in WTO .

  13. 我国外资银行市场准入制度的局限性及其克服

    On the Limits of Foreign-Investment Bank Market Access System in China

  14. 全面实施食品包装市场准入制度切实保障食品安全

    Full Operation of Food Packaging Market Access to Ensure Food Safety

  15. 市场准入制度是政府对微观层次的经济运行进行规制的起点,是实施一系列后续措施的基础。

    Market access system is beginning of economic operation of regulating .

  16. 中国工程勘察设计市场准入制度改革研究

    The Chinese Engineering Investigation & Design the Market Admittance System Reformation Research

  17. 中国市场准入制度法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Issues of Market Access System in China

  18. 四是市场准入制度存在缺陷。

    Fourthly , the institution of market permission exists blemish .

  19. 通过建立市场准入制度,完善资格监督。

    Through the establishment of market access system , improve supervision qualification .

  20. 澳大利亚工程服务市场准入制度分析与启示

    Analysis and enlightenment of market access about Australian construction services

  21. 食醋生产企业如何迎接市场准入制度审查

    Acetum enterprises how to pass check of market license policy

  22. 我国药品生产市场准入制度的规制理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on the Regulation of Drug Manufacturing Market Access System in China

  23. 建立城轨交通系统市场准入制度的借鉴与思考

    Thoughts on Establishing Market Access System of Urban Transit

  24. 论中国外商投资股份有限公司市场准入制度

    Issues on Market Access System of Companies Limited by Shares with Foreign Investment

  25. 进一步健全农产品质量监测体系,推进市场准入制度;

    Furthering establishment of healthy agricultural product quality monitoring system and promoting market admittance ;

  26. 中外食品检验检疫法规及市场准入制度的比较研究

    A Study on the Food Inspection and Quarantine Regulations and the Market Administration System

  27. 食品质量安全市场准入制度对冷饮市场的影响

    The Effect of QS System on Beverage Market

  28. 完善食品质量安全市场准入制度促进中国醋业发展

    Improve the market admission rules of food 's safety ; develop Chinese vinegar industry

  29. 对关系国计民生的重要行业实行市场准入制度是必要的经济宏观调控手段。

    It is a necessary economic macro-control precaution to impose market access on vital industries .

  30. 第四部分就如何完善独立董事制度提出对策。论述了完善我国独立董事制度,必需建立独立董事市场准入制度与独立董事人才市场,适应市场选择机制;

    The forth part proposes some answers about how to better the independent director system .