  • cane;walking stick;staff;rod
  • flog with a stick
  • 扶着走路的棍子:手~。拐~。

  • 泛指棍棒:擀面~。禅~。

  • 古代刑罚之一,用棍打:~脊。

  • 古同“仗”,恃,凭倚。


(拐杖; 手杖) cane; walking stick; staff:

  • 扶杖而行

    walk with a cane


(泛指棍棒) rod; club:

  • 擀面杖

    rolling pin;

  • 拿刀动杖

    arm with weapons; play with sword or rod


[书] (用棍子打) flog with a stick:

  • 杖三十

    flog thirty strokes;

  • 杖责

    punish by flogging

  1. 他因作弊而受到苔杖抽打。

    He got the cane for cheating .

  2. 他们可以用盲杖感觉周围的东西。

    They can use the cane to feel things around them .

  3. 事故后我用了六个月的腋杖。

    After the accident I spent six months on crutches .

  4. 他说用占卜杖探测水源完全是胡说八道。

    He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense

  5. 四周没有了光亮,无论是在Ged的杉木法杖还是在他的脸上。

    There was no more light on Ged 's yew staff or in his face .

  6. 由于滑雪杖以及头盔里装有POV动作摄像机,所有体验都能够被捕捉成广角超高清质量的图像,传输到智能手机的屏幕上,或者给Facebook上的朋友观看。

    With point-of-view action cams attached to ski poles and helmets , the whole experience could be captured in wide-angle Ultra HD quality and streamed to a smartphone screen or out to watching friends on Facebook .

  7. 接着,在Ged法杖上的微光里,出现了一个人的身影,就站在Ged和Arren的上游,在巨大阴暗的石阵之间。

    Then slowly , glimmering a little as with that light that sometimes clung to Ged 's staff , the man appeared , standing some way upstream from Ged and Arren , among the great , dim masses of the boulders .

  8. 滑雪的时候,你必须紧抓着滑雪杖。

    When skiing , you must hold onto your poles tightly .

  9. 一个用探矿杖来发现地下水的人。

    Someone who uses a divining rod to find underground water .

  10. 有多少人能够拒绝“命运杖”呢?

    how many would resist " the Wand of Destiny " ?

  11. 怎么,你在屁股上还纹了探矿杖?

    What , you got a divining tattooed on your ass ?

  12. 对不公正的诋毁是杖有足够的赔偿的。

    There is no sufficient recompense for an unjust slander .

  13. “你的杖,你的竿,都安慰着我”

    " Thy rod and thy staff , they comfort me . "

  14. 修正有时候你能对自己使用嫉妒之杖的错误。

    Fixed bug where you could Rod of Envy yourself .

  15. 祂的杖,开著芳香的花卉和甘甜的果实。

    His rod blossoms with sweet flowers and nourishing fruits .

  16. 你尽管将我杖击而死。

    Beat me with canes till death if you will .

  17. 他们边走边将盲杖移到前面。

    They move the cane in front of them as they walk .

  18. 纺织前卷放羊毛或亚麻的杖。

    The staff on which wool or flax is wound before spinning .

  19. 他用杖抽断了麻的顶部。

    He swished off the tops of the nettles with his cane .

  20. 你不认为用笞杖打孩子很野蛮吗?

    Don 't you think caning young children is barbaric ?

  21. 你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。

    Your rod and your staff & they comfort me .

  22. 神总是用祂的竿和杖指引我们。

    God always sends His staff with His rod .

  23. 他那充满魔力的鱼钩法杖能让他变化无穷

    With the power of his magical fish hook .

  24. 她会和你一起舞礼仪杖吗?

    Ls she gonna do baton twirling with you ?

  25. 那个老人得用杖走路。

    The old man has to walk on crutches .

  26. 要把我的杖放在孩子脸上。

    Lay my staff on the boy 's face .

  27. 无知人背上受刑杖。

    But a rod is for the back of one who lacks sense .

  28. 她的脖子老是被树枝缠占卜杖一枝神圣的杆子我把绳子套在树枝上。

    Her neck kept getting entangled among the branches .

  29. 牧羊杖那部分把我的心完全撕碎了。

    And that part about the sheep-hook just tore my heart right out .

  30. 在断杖之役中,亡灵巫师们全军覆没了。

    The Necromancers are utterly destroyed in the War of the Broken Staff .
