
shì chǎnɡ huì lǜ
  • market exchange rate
  1. 最简单的方法就是,按相关时间期限内的市场汇率进行换算。

    The simplest method is just to take the market exchange rate over the period in question .

  2. 木材进出口应当密切关注国际市场汇率和原材料价格的动态

    Wood Importing and Exporting should Draw Close Attention to the International Market Exchange Rate and Fluctuation of Raw Ma - terial Price

  3. 按照市场汇率计算,非富国在全球gdp中所占的比例为38%。

    At market exchange rates , the non-rich share of world GDP comes to about 38 per cent .

  4. 按市场汇率换算,中国人均GDP为4282美元;按购买力平价汇率换算则为7517美元。

    In China , GDP per capita was $ 4,282 at market exchange rates , and $ 7,517 at PPP rates .

  5. 第一幅图展示的是,世界最大的三个经济体在全球GDP中所占的份额(各国GDP均按市场汇率换算成美元)。

    The first graph shows the share of the three largest countries in global GDP , all measured in US dollars at market exchange rates .

  6. 将中国的GDP以市场汇率转换成美元以此不能描述中国快速发展经济的正真水平并且进一步描述世界的增长。

    Converting China 's GDP into dollars at market exchange rates therefore understates the true size of its faster-growing economy and , in turn , understates world growth .

  7. 我们也可以换一种方法来比较不同经济体的gdp,不使用市场汇率,而是使用(假想的)购买力平价汇率。

    The alternative method of comparing GDP between economies is to abandon the use of market exchange rates , and to use ( hypothetical ) PPP exchange rates instead .

  8. 国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,以市场汇率计算,2009年全球产出将出现自二战以来首次下降。

    The International Monetary Fund said that world output , measured at market exchanges rates , would fall in 2009 for the first time since the Second World War .

  9. 上周,国际货币基金组织(IMF)下调了2009年的全球经济增长预期,从10月份的1.9%下调至仅有1.1%(按市场汇率计算)。

    Last week the International Monetary Fund reduced forecasts for world economic growth , at market exchange rates , in 2009 from the 1.9 per cent forecast as recently as October to a mere 1.1 per cent .

  10. 每当需要货币换算时,XXX将全权决定有关货币之间的通行市场汇率。

    In any event that currency conversion is required , XXX shall determine a rate of exchange to be the prevailing market rate of exchange between the relevant currencies .

  11. 以市场汇率计算,美国的经济规模依然是中国的两倍左右。但按照国际货币基金组织(IMF)的计算方法,以购买力平价衡量,美国的经济规模仅比中国高出30%。

    At market exchange rates , its economy is still roughly twice the size of China ' s. Yet , according to the International Monetary Fund , it is only 30 per cent larger , at purchasing power parity .

  12. 本文运用回归分析方法对PPP模型汇率预测的效果进行了实证检验,并就市场汇率经常偏离购买力平价的原因进行了分析。

    The article makes a testing on effect of exchange rates forecasting for PPP model using regression analysis , and gives some reasons why market actual exchange are not in line with those presented by PPP model .

  13. 购买力平价(ppp)而非市场汇率被视为衡量相对生活成本的更好尺度,因为它的衡量基础是各个家庭用本国货币所能购买的商品和服务。

    PPP , rather than market exchange rates , is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living , since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency .

  14. 汇率转换依据市场汇率确定。

    Exchange rate conversions are carried out at the market rate .

  15. 人民币汇率制度变化的历程也经历了官方汇率官方汇率与市场汇率并行单一的、有管理的浮动汇率三个阶段。

    Similarly , the reform of exchange rate experienced three stages .

  16. 美元在外汇市场汇率预期将走贬。

    The dollar is expected to fall in the foreign exchange markets .

  17. 市场汇率与汇率市场

    Market Foreign Exchange Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate Market

  18. 同样,市场汇率也夸大了不同经济区域的差异。

    Similarly , market exchange rates also exaggerate inequality .

  19. 新兴市场汇率政策与外债危机的理论分析

    Exchange Rate Policy and Debt Crises in Emerging Economies

  20. 与此同时,各国企业面临来自外汇市场汇率波动的风险也随之增加。

    At the same time , enterprises face increasing exchange risks from foreign exchange markets .

  21. 以及不公平的企业实践,串通设置低于市场汇率的工资。

    and the unfair practices of companies that collude to set wages below the market rate .

  22. 如果以市场汇率为基础,普通的美国人比普通的印度人要富裕35倍。

    On an exchange-rate basis , the average American is 35 times richer than the average Indian .

  23. 每日市场汇率平均数字

    Averages of daily market rates

  24. 1981年∽1993年为第二阶段,这一阶段官方汇率和市场汇率并存,即复汇率制度,不利于我国经济和对外贸易金融关系的发展。

    The second stage from 1981 to 1993 , official fixed exchange rate and marketing exchange rate coexisted .

  25. 因此富国穷国之间的工人福利差距比市场汇率所示的要小。

    The gap in worker welfare between rich and poor countries is therefore smaller than exchange rates suggest .

  26. 市场汇率与汇率市场为应对由此引发的市场汇率风险,金融创新层出不穷。

    Driving by the needs to manage the volatile exchange rate risk , financial innovations flourished in the market .

  27. 按市场汇率计算,日本是人均收入仍然比除新加坡以外的所有新兴工业化经济体高。

    Calculated at market exchange rates , Japan 's per-head income is still higher than all the NIEs except Singapore .

  28. 资本项目开放是指任何一个货币持有者都可以按照市场汇率自由地把该货币兑换成一种主要的国际储备货币。

    Capital account convertibility means each holder can exchange his money to another key international reserve money freely by market rate .

  29. 在中国决定让人民币随市场汇率灵活波动后的几周内,这份报告出现了。

    The report follows just a few weeks after China decided to let the yuan fluctuate more flexibly with market-based exchange rates .

  30. 这意味着,即使它们以人民币进行贸易,也依然要承受国际市场汇率波动的影响。

    This means that even if they traded in renminbi , they would still be subject to exchange rate volatility in world markets .