
  • 网络Brenner;Brunner;Robert Brenner;Malcolm Brenner
  1. 罗伯特o布伦纳曾在1989年到1997年间担任苹果公司工业设计总监,后来也为亚马逊首款电子阅读器Kindle的设计出过一份力。他对Fire手机的前景却要悲观得多。

    Robert Brunner , who served as Apple 's director of industrial design from 1989 to 1997 and later collaborated on the design of Amazon 's first Kindle e-reader , gave a much more pessimistic assessment .

  2. 但设计公司AmmunitionGroup的合伙人罗伯特•布伦纳(RobertBrunner)认为,这些设备的外观与它们的功能同等重要。AmmunitionGroup设计的产品包括BeatsbyDr.Dre耳机等。

    But Robert Brunner , partner at the design agency Ammunition Group , which works on products such as Beats by Dr Dre headphones , says the appearance of these devices is just as important as what they do .

  3. MTV电视台?的音乐记者布伦纳•埃利希认为,简单的结构以及独特的动感是《UptownFunk》颇受关注的原因。

    MTV music journalist Brenna Ehrlich wrote Uptown Funk had made such a big splash due to its structural simplicity and unique dynamism .

  4. 我决定与业内的几对夫妇取得联系,就从凯莉・怀特(KelliWhite)和斯科特・布伦纳(ScottBrenner)开始。他们是加利福尼亚州圣海伦娜(St.Helena)Press餐厅的侍酒师,现实生活中又是家庭伴侣。

    I decided to contact a few industry couples , starting with Kelli White and Scott Brenner , sommeliers at Press restaurant in St. Helena , Calif. , as well as domestic partners in real life .

  5. 布伦纳没有说具体的品种名字,但是他猜想没有品味的男人情况也许是一样的。

    Mr. Brenner resisted naming a particular varietal but speculated that uneducated men were probably on a parallel track .

  6. 今天,森森布伦纳对欧洲议员表示,他同他们一样,也厌恶国安局的窃听行为。

    Sensenbrenner told European law makers today he shares their distaste for over the top wiretapping by the NSA .

  7. 布伦纳认为,手机是一种私人物品,人们在挑选手机时会对设计格外在意。

    A phone is a personal object and conscious design choice on the part of its owner , Brunner argues .

  8. 在经过了80年代和90年代理论的相对沉寂之后,布伦纳的理论把危机理论引向了全球视野时代。

    After a relatively low ebb in the 1980s and the 1990s , Brenner 's theory pushes crisis theory into an era of global perspectives .

  9. 欧洲长期以来一直不满森森布伦纳支持《美国爱国者法案》,但现在这种情绪被美国国安局监听欧洲市民和领导人的愤怒所代替。

    Long held European discomfort with the Sensenbrenner sponsor Patriot Act has healing comparison to the outraged over alleged NSA spying on European citizens and leaders .

  10. 布伦纳没有说具体的品种名字,但是他猜想没有品味的男人“情况也许是一样的”。他是不是认为女人的味觉比男人好呢?

    Mr. Brenner resisted naming a particular varietal but speculated that uneducated men were " probably on a parallel track . " Did he think that women had better palates than men ?