
  • 网络bunyavirus;SFTSV;bunyamwera virus;Bunia virus
  1. 其他病毒,如甲病毒属、黄病毒属和布尼亚病毒属病毒可通过节肢动物传播给蝙蝠,但还不确定蝙蝠是不是这类病毒所致疾病的播散宿主。

    Other viruses such as certain alphaviruses , flaviviruses , and bunyaviruses , may infect bats via arthropods , but it is not clear whether bats are important reservoir hosts for these viruses .

  2. 泡状病毒样颗粒在大小和形态上,与洪涛等在培养细胞见到的EHF病毒以及其他学者观察的汉坦病毒和布尼亚病毒基本一致,为EHF病毒在人体脏器细胞的形态表现。

    The virus-like particles have the similar shape and size as were observed by Hong Tao in cultured tissuecells and by other authors on Hantaan virus and Bunyaviridae , we believe that the virus-like particles were the profile reflexion of the causative agents of EHF in human body cells .

  3. 裂谷热病毒是沙蝇病毒属的一个成员,即布尼亚病毒科五种病毒之一。

    RVF virus is a member of the Phlebovirus genus , one of the five genera in the family Bunyaviridae .

  4. 该病毒是布尼亚病毒的一个新的变种,而布尼亚感染常见于许多脊柱动物和节肢动物。

    The virus has been identified as a new variation of the Bunyaviridae , commonly found in vertebrates and arthropods .