
  • 网络BUCHANAN;James Buchanan;James M. Buchanan;James McGill Buchanan
  1. 布坎南说法官的那番话侮辱了他。

    Buchanan said he was insulted by the judge 's remarks .

  2. 布坎南从未就任过经选举产生的职位。

    Buchanan has never held elective office .

  3. 布坎南通过激发马厄的忠心和负罪感得到了他想要的东西。

    Buchanan pushed all the right buttons , appealing to Maher 's loyalty and to his guilt .

  4. 布坎南只是故意搅局还是对总统构成真正的威胁,这还有待观察。

    It still remains to be seen whether Buchanan will be just a gadfly or a real threat to the president .

  5. 以布坎南自己为例,他在母校田纳西州立大学(MiddleTennesseeStateUniversity)设立了多项奖学金(他后来又取得了芝加哥大学博士学位)。

    Take Buchanan himself , who endowed scholarships at his alma mater , Middle Tennessee State University ( he later gained a Chicago doctorate ) .

  6. 戴西的丈夫汤姆?布坎南(TomBuchanan)是个几乎瞧不起所有人的恶人。

    Tom Buchanan , Daisy 's husband , is an unkind man who looks down on almost everyone .

  7. M.布坎南作为公共选择理论的创始人,其政府失败论是公共选择理论的一个核心主题。

    As the founder of public choice theory , of which James M.Buchanan 's idea of " government failure " is the core theme .

  8. 这是更广泛和更深入的概念,这是一个组织'是',而不是什么'已经'(根据布坎南和Huczynski)。

    Itis wider and deeper concepts , something that an organization'is'rather than what it'has ' ( according to Buchanan and Huczynski ) .

  9. 比尔布坎南马上来接电话。

    Bill Buchanan will take the call in a moment .

  10. 我把韦恩帕默尔交给布坎南。

    I just dropped Wayne Palmer off with buchanan .

  11. 但是她没有让布坎南立即接受审讯。

    But instead of having the team do the interrogation of Buchanan onsite .

  12. 布坎南认为这多少与帕默有些联系。

    Buchanan thinks it 's linked to Palmer somehow .

  13. 布坎南宪政规则理论研究

    On the Constitutional Rules of Buchanan

  14. 布坎南的国家理论在某种程度上推动了当代西方乃至全球的政府改革和制度变迁实践。

    His theory has propelled the global government reform and institutional change practice in a way .

  15. 排在最后几位的总统是詹姆斯•布坎南、安德鲁•约翰逊、富兰克林•皮尔斯威廉•亨利•哈里森。

    Presidents James Buchanan , Andrew Johnson , Franklin Pierce and William Henry Harrison ranked worst overall .

  16. 敌方给予了还击,军舰返回了纽约,这使得布坎南显得非常孱弱。

    The state fired at it and it returned to New York , making Buchanan look weak .

  17. 布坎南怀疑希拉里.克林顿是否会愿意“屈从”于新总统之下。

    Professor Buchanan questions whether Senator Clinton will be willing " to subordinate herself " to the new president .

  18. 根据公共选择的分析,布坎南得出了政府会失灵的结论。

    Buchanan has educed the conclusion that the government would function abnormally according to the analysis of public choice .

  19. 布坎南对经济学和政治学进行了整合研究,为国家理论的研究打开了一个新视角。

    Buchanan has integrated Politics and Economics and opened a new perspective of the study of the state theory .

  20. 对于布坎南,很多人的印象仅限于“单身总统”,布坎南是林肯的上任,他的整个人生就是一个令人失望的悲剧。

    James Buchanan is recalled for being a bachelor president , the guy before Lincoln , and a hopeless failure .

  21. 公共选择最早是由布坎南提出的,它是政治学的经济理论,它运用新古典经济学的分析工具来研究集体决策的政治过程。

    It is politics economic theory and it uses neoclassic economic analysis tool to study the collective policy-making political process .

  22. 不过,布坎南的国家理论实质上是一种新自由主义思想,目的是为私有制和资本主义辩护。

    But his state theory is a kind of Neo-liberalism and is mainly to defend private ownership and capitalism essentially .

  23. 多娜茜2001年首先离开组合,布伊娜2005年离开单飞,布坎南则在去年被逐出乐队。

    Donaghy was the first to go in2001 , with Buena next in2005 and finally Buchanan was ousted last year .

  24. 虽然布坎南的国家观比较散乱,甚至会前后不一致,但是它们总体上已经形成了一个相对完整的国家理论体系。

    His visions of the state have constituted comparatively integrated system info , although they are incompact and even inconsistent sometimes .

  25. 1858年,一个以最近的方式安放在跨大西洋的电缆的电报信息被传送了,它是由英国皇后维多利亚打给布坎南总统的。

    In1858 , a telegraphed message from Britain 's Queen Victoria to President Buchanan was transmitted over the recently laid trans-Atlantic cable .

  26. “弗兰纳和布坎南”殡葬中心在2001年投资1000万美元建设了社区活动中心,但最初它并不受欢迎。

    Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Centers opened the $ 10 million Community Life Center in2001 , but it had a slow start .

  27. 追随弗里德。海耶克和詹姆斯。布坎南的右翼分子会把“社会公平”和“社会选择”当作胡话。

    Right-wingers who follow Friedrich Hayek or James Buchanan will treat " social justice " and " social choice " as nonsenses .

  28. 布坎南对此表示强烈怀疑:潜在的参与者直至进入市场才知道自己将会作何选择。

    Buchanan was radically sceptical : The potential participants do not know until they enter the process what their own choices will be .

  29. 布坎南认为应该重建一套经济和政治活动的宪法来对政府施加有效的约束。

    Buchanan suggests that a new constitution of the economic and political action should be founded in order to constraint the political action effectively .

  30. 对于政府存在的问题,笔者主要利用以布坎南和塔洛克为代表的公共选择学派的官僚理论来分析问题。

    Author mainly applies the theory of bureaucrat of Public Choice represented by Buchanan and Tullock to analyze the questions existing in the government .