
  • 网络GREENVILLE;Greeneville
  1. 此外,她的复制品出现在世界各地。在美国密歇根州格林维尔镇一年一度的丹麦节上,小美人鱼雕像的复制品和由乐高积木(Lego)搭成的安徒生雕像相伴出现。乐高积木同样原产于丹麦。

    In addition , replicas of her have popped up across the world , including in Greenville , Michigan , where it forms part of the town 's annual Danish Festival , along with a statue of Andersen -- made of Lego pieces , a product that originated in Denmark .

  2. 后来她进入北卡罗来纳州格林维尔的东卡罗莱纳大学学习表演。

    Then she studied acting at East Carolina University in Greenville , North Carolina .

  3. 但是迪克西大火在上周烧毁了格林维尔的大部分地区。

    But the Dixie fire burned most of the town of Greenville last week .

  4. 这里会成为另一个格林维尔。

    It 'll be Greenville all over again .

  5. 此外,他在格林维尔得到了他的第一张停车票。

    In addition , he got a parking ticket , his first one ever in Greenville .

  6. 1827年,18岁的安德鲁约翰逊在田纳西州的格林维尔迎娶了16岁的姑娘伊莱扎·麦卡德尔。

    A.In 1827 , in Greeneville , Tenn. , Eliza McCardle , 16 , married AndrewJohnson , 18 .

  7. 他的政治生涯就是从格林维尔开始的。他担任过格林维尔市长,美国副总统,直到1985年当选为美国总统。

    And from there his political career took off , from mayorof his town to governor to Vice President and finallyPresident 。

  8. 与此同时,格林维尔弗曼大学的詹姆斯·古思声称,在南部有一股宗教多元化的趋势。

    At the same time , says James Guth of Furman University in Greenville , there is a strong trend towards religious diversification in the South .