
  • 网络Brinell hardness;hbs;Bhn;hbw
  1. ASTM布氏硬度试验标准简介

    Brief introduction to standard for Brinell hardness testing of ASTM

  2. 利用椭圆环测量φ≤30mm试样的布氏硬度

    The measurement of indentation diameter of samples with φ ≤ 30mm for Brinell hardness test by elliptical ring

  3. 借助X射线衍射仪分析了材料结构,用布氏硬度计测试了材料硬度。

    The materials and wear debris were analysed by X-ray diffractometer .

  4. 硬度检测结果表明,复合材料的布氏硬度明显高于纯铝,而且随SiC颗粒含量的增加,布氏硬度值也呈增加趋势;

    Hardness results show that the HB hardness of composites is higher than aluminum obviously and with the increase of SiC particles content , HB hardness value also increases .

  5. 对压铸件中初生Si相与力学性能之间的关系进行了探讨,研究表明,随着初生硅等效圆直径的增大,抗拉强度和伸长率在逐渐减小,但是布氏硬度却在不断增大。

    The relationship between primary Si phase and mechanical properties were investigated , which indicated that with the increase of equivalent circle diameter of primary Si phase , the tensile strength and elongation decrease but the hardness increases .

  6. 相对于单纯加Cr,采用Cr+Sn的合金加入方式可以明显提高铸件的布氏硬度值和组织中的珠光体量,但对于提高珠光体的片间距等级和减少渗碳体量则效果不明显。

    Compared with the manner of addition Cr simply , add Cr with Sn can increase value of Brinell hardness and quanties of pearlite , but it has less influence on the upgrade of distance between commutator segments of pearlite .

  7. 本试验以中间合金的形式在铸造纯铜中加入稀土元素Ce,分析它对铸造纯铜的组织及导电性、抗拉强度、塑性、布氏硬度和耐磨性的影响。

    In this experiment , people join rare-earth element Ce in casting pure copper by the form of intermediate alloy and analyze its influences on behavior , conductivity , tensile strength , plasticity , hardness and wear resistant of casting pure coppers with different amount of Ce .

  8. 采用金相、布氏硬度、拉伸、DSC以及扫描电镜等研究手段研究了低温形变热处理对时效析出动力学、力学性能和拉伸断口的影响,以及时效时间对拉伸性能和拉伸断口的影响。

    The effect of low temperature thermomechanical treatment on precipitation kinetic , mechanical property and fracture morphology , as well as the influence of aging time on tensile property and fracture morphology was studied by means of metallography , Brinell hardness test , tensile test , DSC and TEM .

  9. 利用金相显微镜、布氏硬度计分析了随流孕育处理对WD615飞轮金相组织和断面敏感性的影响。

    The effects of instant stream inoculation process on the microstructure and section sensitivity of WD615 flywheel were investigated by using metallurgical microscope and Brinell hardness tester .

  10. 淬硬层以外区域的布氏硬度为200HB~204HB,也低于技术条件要求。

    Hardness of the outside area of quench hard layer was 200HB ~ 204HB , which was also lower than technological requirement .

  11. 本文根据布氏硬度(HBS)与洛氏硬度(HRC)之间的相关关系,采用数学回归分析方法,求出它们之间的数学表达式&数学回归直线方程,从而能定量地阐述两者之间的关系。

    In this paper , the correlativity between the Brinell hardness and the Rockwell hardness has been investigated by regression analysis , the regression equation between the Brined hardness and the Rockwell hardness is obtained , therefore the quantitative analysis can be carried out .

  12. 在玻璃纤维含量的40份时,复合材料的拉伸强度70MPa,缺口冲击强度11kJ/m~2,维卡软化点111℃,布氏硬度176MPa。

    When the fiber contents were 40 phr , the tensile strength was 70 MPa , impact strength 11kJ / m ~ 2 , vicat softening point 111 ℃ and hardness 176 MPa .

  13. 金属材料布氏硬度测量结果不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Brinell Hardness Test for Metallic Materials

  14. 标准金属布氏硬度块测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation on uncertainty in measurement for metallic Brinell hardness reference blocks

  15. 金属材料布氏硬度检测微控系统的设计

    The Micro-control System Devise of Metal Materials ' Ball Hardness

  16. 里氏硬度值与布氏硬度值、洛氏硬度值的关系

    Relationship of LeeB 's Hardness Value to Brinell and Rockwell Hardness Value

  17. 球形压头布氏硬度与洛氏硬度值之间的理论关系

    Theoretical relation between Hb and HR numbers for sphere-tipped indenter

  18. 热轧中厚板布氏硬度值测定方法

    Method for measurement on Brinell hardness of hot rolled plate

  19. HBM&3000型门式布氏硬度计的调整与修理

    Adjustment and Maintenance of the Gate-type HBM-3000 Brinell Hardness Tester

  20. 布氏硬度试验中测量不确定度的评定

    Evaluation About Uncertainty of the Measurement During Brinell Hardness Test

  21. 介绍2002版金属布氏硬度试验国家标准

    Introduction of 2002 Edition National Standard of Metallic Materials & Brinell Hardness Test

  22. 布氏硬度试验中0.102F/D~2值选择方法

    Selection Method of 0.102 F / D ~ 2 in Brinell Hardness Test

  23. 铁基烧结材料布氏硬度与孔隙度的关系

    The relationship between hardness Hb and the cavity rate of iron-base sintering material

  24. 布氏硬度计的单片机测控系统的研制

    The Development of Inspection and Control System Used in Brinell Hardness with SCM

  25. 经大肠镜高频电切治疗大肠息肉32例分析布氏硬度测量放大镜

    Analysis of high frequency electronic treatment through endoscope for 32 cases of colic polyp

  26. 灰铸铁牌号及铸件壁厚与布氏硬度的对应关系

    Relationship between grades and hardness of gray irons

  27. 布氏硬度试验误差分析及排除

    Analysis and elimination of errors in Brinell-hardness test

  28. 根据布氏硬度试验的原理,提出一种在万能材料试验机上进行布氏硬度试验的方法。

    An investigation was made on brinell hardness test with a universal material testing machine .

  29. 除非业主另有说明,布氏硬度限制适用于经焊后热处理的焊缝。

    Unless otherwise indicated by employer , Brinell hardness limits apply to welds after pwht .

  30. 金属试样厚度对布氏硬度值的影响

    Effect of Specimen Thickness on Brinell Hardness