
  • 网络Buganda;Baganda
  1. 卡苏比的布干达王国诸王墓葬

    Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi

  2. 一位乌干达男子向警方自首,承认自己在本月早些时候防火烧了五座布干达国王的皇家坟墓。

    A man has turned himself in to Ugandan police and confessed to setting fire to five royal tombs of the traditional Buganda kings earlier this month .

  3. 布干达警方表示,在悼念一系列王室陵墓被大火烧毁的仪式上发生踩踏事件,造成一人死亡。

    Police in Uganda say one person has been killed in a stampede at a ceremony to mourn the destruction by fire of a series of royal tombs .

  4. 布干达长期以来一直要求为其国王争取更多正式的政治权利,同时希望控制自己传统的土地和领土,包括首都坎帕拉和周边地区。

    The Buganda have long demanded more formal political powers for their king as well as control over their traditional land , territory that includes the capital Kampala and its surrounding districts .