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  • slave trade
  1. 利物浦是靠奴隶贸易肥起来的。

    Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade .

  2. 去年,英国首相托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)克服了这个问题,他对奴隶贸易“表示遗憾”。

    Last year , Tony Blair overcame that problem by " expressing regret " for the slave trade .

  3. 制止非洲奴隶贸易条约

    Treaty for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade , 1841

  4. 他的父亲是个种植园主,曾参加过奴隶贸易。

    His father traded in slaves and was a farmer .

  5. 南特港一本万利的奴隶贸易几乎完全停止。

    Nantes had its profitable slave trade reduced to nothing .

  6. 作者揭示了奴隶贸易的广泛存在。

    The author shows just how extensive that trade was .

  7. 自延续250年的跨大西洋奴隶贸易开始以来,外国人经管了安哥拉大部分事务。

    Foreigners have run most things in Angola since the 250-year transatlantic slave trade .

  8. 当1838年奴隶贸易被废除时,昔日的努力们沿袭了狂欢节这一风俗。

    When the slave trade was abolished in1838 the former slaves took over the carnival .

  9. 阿拉伯人与东非奴隶贸易

    Arabian and East African Slave Trade

  10. 杰斐逊支持减税,并于1807年主持废除奴隶贸易。

    He advocated tax cuts and presided over the abolition of the slave trade in 1807 .

  11. 奴隶制是欧洲奴隶贸易和美国国内生产发展需要的结果。

    Slavery was a result of European slave trade and need for the production in American .

  12. 渊凯人会从事奴隶贸易,而弥林人不会,这就是我们协定的。

    Yunkai will trade in slaves , Meereen will not , this is what we have agreed .

  13. 这个数字是在跨大西洋奴隶贸易中从非洲被贩卖的黑奴总数的两倍。

    That 's double the amount of people taken from Africa during the entire trans-Atlantic slave trade .

  14. 同时,由于美国国内经济发展的需要,国内的奴隶贸易也在继续。

    Meanwhile , because of the domestic need for economic development , the internal slave trade went on .

  15. 非洲尚未从奴隶贸易的破坏中,或从其后的殖民时代恢复元气。

    Africa has yet to recover from the ravages of the slave trade or the subsequent era of colonization .

  16. 对外奴隶贸易现在并未能完全加以禁止,最后在一个地区中必将全面恢复;

    The foreign slave trade , now imperfectly suppressed , would be ultimately revived without restriction in one section ,

  17. 由于奴隶贸易的受益与部落酋长的财富的结合是如此之紧密,所以当地奴隶制的废除就非常难。

    So integral did the slave trade become to the local chiefs ' welfare that its abolition hit hard .

  18. 国际性的社会运动中,首当其冲的是废除奴隶制和奴隶贸易。

    The first international social movement was the abolitionist campaign to do away with slavery and the slave trade .

  19. 就大西洋奴隶贸易而言,以往非洲国内的奴隶一般都是战败部落的成员。

    As far as the Atlantic Slave Trade was concerned , in-country African slaves were typically members of a defeated tribe .

  20. 推动平等的活动人士呼吁,与奴隶贸易有历史渊源的英国企业应公开道歉并为非洲的发展项目提供帮助。

    Equality campaigners have called for British businesses with historic roots in slave trading to apologise and help development projects in Africa .

  21. 这本书只稍稍涉及了一下战争的原因,并没有公正评价奴隶贸易的影响。

    The book only touches on the causes of the war and does not do justice to the influence of the slave trade .

  22. 桑给巴尔人发现门道:最好的办法就是明里臣服于英国,暗里继续进行奴隶贸易。

    The zanzibaris learned that the best course was publicly to give in to the British , and then just continue trading slaves .

  23. 非洲奴隶贸易中心,包括塞内加尔的戈雷岛和迦纳的海岸角城堡对美国黑人旅游者来说特别有吸引力。

    Sites central to the African slave trade including Senegal 's Goree Island and Ghana 's Cape Coast Castle are especially attractive to black American tourists .

  24. 海登是一个非裔美国诗人,他专注于描写奴隶贸易的多韵抒情叙事诗。

    Hayden was an African American poet who managed , in this brief epic , to bring the slave trade into lyrical focus with a polyphony of voices .

  25. 联合国现在开始宣传让全世界的设计者知道,联合国正在为奴隶制和跨大西洋奴隶贸易受害者永久纪念碑广征设计方案。

    Efforts now begin to let designers around the world know that the Permanent Memorial Committee on Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is now accepting their ideas .

  26. 奴隶制和跨大西洋奴隶贸易受害者国际纪念日是纪念那些数百万给强行赶出家园,沦为奴隶的非洲人。

    The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery .

  27. 但在另一方面,在18世纪还在积极参与奴隶贸易的英国,到了19世纪却发动了海军力量进行废奴运动。

    On the other hand , the Britain that had enthusiastically participated in the slave trade in the 1700s threw its naval might into a crusade to banish slavery from the world in the 19th century .

  28. 这座雕塑将矗立在联合国纽约总部,正式名称是联合国奴隶制和跨大西洋奴隶贸易受害者永久纪念碑。

    The sculpture will be located at U.N. headquarters in New York . Its official name is The Permanent Memorial at the United Nations in Honor of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade .

  29. 虽然沿河流域和沿海地区是葡萄牙人最先殖民的地方(葡萄牙从17世纪开始在这些地区进行奴隶贸易),内陆地区直到19世纪才开始有人去探索。

    Though the rivers and coast of this area were among the first places colonized by the Portuguese , who began the slave trade in the 17th century , the interior was not explored until the 19th century .

  30. 在有关奴隶贸易的小说中,菲利普斯试图以全景式的描述揭示横跨大西洋的奴隶贸易对于黑人奴隶、白人奴隶贩卖者及种植园主的影响,抨击奴隶制度的残忍。

    In his novels on the slave trade , Phillips tries to present a panoramic view of the transatlantic trade and expose its impact on the black slaves , the white slave traders and plantation owners and vehemently attacks the cruelty of slavery .