
nú lì zhǔ
  • slave owner;slaveholder
奴隶主 [nú lì zhǔ]
  • [slave owner] 完全拥有奴隶与生产资料的人

奴隶主[nú lì zhǔ]
  1. 你是国内最大的奴隶主

    You 're the biggest slave owner in the state .

  2. 当奴隶主去世之后,奴隶会被活埋,与牺牲一起作为活人祭品。

    After the slave owner died , the slaves were often buried alive as human sacrifice together with animal offerings .

  3. 奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。

    Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage .

  4. 1777年,北方的几个州鼓励白人奴隶主解放奴隶,让他们参军。

    In 1777 several northern states encouraged white masters to free their slaves for military service .

  5. 奴隶主把奴隶当作牛马任意驱使。

    The slave owners drove their slaves as they drove their cattle .

  6. 《已知的世界》是美国黑人作家爱德华·P·琼斯写的一部关于黑人奴隶主的小说,小说出版后好评如潮。

    Edward P. Jones ' The Known World , a novel about black slaveholders , has received high praise ever since it was published .

  7. 他出演过IQ奇高的大侦探,充满内心矛盾的奴隶主和专爆政府隐私的记者。

    Hes played a super sleuth with an IQ through the roof , a slave-owner with a conflicted heart and a journalist hell bent on revealing government secrets .

  8. 奴隶主们靠奴隶的艰辛劳动发财。

    Slave owners grew rich on the hard work of slaves .

  9. 我国也还有奴隶主所有制,也还有封建主所有制。

    Similarly , slave ownership and feudal ownership still exist .

  10. 杰斐逊认为奴隶制导致奴隶主和奴隶之间处于一种战争状态。

    Jefferson saw slavery as a state of war between master and slave .

  11. 再也没有握着刀子的奴隶主了。

    There were no more masters of the sword .

  12. 奴隶主就烧掉他们所有的房子。

    the slaveholders burned down all of their houses .

  13. 他讲述了奴隶主每天是如殴打奴隶的。

    He told how slave owners beat slaves everyday .

  14. 同时,他还致力于抨击奴隶主在国会的权力。

    He also devoted himself to attacking the power slave owners had in Congress .

  15. 商周至先秦时期的艺术家的工作是为了实现奴隶主贵族实用功利目的;

    During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties art is for utilitarian purposes for the slaveholders .

  16. 这样奴隶主贵族转变成了封建地主,原来耕种井田的奴隶转变成为农民。

    Thus , slave-owners became feudal landlords , while slaves tilling well fields became peasants .

  17. 可是其本质仍是为维护西周奴隶主贵族的统治服务的。

    Its essence was still to maintain the governance of slave-owner nobility of Zhou Dynasty .

  18. 哈德良禁止奴隶主不经过地方法官的判决就处死其奴隶。

    Hadrian forbade masters to kill their slaves except upon the judgement of a magistrate .

  19. 古代印度的土地制度是村社或国家所有,实质是王有而不是奴隶主个人私有。

    The land was nationally owned in ancient India rather than privately owned by the landlords .

  20. 论内战前美国南部奴隶主群体的社会位置与社会控制力

    On the Social Position of the Slaveholders in Antebellum Southern America and Their Social Control Ability

  21. 他真是个奴隶主。

    He was a real slave-driver .

  22. 奴隶主是由氏族贵族转化而来的,处于统治地位。广大劳动者为奴隶身份。

    Slave owners evolving from clan nobles were in dominant position and the mass laborers were slaves .

  23. 在南方,奴隶制是一种生活方式,对非奴隶主也是如此。

    In the south , slavery is a way of life , even for non - slave owners .

  24. 她最大的成就在于她成了奴隶主们闻之色变的符号,而不仅仅是她救出了几百号人。

    She was far more effective as the symbolth at they feared than the few hundred that she saved .

  25. 国王、贵族和奴隶主会以各种各样的名义剥削他们。

    Both guo ren and ye ren were exploited by the king , nobles or slave owners under various names .

  26. 你这个狠毒的坏蛋!我说,你真像个杀人犯&你像个奴隶主。

    Wicked , cruel boy ! I said . You are like a murderer - you are like a slave-driver !

  27. 商朝奴隶主贵族依靠这样庞大的国家机器对广大奴隶和平民进行残酷的经济剥削和政治压迫。

    Slave owners and nobles wielded such a colossal state apparatus to exploit and oppress the majority of slaves and common-ers .

  28. 目前还不清楚行凶者是困惑的反法西斯分子还是为驱逐邦联军和奴隶主进行报复的法西斯分子。

    It was unclear whether the perpetrators were confused antifascists or fascists , retaliating for the removal of Confederates and slaveholders .

  29. 对各家观点加以认真梳理,认为这是一首反映贵族阶层爱情婚姻观念的诗篇,是奴隶主贵族阶级所追求的理想婚姻。

    The paper believes that the poem reflects the concept of love and marriage hold by noble class of that time .

  30. 白陶器因其质地坚硬,洁净美观,做工考究而成为奴隶主贵族的专有物品。

    Due to the hardness , lustration , and fine craftsmanship , white potteries be-came the objects used exclusively by slaveholders .