
nú huà
  • enslave
奴化 [nú huà]
  • [enslave] 采用手段使被自己侵略的民族不再反抗,甘心受奴役

奴化[nú huà]
  1. 日本侵华期间对河北省的奴化教育

    Japanese Enslavement Education in HeBei Province During the Invasion to China

  2. 一切包含奴化思想的文化,都属于这一类。

    Into this category falls all culture embodying a slave ideology .

  3. 协调性道德,奴化色彩成为其主要内容。

    Harmony and enslave become the main parts of it .

  4. 日军对厦门的经济掠夺与奴化教育述论

    On Japanese Economic Plunder and Servitude Education in Xiamen

  5. 法国在近代越南的殖民奴化教育;

    France colonialist carried out the assimilating and enslaving education policy in Vietnam ;

  6. 革命根据地反奴化教育的斗争

    The struggle against enslaving education in the revolutionary bases

  7. 无论是学校教育还是社会教育,都是日伪实施奴化教育的重要场所。

    Whether school education or social education were the important ground for enslaving .

  8. 本文以日本在中国东北推行的奴化教育为研究对象。

    Introduce Japan in Northeast of China colonial education .

  9. 而造成这一历史循环的助推者之一就是一切奴化的、封建主义和法西斯主义的文化和教育,即奴性文化。

    The cause of this historical cycle to aid one is the Servile Culture .

  10. 沦陷区的职业学校是日伪奴化教育的重要基地。

    The vocational school was the important base that enslaving education of Puppet Government .

  11. 撒旦的办法是在他成功的目标奴化世界。

    Satan is well on the way to success in his goal of enslaving the world .

  12. 日据大连时期的奴化教育实质

    The Essence of the Education Aimed at Enslavement in the Period of Japanese Occupation of Dalian

  13. 它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶。

    It is the accomplice of Japanese invaders to carry out ideological enslavement activities in enemy-occupied area .

  14. 在奴化的思想环境中曾经有过,以后也会出现伟大的思想家。

    There have been , and may again be great thinker in a general atmosphere of mental slavery .

  15. 第二部分介绍日伪较为完备的教育行政管理体系和奴化教育方针。

    Japanese Puppet Regime , introduced the second part of a more comprehensive system of educational administration and policy of enslaving education .

  16. 前者在一定程度上推进了西方科学文化知识在中国的传播,而后者则是一种彻头彻尾的奴化教育。

    The former was engaged in enslaving education while the latter promoted the distribution of Western science and technology to a certain extend .

  17. 通过对奴化教育的政策、机构、内容的分析研究,揭露了日本侵略中国的野心与学校奴化教育的本质。

    Through colonial education policies , institutions , content analysis exposed the Japanese invasion of China ambitions and the nature of education schools .

  18. 包括通过新闻、广播进行侵略、利用鸦片毒化的奴化、利用宗教进行社会奴化等。

    Including through the press , radio aggressive , use of opium poisoning enslaving the use of religion , social enslaving , etc. .

  19. 教会学校对中国学生施行宗教教育和奴化教育,麻痹了中国学生的意志,弱化了他们的民族意识,起到了精神鸦片的消极作用;

    Like spiritual opium , they weaken the will of the Chinese students and their national consciousness by religious misguidance and enslaving education .

  20. 沦陷时期,北平的妇女报刊是日伪政权推行奴化教育宣传的一个重要阵地。

    The women press in Japanese-occupied Beiping is an important position of the puppet regime sponsored by the Japanese to carry out the enslaving education .

  21. 日本发动侵华战争时深谙这一点,战争刚开始即大肆轰炸学校,采取奴化教育,企图摧毁我国的教育事业。

    When Japan lunched the war to invade China , they bombed the school in great force and took the enslavement education to destroy our cause .

  22. 定县日伪通过军事高压、经济掠夺和奴化教育三种手段对定县人民进行全方面的控制和掠夺。

    They controlled and plundered the peoples in Ding County through three methods : high-handed policy in military affairs , economic plunder , and enslavement education .

  23. 日伪在东北实施的奴化教育贯穿整个抗战时期,日渐强化,其目的在于加强殖民统治,奴化中国人民。

    The colonial education in the Northeast lasted and increased during the whole War period with the aim of strengthening its colonial rule , enslaved Chinese people .

  24. 在英语中的意思是奴化:为了取悦别人,表现得非常顺从。

    In English the word means to be servile : to behave in an extremely submissive way in order to please somebody in a position of authority .

  25. 抗战时期日本在中国的奴化教育日据吉林时期的文化专制与奴化教育

    Japanese education of enslavement in China during War of Resistance against Japan period On It 's Cultural Autocracy and Education of Enslavement When Japan Occupied Northeastern China

  26. 废除传统教育变相“奴化”学生人格的做法,自觉发展学生以创新为内核的主体性人格;

    To do away with enslaving students ′ personality in disguised form , of traditional education , while be aware of developing students ′ personality creating-kernel topic ;

  27. 主要有对学校的恢复和整顿、片面强调留日教育、加强社会教育,目的是把奴化教育的触角伸到全社会。

    Resumed and reorganized the school education , encouraged study abroad in Japan , strengthen social education . The education of enslavement was extended to all over the society .

  28. 这种菲勒斯中心意识是打着爱情的幌子,其奴化女性的本质具有很大的遮蔽性,致使女性在拜伦式英雄的爱情陷阱中牺牲自我、丧失自我,沦为爱的囚徒。

    Because the Phallic-centrism exerts its constraints in the name of love , its female-enslaving nature is camouflaged and drives the females to an absolute sacrifice and loss of self .

  29. 日本侵华时期沦陷区奴化教育的企图、性质与控制四十年代国统区与沦陷区小说中的知识分子形象研究

    Summary on Enslavement Education in Enemy-Occupied Area during Japanese Invasion Period ; The Study on the Images of Intellectuals in the KMT-controlled Areas and the Enemy-occupied Areas in the 1940s

  30. 日本强制推行日本语教育的做法,带有浓厚的奴化色彩,为侵略战争和殖民统治服务,属于文化侵略活动。

    The coercive enforcement of Japanese education was a kind of enslavement education and served the Japanese invasion war and colonial rule , and therefore , it is in nature cultural invasion .