
bǎo jiǎ zhì dù
  • the Bao-Jia system;neighbourhood administrative system
保甲制度[bǎo jiǎ zhì dù]
  1. 本文运用大量档案资料,分析了战后保甲制度在嘉兴地区的运作情况。

    Using a large amount of file materials , this text analyses the Bao-Jia system in the operation in Jia xing county after the war .

  2. 20世纪30&40年代,甘肃地方政权奉命推行保甲制度,试图以此来加强对基层社会的控制。

    During 1930s and 1940s , Gansu provincial government was required to implement the Bao-Jia system with a view of strengthening the control over grassroots society .

  3. 20世纪30-40年代,甘肃省政府奉令推行保甲制度。

    In the 30-40s of the 20th century , Gansu Government received order and pursued the Bao-jia system .

  4. 结果分析了自清中后期始逐渐形成的以保甲制度为基础的社区管理、相应空间结构及其组织秩序。

    Results Making analysis of the evolvement context of the city and the administration system of the late Qing Dynasty .

  5. 主要是从三个方面,即国家对乡村社会控制与管理所采取的方式&保甲制度、民间乡绅和宗族的治理。

    It is mainly from three aspects , i.e. government control and management over rural areas & the Bao-Jia system , management of folk squires and clans in rural society .

  6. 本部分重点论述这一时期保甲制度在新疆实施的过程,保甲制度机构组成,保甲的任用以及作用等。

    This part concentrates on the process of the implementation of the tithing security system in Xinjiang , the institutional formation of it and the appointment of the tithing security system and their functions .

  7. 第一部分对三藩之乱前徽州社会做了介绍,清政府通过增加驻防军以维护徽州的稳定,利用保甲制度加强对徽州百姓的控制。

    The first part has an introduction to the society of Huizhou before Revolt of the Three Feudatories . The Qing government maintained the stability of Huizhou by increasing the garrison and used the Bao-Jia system to strengthen the control of Huizhou people .

  8. 《康熙休宁县保甲烟户册》对保甲与户籍制度、徽州地方社会等研究有重要价值。

    The Bao Jia Residence Booklet of Baoning County During the Reign of the Qing Emperor Kangxi is of great value to the study of residence registration system and social studies in the Anhui province .

  9. 颁布《宁夏省各县保甲人员服务规程》,开始在全省范围内实行连环具结的保甲制度,防范红军。

    Promulgated the " county of Ningxia province Baojia service order " and began a series of province-wide implementation of the Baojia recognizance system in order to prevent the Red Army .